
发布时间: 2022-12-13 23:25:40 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 112




The story starts from the time the pyramids were stolen. Gru wants to steal the moon and adopts 3 children as his daughter by chance. His daughters help him turn to be a good man. At the
end, they live together happily. I learn from the movie: we can talk and learn from each other anytime anywhere.


Gru is a really good father of the minions and the girls in the show ' Dispecable me'. He was recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal. He was a criminal mastermind uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme but later in the end he finds their love is profoundly changing him for the better. This movie touched my heart as much as it did my laugh box. It gives me the intention of continue watching the show and really curious about the end. This show is a great movie which is funny and touchy at the same time
Movies geared towards the audiences are often thrillers, action flicks, or romantic comedies. but Despicable Me Two filled with laughter, With their cute, energetic demeanor, what is not to love about minions, We love minions because they are silly. Don’t take yourself too seriously and be able to make fun of yourself in your life. Minions wear fruit hats, act as Gru’s maid, or wear a pro golfer outfit. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and find entertainment in the little things in life.


Today i watched a film called " Despica ble Me 2",i really love it.From the film,i saw a better Gru dad,he loved his childr en very much.Also,he met a excellent la dy named Lucy.They defeated their ene my with thousands of Minions.I have le arned many things from the film,we sh ould be kind to everyone and we must l ove our families.I haved also learned th at friends are really important,they wou ld help us a lot.I love the film!
本文标题: 神偷奶爸1读后感英语(用英语翻译《神偷奶爸》的观后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/264499.html



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