esiotrot读后感英文(小乌龟是怎样长大的 Roald Dahl's Esio Trot)

发布时间: 2022-10-07 18:05:39 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 114


esiotrot读后感英文(小乌龟是怎样长大的 Roald Dahl's Esio Trot)

赠人玫瑰 手有余香的英文

Do you know what is x27ESIO TROTx27? You must think that this word does not exist. But if you turned it up side down,you can see that itx27s the word tortoise.This story is about Mr Hoppy,Mrs Silver and a tortoise.Let me introduce it to you.Mr Hoppy was a helpful man who lived in a small flat.Mrs Silver was his neighbour.Mrs Silver loves tortoise very much but her tortoise canx27t grow up.Mr Hoppy wanted to help her but he was very shy.He just told her that if she read ‘ESIO TROT’to her tortoise,the tortoise will grow up faster.Then Mr Hoppy bought a tortoise which is a little bit bigger than Mrs silverx27s tortoise and put it in her home instead of the smaller one.Then Mrs silver saw that her tortoise grew up and she was so excited!Finally,Mrs silver found that this was Mr Hoppyx27s tortoise.She felt so touch and married with him.I think this story is very creative and interesting.I have learnt that helping others is good for each other.
Do you know what is a ' Esio '? You must think of the word is not exist. But if you turn it upside down, you can see it is a word. This is a story about Mr. Mrs. flowers, silver and a turtle. Let me introduce you to.
Because he is a helpful person living in a small apartment. MRS silver is his neighbor's wife loves turtle. Silver is very worried about her turtle cannot grow. Mr. Hua tried to help her but he's shy. He told her, if she read Esio trot'to her turtle, turtle will grow up faster.
Then the flower bought a tortoise, the tortoise than Mrs. silver slightly larger, put it in her house. Then silver saw her turtle grew up, she was so excited!
At last, she found the Flower Silver Mr. tortoise. She felt the touch and marry him.
I think this story has touched me.
这样更合乎常理点. 结尾不好


前十五本,Roald Dahl系列,剩余为补充:

1、The BFG《好心眼儿巨人》,影版《圆梦巨人》;

2、The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me《长颈鹿、佩里和我》又译《长颈鹿、小鹈儿和我》;

3、Matilda 《玛蒂尔达》;

4、The Witches《女巫》;

5、 Boy Tales of Childhood《好小子童年故事》;

6、Going Solo 《独闯天下》又译《单飞》;

7、George's Marvellous Medicine 《小乔治的神奇魔药》;

8、Danny the Champion of the World 《世界冠军丹尼》;

9、James and the Giant Peach 《詹姆斯与大仙桃》;

10、The Twits《蠢特夫妇》;

11、Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator《查理和大玻璃升降机》,《查理与巧克力工厂》的续集;

12、 Fantastic Mr Fox and Other Animal Stories 《了不起的狐狸爸爸》;

13、Esio Trot《小乌龟是怎样长大的》又译《喂咕呜爱情咒》;

14、Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 《查理和巧克力工厂》;

15、The Magic Finger《魔法手指》;

16、The Enormous Crocodile 《大大大大的鳄鱼》;

17、The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar《亨利·休格的神奇故事》;

18、The Vicar of Nibbleswicke 只有48页,R.D. 有生之年最后写成的书,讲的是一个得了怪病说话倒着说的牧师,医生给开的药方有意思。


本文标题: esiotrot读后感英文(小乌龟是怎样长大的 Roald Dahl's Esio Trot)



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