rip van winklw读后感(看过rip van winkle这书的读后感)

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rip van winklw读后感(看过rip van winkle这书的读后感)

rip van winkle评价

小说《瑞普·凡·温克》(Rip van Winkle)是美国小说家及历史家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving, 1783-1859)的名篇。以下内容可以参考:)~~
RIP VAN WINKLE is a famous tale written by Washington Erving,telling about a story in which an old man named Rip drank some beverage and fell into asleep for 20 years.After that,he returned to the villege where he came from,and found everything changed.People talked about revolution and election,and he has no idea of what that meaned.There have been many comments on this tale saying that it shows Erving'sattitude againstthe American revolution,and his approving of the past.On reading it the second time,it occured to me that Erving only showed his bewilderment:comming out of the oppressed life,people were at a loss about what they should do.
  Erving was not cherishing the past and opposing the present.
  First,Rip was not happy long before revolution,and he hated to do labour work on his own bussiness,and that was constantly under the criticism of Dame Van Winkle.Surely Dame was superior to Rip in his family,so the life of Rip could not at all be labelled as happy.
  secondly,Erving showed no opposition against the new America.After he had settled down in the villege,he even made friends with the rising generation,enjoying the idle life he had long been dreamed of.
There is strong resemblence between Rip Van Winkle and the American people,Dame Van Winkle and the English government.Before revolution,Rip was a meek man who"would rather die on a penney than work for a pound",who had good relationships with the villegers.He lived a peaceful life except for the existence of Dame Van Winkle,his termagant wife who would taught him lessons in every possible way.The American people was also trying to live a peaceful life and the rule of the British government made it impossible.The Americans suffered the oppression for a long time.
  The war was over and Rip returned to his villege only to find the great change in the small villege,which is the sample of the change in America.No one in the villege recognised him.People talked about hot issues he has no interested in.Dame Van Winkle was gone and he was free now.However,he had no idea what he should do.The past had passed for ever,despotism was gone.No one was going to tell Rip what he should do.No one was going to force him to do anything.The American people is free to choose now,but they have no idea of what to choose.They were led into a new kind of life to which they were strangers.They were groping in the dark for the way ahead.
  By holding Rip Van Winkle as an symbol for the American people and all these analysis ,I reached the idea that Whshington Erving showed no radical attitude against the revolution but his bewilderment after the revolution.

看过rip van winkle这书的读后感

小说《瑞普·凡·温克》(Rip van Winkle)是美国小说家及历史家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving, 1783-1859)的名篇.
这故事与我国《黄梁梦》(元代马致远所撰,系取自枕中记的故事)内容虽异,但意境相似.感叹人世虚幻,富贵荣华之短促.《读后感》“瑞普凡温克尔”的人物是瑞普凡温克尔,谁在一个小的哈得孙河谷荷兰小镇生活的男子.在城里每个人都非常喜欢他,因为他能帮助需要帮助的人谁,他会玩的孩子.的东西,他不能做的是倾向于他的农场,因为他似乎没有一切,所以他是出去鱼类或到城市旅店并听取他们的闲话.他的妻子圣母院凡温克尔在会生气,他的懒惰,而不是倾向于农场.有一天,他决定,他有一个选择,摆脱他的妻子和农场,这是把他的枪和狗,进入树林和狩猎松鼠. 他整日为松鼠的政策,但找不到.因此,他趴在草地上,一段时间后,他发现自己正陷入黑暗,所以他开始回来.当他这样做时,他听到有人呼叫他的名字,然后他看见一个鬼出现背着一小桶酒.于是,两人来到了树林里,直到他们一起来到这个开幕之时,他们看到这些穿着怪异的人打9针.复制与鬼走到耸立他们和鬼倒入人民饮用和Rip开始喝酒了,直到他通过在地上的瓶酒.接下来的哀悼,他醒来,不知道该怎么告诉他的妻子.他达到了他的枪,但他所看到的是生锈了枪,而不是好油,光泽枪.然后,他看着他的狗,他无法找到他的狗. 于是他回到城里,每个人都在盯着他就像他们不认识他.他看着自己,看看每个人都在盯着他看,他有一英尺长的胡须.他看着周围的村庄和什么也没有熟悉的,甚至他的房子像一个破旧的冲动.他到酒馆,看看他承认任何人,他没有.然后,他开始了他的朋友称名字,看是否有人听说过他们,他们都表示,他们对移动或死亡.然后他问他们是否听说过这个名字瑞普凡温克尔,他们都指出他的儿子,这就像他.这使得瑞普认为,他已经醒了别人,因为他的儿子一样看着他.然后,有一个妇女抱着孩子来见人.瑞普听到了儿童的名字瑞普,他问她谁是她的父亲,她说她的父亲是瑞普凡温克尔,谁离开时,她还是一个孩子20年前.然后,瑞普告诉她,他是她的活动,不管多么小的可以改变一个社会,一个文化,以及在眨眼之间前景.无论是在战争,演讲,一个手势,甚至是小说.华盛顿欧文作出了他的短篇小说“瑞普凡温克尔”令人难以置信的影响,引起他周围发生的事件形成具有深刻含义简单的故事.为了使一个精确,形如故事,塑造了美国文化,美国文化的故事.
“瑞普凡温克尔”的全面影响因素.它显示了世界各地. 1819年以来,这个故事的名字,以及它主张触及艺术,文学,教育的所有部分,和文化.该故事已累积版本数字高于大部分地区和廉价的平装书,从文学形式都涉及到已经成为经典的阐述插图.其他文献中提到,在政治,并在各种语言,它是用来界定我国成为革命战争后,英国如何看待美国人.事实上,瑞普睡着由于喝酒的影响.英国认为,美国人懒惰酗酒者,将四分五裂控制他们的英国当局如果不是.

求Rip Van Winkle 英文读后感,300词以上

Report of Rip Van Winkle
These days I’ve read a passage named Rip Van Winkle . It’s a short story written by Washington Irving published in 1819.
The story is about Rip Van Winkle, who lived under his wife’s controlling, an obedient henpecked husband. He is always criticized by his wife for lazy in housework and not caring about the family at home. In fact ,he does .He was ready to attend to anybody’s business but his own;but as to doing family duty ,and keeping his own farm in order ,he found it impossible .He has a good temper to his neighborhood , which gained him such universal popularity .
One day ,Rip take to the outside of the house to avoid his wife’s blames with his dog .On his way back home ,Rip happens to meet a stranger and follows him .There ,he drink some miracle wine and falls asleep .Morning ,he wakes up and finds something usual happen to him .His clothes worn out ,his dog is gone ,his gun missing .At first ,he thought it is just a joke that the stranger played on him .He hurriedly goes home ,for he is afraid of his wife .As soon as he goes back to the village does he know what has happens .He has already slept for 20 years!During his sleeping-days ,his wife is dead and his friends have died in the war or gone other somewhere else .He immediately gets into trouble when he said he himself was a loyal subject of George Ⅲ ,not knowing that in the meantime the American Revolution has taken place and he is not supposed to be loyal subject of any hanoverial any longer . Fortunately , the mistakes disappear and he lives a more happy life again without his hash wife .
Through the action and words from Rip ,I learn that it is a little bit sad when the author faces the past time .He is sad to see the changes between peoples and
本文标题: rip van winklw读后感(看过rip van winkle这书的读后感)



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