
发布时间: 2021-06-22 15:27:12 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 句子 点击: 119



1.人总是靠分开后的痛觉来分辨爱意的深浅People always distinguish the depth of love by the pain after separation2.似乎什么都来得及,但不知从何开始Seems to have time for everything, but I don’t know where to start3.什么都不期待,只想要自己越来越好I don’t expect anything, I just want to get better and better4.懂你的人不言而喻,不懂你的人百口莫辩Those who understand you speak for themselves, but those who don’t understand you can’t argue.5.一个人在变得冷漠之前也曾付出过全部的期待和温柔A person has given all his expectations and tenderness before becoming indifferent6.都是被丢下几次的小朋友了,该长大了They are all children who have been left behind a few times, and it’s time to grow up7.没心没肺的现在,是有个掏心掏肺的经Heartless now, there was a heart-and-heart once8.其实很多关系不用所谓的风吹 自然而然就散了In fact, many relationships will fall apart spontaneously without the so-called wind blowing.9.总是在某个瞬间突然就丧了,好像是积攒了几天的热情,啪的一声碎掉了Always lost suddenly at a certain moment, it seems to be the enthusiasm that has been accumulated for a few days, and it is broken with a snap10.该用什么语气,什么样子的方式来表达我这凉透了的心情The what tone, what a way to express my feelings completely cool11.我也有诗和远方,诗写的不好,远方也很黑暗I also have poems and distant places. Poems are not well written and the distances are also very dark12.那些后来躺在黑名单的人,最开始也都是踩着七彩云朵而来,照亮过整个世界Those who lay on the blacklist later came by stepping on colorful clouds at the beginning, illuminating the whole world
本文标题: “普普通通却可以置顶很久的情绪文案”
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/juzi/144833.html



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