
发布时间: 2022-09-29 16:30:50 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 90




Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Of course not . Everyone may deny it immediately. However , in the opposite, these people in the film volunteerd to pretend mad to get into the madhouse. What are they want to do If the normal person willing to join in the madhouse? Is it a place to relax? Maybe. Actually, any of them are in attempt to escape from the real society. We can say in this way,it is the cruel reality that force them to choose this lifestyle. As we all know, life isn’t always smoothly , more often, it is full with thorns and pains. Like them, a crowd of so-called madmen, select the life in the madhouse under the control of Miss Richard,rather than the free outside. This urges them to find something new pleased them. They get out to go fishing, have a party, this do get them happy. The major, Mr Mcmurphy, trys every ways to get into the madhouse so that he can get rid of hard working. But soon he founds that it is uncomfortable and beyond his imagination. He fights with Miss Richard for the rights to watch the baseball game, even do anything out of the rules there. He is tired of the serious rules , an idea begins to wander his mind. What he mostly wants is the freedom. So he decides to get out of the madhouse. Also ,he still wants to help other people there. People there are kindness,friendly, something of him. In order to save Billy , he permits his girl friend to made love with him. In orther to help Billy, he gives up the chance of going out. Finally,things donx27t go as we image, Billy died and MC lost his awareness by the cruel method of the nurses there. What a tragedy it is. But this makes Chief release himself , in our eyes he is a deaf-mute, who tolerances for a long time. It is him who can move the lavabo and run away. He realizes MC is his good friend , and what his good friend longs for is the freedom. So he used the pillow killed MC. Only this way can MC relief himself from the control.希望高手帮忙找找错误,评价一下,教教如何写好作文
Are you crazy? Of course not . Everyone may deny it immediately. However , just the opposite, these people in the film volunteered to pretend to be mad to get into the madhouse.
What are their intentions when normal people are willing to enter the madhouse? Is it a place to relax? Maybe. Actually, all of them are attempting to escape from the real society. In other words,it is the cruel reality that forces them to choose this lifestyle.
As we all know, life isn’t always smooth. More often than not, it is full of thorns and pain. Like them, a crowd of so-called madmen, select the life in the madhouse under the control of Miss Richard,rather than the freedom outside. This urges them to find something new that pleases them. They get out to go fishing, have a party, this does make them happy.
The major, Mr Mcmurphy, tries every ways to get into the madhouse so that he can escape hard work. But soon he founds that it is uncomfortable and not what he has imagined. He fights with Miss Richard for the rights to watch the baseball game, even do anything out of the rules there. He is tired of the serious rules , an idea begins to emerge in his mind. What he mostly wants is the freedom. So he decides to get out of the madhouse.
Also ,he still wants to help other people there. People there are kind,friendly, something of him. In order to save Billy , he allows his girl friend to make love with him. Also to help Billy, he gives up the chance of going out. Finally,things don't go as we would imagine, Billy died and MC lost his consciousness due to the cruel method of the nurses there. What a tragedy it is. But this makes Chief release himself , in our eyes he is a deaf-mute, who tolerates everything for a long time. It is him who can move the lavabo and run away. He realizes MC is his good friend , and what his good friend longs for is freedom. So he killed MC with a pillow. Only this way can MC relieve himself from the control.

飞越疯人院 观后感



本文标题: 飞跃疯人院读后感800(《飞越疯人院》观后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/225866.html



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