
发布时间: 2022-07-26 21:58:28 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 96




Under the leadership of the brave captain John Smith, a group of English settlers sail to The New World to plunder its riches for England, which threatens Pocahontas-the daughter of Chief Powhatan of the Powhatan tribe, and her people. However, Pocahontas and John fall in love at the first sight. When John is held captive by Powhatan, Pocahontas is in dilemma. With the help of Grandmother Willow, she learns to listen to her inner voice and follow the color of wind to pursue the true meaning of life. She saves John, and they work together to prevent the war between English settlers and her people. Finally, instead of leaving with John, Pocahontas chooses to stay with her people.
Pocahontas is a nice movie with good animation and beautiful songs. Pocahontas falls in love with the brave captain John Smith. However, with the conflict between the settlers and her tribe intensified, Smith and Pocahontas have a difficult time preventing all-out war, and saving their love for each other. Finally, the wounded Smith goes back to his country with the settlers, while Pocahontas chooses to stay with her people. Though it’s not a happy ending, I still appreciate it, because it shows a more mature and realistic love. Love is precious, but there are still many other important things such as lives, peace, family and so on. When Pocahontas has problems, she often turns to Grandmother Willow from whom she learns to listen to her inner voice and follow the color of wind to pursue the true meaning of life. And after the settlers leave, the beautiful scenery of the land is saved. These give us a lesson that people should live in harmony with nature and that different races should show respect to each other. In addition, the music in the movie is beautiful like colors of the wind, which make the movie more intriguing. All in all, I like the wonderful movie.




In 1607, the Susan Constant sails to the "New World" from England, carrying British settlers of the Virginia Company. On board are Captain John Smith and the voyage's leader Governor Ratcliffe, who seeks large amounts of gold in the New World to assure a strong position at the British court. Along the way, the Susan Constant is caught in a North Atlantic storm, and Smith saves a young, inexperienced Thomas from drowning. In the Powhatan Tribe in the New World, Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, dreads being possibly wed to Kocoum, a brave warrior whom she sees as too "serious" for her spirited personality. Chief Powhatan gives Pocahontas her deceased mother's necklace as a present. Pocahontas, along with her friends, the gluttonous raccoon Meeko and hummingbird Flit, visit Grandmother Willow, a spiritual talking willow tree, and speaks of a possibly prophetic dream involving a spinning arrow, and her confusion regarding what her "path" in life should be. Grandmother Willow then alerts Pocahontas to the arriving British.
Ratcliffe has the fortress Jamestown built in a wooded clearing and immediately has the crewmen dig for gold. John departs to explore the wilderness and encounters Pocahontas. They quickly bond, fascinated by each other's worlds and fall in love, flouting Chief Powhatan's orders to keep away from the British after Kocoum and other warriors engage them in a fight. Meanwhile, Meeko meets Percy, Ratcliffe's dog, and becomes the bane of his existence. Pocahontas introduces Smith to Grandmother Willow and avoids two other crewmen, but Pocahontas' friend Nakoma discovers her relationship with John and warns Kocoum. Later, John and Pocahontas meet with Grandmother Willow and plan to bring peace between the colonists and the tribe. John and Pocahontas kiss, while Kocoum and Thomas witness from afar. In a jealous rage, Kocoum attacks and tries to kill John but is himself shot by Thomas. Pocahontas watches in horror as Kocoum falls dead, reaching for Pocahontas one last time but instead breaking her mother's necklace. John commands Thomas to leave just before the tribesmen come and capture John. An enraged Chief Powhatan declares war on the crewmen, starting with executing John at sunrise.
Thomas warns the crewmen of John's capture, and Ratcliffe rallies the men to battle as an excuse to annihilate the tribe and find their non-existent gold. A guilt-ridden Pocahontas visits Grandmother Willow, where Meeko hands her Smith's compass. Pocahontas realizes John's compass was the spinning arrow from her prophetic dream, which leads her to her destiny. Just as Powhatan is to execute Smith, Pocahontas throws herself in the way, successfully stopping Smith's execution and convincing her father to cease the hostilities between the two groups. All parties accept gracefully, except Ratcliffe, who tries to shoot Chief Powhatan in anger with John taking the bullet. The governor is then captured and arrested by the crewmen. Meeko and Percy, now friends, give Pocahontas her mother's necklace completely fixed. In the end, John is forced to return home to receive medical treatment. He asks Pocahontas to come with him, but she chooses to stay with her tribe. John leaves with Pocahontas and Chief Powhatan's blessing to return in the future.
故事背景为17世纪的1607年,殖民主义快速发展的竞争时代。一艘船,载著来自维吉尼亚公司的英国探险家们,正前往北美洲,准备寻找金矿和其它值钱的资源。船上的领导者有上尉约翰·史密斯(John Smith)以及总督约翰·雷利夫(John Ratcliffe)两人。途中,这艘船遭遇了一场暴风雨,就在一名菜鸟水手汤玛斯(Thomas)意外地落水时,史密斯也跳入了水中,救了汤玛斯一命,他们两人也成为了好朋友。
此时,在「新大陆」上,印第安包华顿酋长(Chief Powhatan)的女儿宝嘉康蒂(Pocahontas)听说了她父亲希望她能够嫁给部落中最强壮的战士——高刚(Kocoum)的消息。不过宝嘉康蒂认为高刚太过於严肃而不想嫁给他,於是就去向森林中一棵会说话的树灵——柳树婆婆(Grandmother Willow)请求建议。而柳树婆婆则告诉了宝嘉康蒂,要她聆听自己的心。
本文标题: 风中奇缘英语小说读后感(《风中奇缘》读后感英文版)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/193628.html



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