The sunniest places in the world, but also the world's largest and most natural conditions harsh desert.
The Sahara desert is the biggest desert in the world, which accounts for almost all Africa north, accounted for 1/4 of the total area of the delta. The desert east 4800 kilometres (3000 miles) north and south, in the 1300 km to 1900 km (800 to 1200 miles), a total area of about 9065000 square kilometers. The Sahara desert, the Atlantic ocean to the west, North Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea south to East, the Sahel Desert Transition Zone -- 1.5 dry grassland.
The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world except Antarctica desert, located in the northern Africa north to the Mediterranean, South to the Sultan grassland. Extremely harsh climatic conditions, is the most suitable one for biological growth place not. Arabic sub meaning "big desert". In Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean Sea to the South (about 35 degrees north latitude line), about 14 degrees north latitude line (250 mm isohyet) to the north, the west coast of the Atlantic, east to the red sea. Across the north of the continent Africa, things for 5600 kilometers, about 1600 kilometers wide north-south, a total area of about 9065000 square kilometers, accounting for about 32% of the total area Africa. The USA native loaded into, the name "Sahara" is derived from the Arabic ا ل ص ح ر ا ء is blurred, from the local nomads TUA Lei language is introduced, in which language is "desert". The desert formed about two million five hundred thousand yea
The sunniest places in the world, but also the world's largest and most natural conditions harsh desert.
The Sahara desert is the biggest desert in the world, which accounts for almost all Africa north, accounted for 1/4 of the total area of the delta. The desert east 4800 kilometres (3000 miles) north and south, in the 1300 km to 1900 km (800 to 1200 miles), a total area of about 9065000 square kilometers. The Sahara desert, the Atlantic ocean to the west, North Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea south to East, the Sahel Desert Transition Zone -- 1.5 dry grassland.
The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world except Antarctica desert, located in the northern Africa north to the Mediterranean, South to the Sultan grassland. Extremely harsh climatic conditions, is the most suitable one for biological growth place not. Arabic sub meaning "big desert". In Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean Sea to the South (about 35 degrees north latitude line), about 14 degrees north latitude line (250 mm isohyet) to the north, the west coast of the Atlantic, east to the red sea. Across the north of the continent Africa, things for 5600 kilometers, about 1600 kilometers wide north-south, a total area of about 9065000 square kilometers, accounting for about 32% of the total area Africa. The USA native loaded into, the name "Sahara" is derived from the Arabic ا ل ص ح ر ا ء is blurred, from the local nomads TUA Lei language is introduced, in which language is "desert". The desert formed about two million five hundred thousand yea
沙漠地区风沙大、风力强。最大风力可达10-12级。强大的风力卷起大量浮沙,形成凶猛的 风沙流,不断吹蚀地面,使地貌发生急剧变化。
值行人们警惕的是,有些沙漠并不是天然形成的,而是人为造成的。如美国1908-1938年间 由于滥伐森林9亿多亩,大片草原被破坏,结果使大片绿地变成了沙漠。苏联在1954-1963年的垦荒运动中,使中亚草原遭到严重破坏,非但没有得到耕地,却带来了沙漠灾害。
沙漠地区风沙大、风力强。最大风力可达10-12级。强大的风力卷起大量浮沙,形成凶猛的 风沙流,不断吹蚀地面,使地貌发生急剧变化。
值行人们警惕的是,有些沙漠并不是天然形成的,而是人为造成的。如美国1908-1938年间 由于滥伐森林9亿多亩,大片草原被破坏,结果使大片绿地变成了沙漠。苏联在1954-1963年的垦荒运动中,使中亚草原遭到严重破坏,非但没有得到耕地,却带来了沙漠灾害。
《撒哈拉的故事》是以沙漠为背景的故事。 因为一本地理杂志的吸引,三毛背着行囊走进了荒凉单调的撒哈拉沙漠,在沙漠中寻找感受生活的真善美,书中每个故事都充溢着一种浪漫、浓情的异域情调,字里行间反映着大沙漠独有的地形地貌与风土人情。三毛用自己的心去适应、关怀这片大沙漠,在她的笔下,那些撒哈拉沙漠的人和物变得丰富多彩。三毛以一个流浪者的口吻,轻松地讲述着她在撒哈拉沙漠零散的生活细节和生活经历:沙漠的新奇、生活的乐趣,千疮百孔的大帐篷、铁皮做的小屋、单峰骆驼和成群的山羊。书中无论是荷西把粉丝当做雨来吃,还是他们简单得不能再简单的婚礼、去海边打鱼、白手起家建立他们沙漠上最美丽的房子,都渗透着彼此间浓浓的温馨的爱意。
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