时间 英语文章的读后感100字(时间规划局的读后感英语100)

发布时间: 2022-09-05 17:59:08 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 88


时间 英语文章的读后感100字(时间规划局的读后感英语100)


Face life with a smile
Today,I see an interesting movie which name is “Akeelah and the spelling bee. ”This movie is based on the traditional game in America called“ spelling bee”. The story is about an 11-year-old girl called Akeelah Anderson. Her father died when she as five and her mother is so poor. So she hardly goes to school to learn .but she is born to be a good word speller ——she can remember a word in so short time. One day she teacher told her she can sign up the “spelling bee”, but her mother don’t allow her. At the moment a teacher named Larabee wants to help her. At last, after the hard training and appropriate training methods, she won the championship.
I like Akeelah, she is a sunny girl. She has the optimistic attitude to life——she with a lot of difficulties. But she became more confident. Every time when she failed , she always say: “It was nothing.” I think we should learn from Akeelah. She never complains. And she used her optimistic mind to change all the difficulties
Now, many people complain that life is bad. For example, if my parents don’t buy my favorite thing for me, I will hate them. But for Akeelah, She don’t have father, her only can talk with his photo! In this world, some children are orphans. Now think about, I meet the pain, what! So, I think I should good to parents, cherish the time with them.
Many great people also have a lot of difficulties in their road of life. For example, Martin Luther King. He met Kennedy, called for the adoption of new civil rights law, the right to equality for blacks. His efforts to get around other people feel happy. Martin’s life is like Akeelah’s, they both don’t mind others' strange vision, proceed without hesitation to the dream, and so they can be successful.
If you want to be a great people, you need to work hard. Remember the saying: The genius is a special passion! It's not stupid, and you will get a lot. Success has many way, but the best way is never miss any opportunity to study——in a break between class and class, you can read ,a book or only an article; when you wait a bus on bus station, you can write a poem, when you on the way to school, you can spell some words, at least two, use the money to buy some useful books, it’s better than buy food and toy.....don’t waste time ,money and energy to do useless thing !
And on this story, Larabee is sponsored Akeelah a lot. He made her realize their dreams, and let her have a better future. He is a good teacher; he made Akeelah feels the warm from father. He made Akeelah feel happy, too.
At last,I think everyone need to confidence. Just like Akeelah says: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. You are the child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Let’s be a good and a confident person and try to face the life with a smile!


After reading the book called Cinderella, I was deeply impressed by its wonderful plot and characters.Cinderella lived a hard life before he met the Prince.She was abused by her stepmother,which is typically opposite to her sisters. Although treated like this, she had no choice but to bear silently. However, her kindness moved others, which finally contributes to her happiness with the Prince.
As far as I am concerned,kind people will finally receive good payment sooner or later. It is so necessary for us to have a good heart and help others whenever possible. Thus we are able to pay off in our career !(个人原创,谢谢!)


The worst thing is definitely not death, but died of poverty. This is the "time" gives us the enlightenment. With a thick smell like despair, poverty is a kind of original sin unforgivable.
This is a imaginative and creative future film, "time is money" that belongs to the concept of science fiction, but with life in exchange for money event in the us today is already true fact. Urban white-collar night overtime, regardless of the health of the enterprise boss wassail, site workers without security operations, these are not take life in exchange for money. From this point of view, "in time" and not just let us Xinqi to see a worth to write a great deal about the concept of creativity, but let us see in real life, people for wealth with the life of helpless and sorrow. The concept of time is money, so at this moment strongly to occupy my brain. "Time keeper" role in this moment is the most hateful, actually I do not know is for their own incapable of action. At the end of the film, though all the oppression and injustice all over but the power of love, we can only when is the right to a better future expectations.
The film acts as the premise of monetary established: aging limit of each person is 25 years old, then the life of only one year, in this year, everyone must make time to extend the life of their own, otherwise the time zero people died. What this means? Mean maximum physiological age of each person is 25 years old, everyone to the best time of life when 25 years old, began to either death or live forever, at the age of 25. Always wondered why the director in 25 years as boundaries? This is probably the most vibrant life moment, a young man's vitality and the mature adults, wonderful life in this age occur most happy. At the same time, in this age group, the poor to end death struggle, the rich began to enjoy a happy life, is also the reflection of real life. As the life of the watershed, go to a bright future depends on your ability to earn money / time. The reality and the film also sadly, the speed of rising prices will never catch up with the speed of your money.
这是一部想象力和创意十足的电影,未来“时间就是金钱”的假设虽然属于科幻概念,但是用生命换取金钱的事件在我们的今天却已经是铁铮铮的事实。都市白领彻夜的加班、企业老板不顾健康的参加酒宴、工地工人毫无安全保障的作业,这些无不是拿生命换取金钱。从这点来说, 《时间规划局》绝对不只是让我们欣奇地看到了一个值得大书特书的概念创意,而是让我们都从中看到了现实生活里,人们用生命换取财富的无奈和悲哀。时间就是金钱的概念在这一刻如此强烈得占据我的脑中。“时间守护者”的角色也在这一刻显得最是可恶,竟不知其实是对自己的无能为力。影片的结尾,虽是所有的压迫和不公都抵不过真爱的力量,我们也只能权当是对未来的美好期许。
本文标题: 时间 英语文章的读后感100字(时间规划局的读后感英语100)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/211938.html



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