双城记书虫读后感英语(双城记读后感 英语的 100字 初三水平 要原创)

发布时间: 2023-04-05 13:33:54 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 114


双城记书虫读后感英语(双城记读后感 英语的 100字 初三水平 要原创)


Two Friends and a Bear
One day two young men are walking in a big forest.One is fat ,and the other is thin."We are good friends.we must help each other.If we meet any beast,I'll help you,"the thin man says."I'll help you,too," the fat one says.They walk on.After a while they hear a great noise.It is a big bear.It is coming this way.
The two young men run away quickly.One of them climbs up a tree,and hides among the leaves.He forgets all about his friend.What about the fat one?He is too fat to climb up a tree.So he throws himself on the ground,closes his eyes,and pretends to be dead." The bear will think I'm dead," he thinks to himself.
Soon the bear comes up to the fat man,and even puts its nose to his mouth and ears.The fat man holds his breath.
The bear thinks he is dead,so it goes away,because bears never touch the dead.The man in the tree comes down.With a smile he asks his friend," The bear puts its nose so close to your ears.What does it say to you?"
The friend answers," The bear says,' Don't trust your friend.He runs away from you when you need his help most."
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The sun and the clouds are very good firends.They are high above inthe sky.They often play outside.
When the sun is playing with the cloude,they feel very hot.
When the sun is playing with the winds,they run away.
sometimes they laugh,sing and jump.sometimes they run,shout and cry.they never stop playing and they always have a good time.

双城记读后感英语版 100字左右 最好带翻译

这是我看完《双城记》后写的英文读后感,并作为英语周记发给了我的English teacher,现在拿出来share一下
A tragedy of the history
Crazily,but truthfully,I finished reading the most part of the novel "A Tale of Two Cities" in just one day.Lost in the story,I felt like being together with the characters and experiencing the same exciting events.Soon it came to an end.To tell you my feelings,it's infinite sadness and a strong emotion that can drive me to cry.
The story is set in London and Paris at the time of the great French Revolution.It shows the causes of revolution and its effects on people's day-to-day lives.Before the revolution,the King and the aristocracy treated their people cruelly in France.The common people were extremely poor and miserable.The crops in the fields were poor as if even the land shared the misery of the people.And there were so heavy taxes that all the villagers had nothing to hand over at last.On the other hand,the aristocracy made their will as the law by using money and gold.There were no justice,no equality and no fairness.Just as what happened to Dr Manette,he wrote to the Minister to show the crime what Marquis Evremonde had done,resulting in himself being arrested and sent to the prison Bastille without any reason.

双城记读后感 英语的 100字 初三水平 要原创

如题 速度
“书虫”丛书“书虫”是外语教学与研究出版社和牛津大学出版社共同奉献给广大英语学习者的一大精品。如今这只“书虫”漂洋过海,轻盈地落在了中国英语学习者的掌中。“书虫”首先将给你自信,即使你目前只有几百的词汇量,也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了。书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你:要坚持不懈地读下去,要广泛而丰富地读下去。待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹画碟,振翅欲翔了! “书虫”系列丛书主要用于英语阅读的启蒙和提高。 中英双语对照阅读,提高阅读量,扩增单词量。建议初学者能熟练的掌握3-5本,通读100本左右。对英语的提高很有好处。 第一级:300生词量,适合初一、初二学生,分上、下两册,共20本 上册: 1、《爱情与金钱》 2、《苏格兰玛丽女王》 3、《在月亮下面》 4、《潘德尔的巫师》 5、《歌剧院的幽灵》 6、《猴爪》 7、《象人》 8、《世界上最冷的地方》 9、《阿拉丁和神灯》 10、《别了,好莱坞先生》 下册 1、《小公主》 2、《邦蒂号暴动》 3、《奥米茄文件》 4、《谁谋杀了总统》 5、《福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子》 6、《白色死亡》 7、《绿野仙踪》 8、《难忘米兰达》 9、《福尔摩斯与赛马》 10、《汤姆·索亚历险记》 第二级:600生词量,适合初二、初三学生,8本 1、《威廉·莎士比亚》 2、《一个国王的爱情故事》 3、《亡灵岛》 4、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 5、《鲁宾孙漂流记》 6、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》 7、《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》 8、《五个孩子和沙精》 第三级:1000生词量,适合初三、高一学生,分上册7本,下册8本 上册 1、《弗兰肯斯坦》 2、《野性的呼唤》 3、《秘密花园》 4、《曾达的囚徒》 5、《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》 6、《风语河岸柳》 7、《神秘幻想故事集》 下册: 1、《圣诞欢歌》 2、《多里安·格雷的画像》 3、《勃朗特一家的故事》 4、《牙齿和爪子》 5、《星际动物园》 6、《诱拐》 7、《公正》 8、《化学秘密》 第四级:1500生词量,适合高一、高二学生,分上册5本,下册6本 上册: 1、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》 2、《不平静的坟墓》 3、《三怪客泛舟记》 4、《三十九级台阶》 5、《小妇人》 下册: 1、《黑骏马》 2、《织工马南》 3、《双城记》 4、《格列佛游记》 5、《金银岛》 6、《化身博士》 第五级:2000生词量,适合高二、高三学生,共4本。 1、《远大前程》 2、《大卫·科波菲尔》 3、《呼啸山庄》 4、《远离尘嚣》 5、《理智与情感》 6、《园会》 第六级:2300生词量,适合高三、大学低年级学生,共4本 1、《简·爱》 2、《雾都孤儿》 3、《傲慢与偏见》 4、《苔丝》 5、《白衣女人》 入门级:适合小学高年级,初一共十本 1 《生存游戏》 2《侠盗罗宾汉 》 3《白色巨石》 4《红酋长的赎金》 5《吸血鬼猎手 》 6《逆戟鲸》 7《雾都疑案》 8《亚瑟王传奇》 9《亚瑟王朝里的美国人》 10《把钱拿出来》建议你根据自己的年级选择一本阅读,里面是中英对照的,不是很难,如果需要帮忙,可以联系我,给我留言就可以了。


Two Friends and a Bear
One day two young men are walking in a big forest. One is fat , and the other is thin."We are good friends. we must help each other. If we meet any beast, I'll help you,"the thin man says."I'll help you, too," the fat one says. They walk on. After a while they hear a great noise. It is a big bear. It is coming this way.
The two young men run away quickly. One of them climbs up a tree, and hides among the leaves. He forgets all about his friend. What about the fat one? He is too fat to climb up a tree. So he throws himself on the ground, closes his eyes, and pretends to be dead. " The bear will think I'm dead," he thinks to himself.
Soon the bear comes up to the fat man, and even puts its nose to his mouth and ears. The fat man holds his breath.
The bear thinks he is dead, so it goes away, because bears never touch the dead. The man in the tree comes down. With a smile he asks his friend, " The bear puts its nose so close to your ears. What does it say to you?"
The friend answers, " The bear says, ' Don't trust your friend. He runs away from you when you need his help most."
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The sun and the clouds are very good firends. They are high above inthe sky.They often play outside.
When the sun is playing with the cloude,they feel very hot.
When the sun is playing with the winds,they run away.
sometimes they laugh,sing and jump.sometimes they run,shout and cry.they never stop playing and they always have a good time.

《书虫》英语读后感 初一水平

跪求《书虫》英语读后感 初一水平
Two Friends and a Bear
One day two young men are walking in a big forest. One is fat , and the other is thin."We are good friends. we must help each other. If we meet any beast, I'll help you,"the thin man says."I'll help you, too," the fat one says. They walk on. After a while they hear a great noise. It is a big bear. It is coming this way.
The two young men run away quickly. One of them climbs up a tree, and hides among the leaves. He forgets all about his friend. What about the fat one? He is too fat to climb up a tree. So he throws himself on the ground, closes his eyes, and pretends to be dead. " The bear will think I'm dead," he thinks to himself.
Soon the bear comes up to the fat man, and even puts its nose to his mouth and ears. The fat man holds his breath.
The bear thinks he is dead, so it goes away, because bears never touch the dead. The man in the tree comes down. With a smile he asks his friend, " The bear puts its nose so close to your ears. What does it say to you?"
The friend answers, " The bear says, ' Don't trust your friend. He runs away from you when you need his help most."
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The sun and the clouds are very good firends. They are high above inthe sky.They often play outside.
When the sun is playing with the cloude,they feel very hot.
When the sun is playing with the winds,they run away.
sometimes they laugh,sing and jump.sometimes they run,shout and cry.they never stop playing and they always have a good time.
本文标题: 双城记书虫读后感英语(双城记读后感 英语的 100字 初三水平 要原创)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/299263.html



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