
发布时间: 2022-09-21 00:29:52 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 90




Inside the second episode , President Snow in order to keep his position, he do anything to change the rules in every 25 years in the big ten-day festival , each district elect a woman , and that men and women must be attended Hunger Games and win the winner once again return to the game, in the game once, just to let Kai Nisi dead , because she gives people hope ......
I think Kai Nisi really extraordinary courage ! Shihui Guo is such a powerful country , to rely on one person to push her ​​entire anti- government really hard , but she did it !
The movie I learned the evil of human nature , in order to get what they want by whatever means , even at the expense of the happiness of others expense ! And it's really miserable endure ......
This story reflects the reality of society , human nature and the human tragedy of extraordinary courage and forbearance ! The movie is really great, recommend everyone to see, if you have not seen the first episode of the people can go to rent a look . Words can describe more sophisticated novel , after all, fiction and film there is a difference !


英语老师布置的作业。。马上要开学了。。拜托各位大神了。。能英文的话最好 中文也成 200字/词左右 主要就是内容概括 感受不要也罢 别从baidu百科摘 或者摘了以后要给翻译成英文。。谢谢了x27


饥饿游戏的主人公是一名叫凯特尼斯的女孩,她为了自己的妹妹,参加了饥饿游戏,24名参赛者中,只有一名可以获胜,她用爱与勇气,感染了所有的人,与 她的男友,成为了明星恋人,继而,她成为了燃烧的女孩,被推选为嘲笑鸟,经过长期的战争,她终于打败了斯诺总统,把人民从痛苦中解脱出来。
The hero of the hunger game is a girl named Kettenis, her sister, to participate in the Hunger Games, 24 contestants, only one can win, she used love and courage, infected with all the people, and her boyfriend, became a Star lover, and then, she became a burning girl, after a long war, she finally defeated President Snow, the people freed from the pain.
本文标题: 饥饿游戏的读后感英语(用英语写出饥饿游戏的观后感两句带翻译)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/220953.html



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