A teenaged Johnny Blaze is tricked into making a deal with Mephistopheles (Fonda) to save his stunt-riding dad from dying of cancer. Of course Mephistopheles can’t be expected to play fair and so the deal doesn’t go down exactly as promised. Dad dies anyway and Mephistopheles warns Johnny to forget about friends, family, and romance, so he leaves his beautiful girlfriend standing alone on a hill and rides off into the sunset.
Flash-forward a couple of dozen years and now Johnny Blaze is the world’s greatest motorcycle stunt rider, a title he owes mostly to the fact the devil isn’t letting him get out of his deal by allowing him to kill himself doing stunts. With his trusty sidekick Mack (Logue) offering up great one-liners as well as lots of friendly advice, Johnny Blaze is on top of the motorcyle world. He's also just about to make it up to Roxanne for leaving her behind when Mephistopheles offers him the chance to get his soul back if he transforms into the Ghost Rider and hunts down Blackheart (Bentley).
Mephistopheles is evil, but Blackheart is evil, power-hungry, and reckless. Johnny Blaze will need to use everything he learned about Ghost Riders from a mysterious cowboy in order to defeat Blackheart.
Mark Steven Johnson is the same filmmaker who brought us Daredevil and while I hated that film, this one is a lot more enjoyable. Johnson doesn’t exactly redeem himself with Ghost Rider but he did take a giant step forward with his second comic book adaptation.
If you can wrap your mind around a man ever turning into a giant fireball, hopping on a motorcycle, and staring people to death, then Ghost Rider isn’t a waste of 2 hours. Ghost Rider’s nothing more and nothing less than a decent popcorn movie filled with lots of humor and great effects. Don't expect anything more and you'll be just fine.
Flash-forward a couple of dozen years and now Johnny Blaze is the world’s greatest motorcycle stunt rider, a title he owes mostly to the fact the devil isn’t letting him get out of his deal by allowing him to kill himself doing stunts. With his trusty sidekick Mack (Logue) offering up great one-liners as well as lots of friendly advice, Johnny Blaze is on top of the motorcyle world. He's also just about to make it up to Roxanne for leaving her behind when Mephistopheles offers him the chance to get his soul back if he transforms into the Ghost Rider and hunts down Blackheart (Bentley).
Mephistopheles is evil, but Blackheart is evil, power-hungry, and reckless. Johnny Blaze will need to use everything he learned about Ghost Riders from a mysterious cowboy in order to defeat Blackheart.
Mark Steven Johnson is the same filmmaker who brought us Daredevil and while I hated that film, this one is a lot more enjoyable. Johnson doesn’t exactly redeem himself with Ghost Rider but he did take a giant step forward with his second comic book adaptation.
If you can wrap your mind around a man ever turning into a giant fireball, hopping on a motorcycle, and staring people to death, then Ghost Rider isn’t a waste of 2 hours. Ghost Rider’s nothing more and nothing less than a decent popcorn movie filled with lots of humor and great effects. Don't expect anything more and you'll be just fine.
恶灵骑士 是什么玩意?
[灵魂战车2观后感]灵魂战车2:复仇时刻观后感 演技: 凯奇不愧为影帝,虽然看起来是不像以前那样年轻了,但演技很令人惊叹--压抑变身时候痛苦与疯狂交加、饥饿的骑士那种状态动作表达、还有精湛的眼神戏… 形象: 恶灵骑士的形象比前作好得多,黑色的头颅更加邪恶有杀气,相比之下,第一部的白头骨反而看着很滑稽,灵魂战车2观后感。 头部火焰的效果完超前作,火焰充满着燃烧感,能感受到火焰是由内往外源源不断烧出来的,燃烧时更伴随着骇人的浓浓黑烟,不似第一部的火焰只是像打火机一样飘着。 身上的衣服也特别制作了受热而融化的效果,让人感觉到恶灵骑士状态下整个人整个身体都变了,前作除了头部和手的改变以外,基本毫无变化。 很多人抱怨说第一部的骷髅摩托车怎么没有了,实际上在漫画中强尼的摩托样式就是第二部那种,骷髅摩托车是另一名恶灵骑士Dan的车型。变身后车子也添加了很多烧焦的效果,那种感觉就像来自地狱一般。(第二部的摩托现实车款为Yamaha大魔鬼,也属于几十万元一台的劲车。) 特效: 由于资金还不足前作的一半,所以像第一部楼顶飞跃那样的慢镜头特写是没有的了。但导演确实把一切能做的特效都很用心做了。 譬如摩托车飞驰时的滚滚浓烟飞焰和在燃烧时爆开的火焰效果;被地狱火点燃的巨型挖矿机和卡车;骑士挥鞭大秒杀;翻车撞车的公路戏等等之类,观后感《灵魂战车2观后感》。3D效果配合得不错。 风格: 之前说过这是部Cult片,导演个人也风格很重。全片节奏很快很紧凑,可能许多人会很不习惯,甚至会产生看完了全片但感觉电影没表达清楚的的想法。这种非大众的异类风格也许是导致其褒贬交加的原因,但个人感觉恶灵骑士电影配合这个风格可以成为他的特点,前作确实令人感觉太拖沓了。 剧情: 剧情很简单,也不用多说了,半斤八两吧,第一部的剧情也没能复杂到哪去。 设定:(此处带剧透) 漫画中恶灵骑士的力量来自复仇之灵,复仇之灵是上帝创造的,因此恶灵骑士是天堂的产物。第二部算是比较遵循原著,将复仇之灵设定为被世间罪恶折磨至疯的天使。相关的恶灵骑士设定我在后面贴出地址。 其他: 恶灵骑士使用审判之眼时没有像前作一样的灵魂燃烧视角了(不过漫画里也没有),对此不了解的人可能就看不懂审判之眼的镜头了。 ·缺少像前作中与老骑士一同飞驰的那类感动激动的镜头 ·第一部后期变身唰一下就好了,第二部回归了原著,变身时充满痛苦,难以自控 ·恶灵骑士是疯狂的,强尼变身后几乎就成了另外一个人,与第一部的意志清醒不同。 ·恶魔罗克其实就是之前和强尼签下契约的恶魔墨菲斯托(但形象不如第一部),剧中黑人曾提及\"他有很多名字\" ·反派卡里根被恶魔罗克施法变成魔鬼BLACKOUT,拥有腐蚀的能力以及吸收视线内的光线使得目标陷入黑暗的能力。 总体来说还不错,不妨一看
本文标题: 恶灵骑士英语读后感(电影恶灵骑士的英语版影评)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/270291.html