求5篇500字左右读后感.谢谢啦在我很小的时候就听说过《木偶奇遇记》的故事,这次我又认真地看了这本故事书,重新对《木偶奇遇记》有了更深的认识。 《木偶奇遇记》的主要内容是:老木匠杰佩托把一块能哭会笑的木头雕成了木偶,并把木偶当成自己的儿子。和许多男孩一样,木偶匹诺曹调皮、捣蛋,做事任性,很少考虑后果。他给他的亲人带来了一系列的麻烦:父亲因他而坐牢,还差点送了他的命;好心的仙女因悲伤过度而“溘然长逝”。他自己也遭到了一次次的惩罚:食火者曾打算把他投入火炉当柴烧;狐狸和猫骗走了他的钱,又把他吊到一棵大橡树上;农民用捕兽夹逮住了他,强迫他当看门狗;渔夫把他当作鱼抓回去油炸;在玩乐国,他和灯芯都变成了驴子;逃命时,他又掉进了鲨鱼的腹中……经过种种遭遇,匹诺曹终于认识自己的错,决心痛改前非,并努力学习、辛勤劳动,最后救出了父亲。匹诺曹长大了,他变得诚实、勤劳、善良,成了一个真正的男孩。 《木偶奇遇记》中匹诺曹的成长故事非常感人,他就象一个什么都不懂、对什么又都好奇的小孩在经过很多的磨难渐渐成长成一个真正的男子汉的经历。比如:杰佩托刚做好手工,匹诺曹就把他做好的假发拿起来玩;刚刚学会走路,他就在房间里跳来跳去,发现门开了就跑到大街上起玩等等,最后在仙女的帮助下,他发誓,以后要好好学习,成为一个有用的人。我觉得开始的匹诺曹身上有许多的地方与自己比较相似,贪玩、调皮、喜欢冒险等等,我经常听妈妈说小时候的我非常调皮,刚学会爬,经常在房间里面乱窜,一会从房间爬到阳台,一会从房间爬到了厨房,动作非常快,还经常搞恶作剧,趁大人不注意一不小心我把爸爸的手表放进水里,还会把整筐的塑料玩具全部倒在地上,然后尽情地玩……现在长大了特别喜欢玩游戏,只要是新手机我都喜欢玩个遍,我最喜欢出去认识不同的大人,这样我会请求他们把手机借我玩一会儿,不同的手机游戏都不一样,太好玩了。有一次爸爸的手机上网费都超过三百元,这下爸爸火了。我还特别喜欢上游乐场寻找刺激。“生活就是缺少刺激”就是我的口头禅,过山车、海盗船、漂流等等都非常喜欢,我还想尝试蹦级带来的刺激,看到妈妈吓得脸发白的样子我很得意…… 看了匹诺曹的故事,我也认识到自己的缺点,要学习他的有错就改优点,相信我,到时候你们一定会看到一个全新的我。
(how to train your dragon2)
dragon was the enemy but now is friend
hiccup found there are other person who know how to train the dragon
he ride toothless and find his mother
his mother is a great dragon trainer
she has trained the dragon for a long time
but the evil man Drago Bludvist反派want to defeat them and rule the world
after a battle hiccup fail and his father died
every dragon are controled by Drago Bludvist and they want to destroy the Berk
but Drago Bludvist do not know the bady dragon can not be control
hiccup ride the rest of bady dragon return Berk
he earns the toothless belief
toothless rans out of control and defeat the Drago Bludvist
hiccup become the chief of the tride
he and his friend toothless get together
from this story i learn how to treat friend and what is the friendship
first give a trust to our great friend
believe them and a close friend is everythings
if friend have problem we should help them like hiccup help toothless out of control
i also learn how bad people pay fo their action and best chief must take responsible
(how to train your dragon2)
dragon was the enemy but now is friend
hiccup found there are other person who know how to train the dragon
he ride toothless and find his mother
his mother is a great dragon trainer
she has trained the dragon for a long time
but the evil man Drago Bludvist反派want to defeat them and rule the world
after a battle hiccup fail and his father died
every dragon are controled by Drago Bludvist and they want to destroy the Berk
but Drago Bludvist do not know the bady dragon can not be control
hiccup ride the rest of bady dragon return Berk
he earns the toothless belief
toothless rans out of control and defeat the Drago Bludvist
hiccup become the chief of the tride
he and his friend toothless get together
from this story i learn how to treat friend and what is the friendship
first give a trust to our great friend
believe them and a close friend is everythings
if friend have problem we should help them like hiccup help toothless out of control
i also learn how bad people pay fo their action and best chief must take responsible
本文标题: 驯虫高手的读后感(《驯龙高手2》观后感 用英语 100字 谢谢 麻烦快点)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/269774.html