golden touch读后感(急求the golden touch(点金术)的故事梗概和读后感)

发布时间: 2022-06-18 04:58:11 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 102


golden touch读后感(急求the golden touch(点金术)的故事梗概和读后感)

the golden touch故事中文翻译

The Golden Touch
Long, long ago there lived in Greece a king whose name was Midas. He was a greedy man and loved gold better than anything else in the world.
One day he asked the gods to give him still more gold. The gods decided to ppunish him and said: “Very well; in the morning everything that you touch will become gold.”
Midas was overjoyed when he heard this. “I shall be the richest man in the world,” he said to himself.
He got up early next morning. When he touched his bed, it turned to gold. He began to dress, and his clothes became gold. Midas was delighted.
Midas loved flowers and kept a beautiful garden. He went into the garden to look at his flowers. The day was fine, the sun was bright and the roses were lovely. The king picked one of them, but it turned to gold in his hand. He picked another, and the same thing happened. He was sorry that the flowers changed as soon as he touched them, for he loved their rich colours.
The king went to have his breakfast. He took a cup of milk, but it immediately turned to gold. Then he took a piece of bread, and that also changed into gold. Midas now began to feel unhappy. It was good to be the richest man in the world, but he was hungry, and he could not eat or drink gold.
Midas went out into the garden again. His little daughter was there. When she saw her father, she ran up to him. King Midas was very fond of his daughter and he kissed her tenderly. Then and there she turned into a golden statue.
Midas was now very unhappy. He went into his palace. His eyes filled with tears, and he begged the gods to take away the Golden Touch.
“I was very foolish to love gold so much,” he said. “Take all my gold and give me back my daughter.”
“Go,” said the gods, “and wash your hands in the river near your garden, and the water will take away the Golden Touch.”
Midas went to the river and washed his hands. Then he ran quickly to the golden statue of his little girl. He kissed her again and she changed back into his pretty little daughter.
Midas never forgot this lesson. He knew now that gold did not bring happiness.

急需《点金术》(The Golden Touch)英文读后感~谢谢!

I see the philosophers stone story, after some angry. Content: Greece there was a king who loved gold is greedy, above all. One day, he begged god give him more gold, god decided to punish him, he said, you will meet tomorrow morning into gold. Mr Yunus (greed king) next morning, he met bed, bed into gold, and he touched the clothes, the clothes are changed to gold, he was so happy! He came to enjoy flower garden, he met a flower into gold, and he was very sad. He went to eat breakfast, end up milk and milk into gold, and he took a loaf of bread, bread, it becomes gold, he was not happy, although he is rich, but not hungry belly! He is, he's daughter ran up and he reached a hug, daughter also become gold statue, he was sad, with tears in her eyes, beg god remove his philosophers stone. He said: "please take my daughter all the gold, to me! God said: if you into the river and wash your hands can philosophers stone wash off. He washed my hands, hurried to his daughter, then daughter, beautiful and lovely girl. He knows that money doesn't equal to happiness. I think: if two countries, the first country is very rich. Greed, and another 2 countries poor but hard-working, after a few years, the first countries must be very poor countries will be very rich, the second. Money is a symbol of wealth. But money is not everything, especially not represent real happiness
本文标题: golden touch读后感(急求the golden touch(点金术)的故事梗概和读后感)



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