
发布时间: 2021-05-02 08:53:56 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 经典文章 点击: 94







22:01:32 P R. G 对 所有人 : Why would one underestimate the audience that LvF can draw?

22:03:27 H K 对 所有人 : Is it just me, or are our speakers are speaking very softly, thus not very easy to hear?

22:04:27 D S 对 所有人 : I am in London and can hear very well.

22:04:31 M P 对 所有人 : I hear fine from Taipei!

22:04:55 X张 对 所有人 : From China now

22:04:58 K M 对 所有人 : For me the sound is great too.

22:05:03 W Z 对 所有人 : location Sweden, hear well.

22:05:16 M L 对 所有人 : sound from NZ is good also!

22:05:30 G 对 所有人 : Vancouver, can hear clearly

22:05:34 S Y 对 所有人 : Shanghai, hear well

22:05:58 v 对 所有人 : Base in Beijing, hear well

22:05:58 C F对 所有人 : Understanding Authenticity in China's Cultural Heritage: March 2021 Conference

22:06:12 C F 对 所有人 : A link to our conference website, where you can find the videos.

22:08:20 P R. G 对 所有人 : @Huang Kuan-yun Check that you have the most recent version of Zoom installed, low volume can be a problem if you don't have the latest version

22:08:38 H K 对 所有人 : Thanks, it's a problem on my end.

22:10:18 A H (Oxford) 对 所有人 : Please feel free to type your questions any time or simply mention that you have a question. We will then either read your question or call on you during discussion time after the talk.

23:04:38 G 对 所有人 : Thank you so much!


23:05:04 A W 对 所有人 : Fascinating thank you!

23:05:08 g L 对 所有人 : Many thanks. The talk was really interesting.

23:05:20 X张 对 所有人 : Thank you,professor

23:05:46 S H 对 所有人 : Thank you for sharing a case like this n the conference.

23:05:59 pnvogt 对 所有人 : May I ask a question?

23:06:19 S d R 对 所有人 : XRF and Raman spectroscopy

23:07:36 L Tharp 对 所有人 : Are there any archaeometric ways of dating? Either now or in prospect? LT Trace element analysis


23:07:44 J R 对 所有人 : Thank you Lothar, Best Jessica

23:07:57 K H 对 所有人 : Thank you for your illuminating lecture. Would you say that the act of copying, either emulation or forgery, is a part of Chinese cultural heritage, as that term is generally understood? Do you think the act of forgery is outside the realm of heritage? Thank you.

23:08:01 F D L 对 所有人 : Hi: I would like to raise the question of the difference between the terms "authentification and 'the concept of authenticity. Are these considered the same? In the contest of this conference, at least. Thank You

23:08:01 S d R 对 所有人 : If the copper ore contained lead then Lead isotope analysis can be employed

23:09:29 D S 对 所有人 : i think the best thing would be to ask Dr Pieter Meyes of LACMA (now retired) as his expertise is considerable…..also we need lead isotope data, trace elements, and other patina constituents….see the work of Tom Chase

23:09:55 T C 对 所有人 : Very interesting Professor, thank you for your talk - authenticity is a very complex area sometimes!

23:10:46 Z T 对 所有人 : I think Ms Hill said that copying was rather popular in Traditional China, eg. Chinese traditional paintings. I do not think it was made forgery on purpose

23:12:21 O S 对 所有人 : Thank you for the wonderful talk! Do you see looters and forgers in China as two separate entities or as one where both parties tend to team up to maximize profit?

23:13:17 p p 对 所有人 : Thank you for this very inspiring intellectual travel!

23:14:51 X张 对 所有人 : As a Chinese,I réad the questions in the comment area and do not what to say


23:15:59 P H 对 所有人 : Thank you very much for an illuminating lecture!"

23:16:25 L N 对 所有人 : Great! Thank you all very much!

23:16:51 v 对 所有人 : I think it is common to make a replicate in the ancient time for the admiration of the original one, like the emperor Hadrian copied the Greek statues and placed in his villa.

23:17:07 P R. G 对 所有人 : I wonder how repatriating such objects would resolve any of the concerns that the speaker raises

23:17:31 X张 对 所有人 : The different perspectives of Chinese and Western cultural studies can be seen

23:23:39 K H 对 所有人 : To clarify, I meant “copying” without negative connotations. However, since we are dealing with the issue of forgeries, I thought to pose a philosophical question regarding the position of individual consciousness within a cultural tradition.

23:23:44 C T 对 所有人 : Surely the collectors of these maybe questionable objects are similar to the collectors/venerators of holy relics. The point for them isn't maybe that it is 100% genuine or not, but because they enhance their experience of their connection with the past or history. That's separate from those who wish to pass them off for profit/to deceive others of course.

23:25:22 F D L 对 所有人 : Can the organisers describe in this occasion what they intend for AUTHENTICITY? I was maybe under the wrong impression that this was to be discussed as a theoretical concept that can be used and adapted to a larger cultural context, more than the process of AUTHENTIFICATION of a single object, wich is a very old problem in the assessment of the market value of certain artifacts. I believe that it is exactly because authenticity is so mythologized that authentification is necessary throughout the centuries. Can you elaborate on this? Thank you

23:27:06 G 对 所有人 : Just talked to a friend,an experienced collector. He said the color and Hui Wen on the Ying Hou Gui of the US collector is fake at the first sight. Sorry to be so straight forward.

23:27:16 K H对 所有人 : Yes, thank you. I agree entirely and appreciate the opportunity to hear your viewpoint.

23:32:42 D X 对 所有人 : Thank you very much, Prof. Lothar von Falkenhausen. I would like to ask a question that may not be directly related to your lecture. Many years ago, you noted that the field archaeology practiced in China is rarely kept methodologically separate from what Xia Nai calls ‘history in the narrow sense’. Nowhere else in the world is archaeology as closely enmeshed in a millennia-old living tradition of national history. From your observation in recent two decades, has that siuation changed?

23:33:05 A. P 对 所有人 : History of Art and Architecture

23:33:21 T P F L 对 所有人 : Hi Professor Lothar von Falkenhausen, thank you so much for your insightful talk. I was wondering if you could suggest any readings regarding to the relationship between authenticity, collecting, and archaeology today? Thank you!


23:34:00 A. P 对 所有人 : His forthcoming book, Nominal Things: Bronzes in the Making of Medieval China (University of Chicago Press). Ariane Perrin

23:38:00 A L 对 所有人 : Thank you for your talk

23:40:45 B L 对 所有人 : If a person today could manage to make excellent copies of ancient artefacts, without any intention of deceiving, I think it's amazing and respectable


23:41:28 B L对 所有人 : Thanks for your talk and discussions, inspiring!

23:41:31 P R. G 对 所有人 : @B L The way to do that responsibly is to indicate that it's a copy, maybe on the underside (as you find on a high-end souvenir)


23:41:40 A 对 所有人 : Thank you for a most interesting talk!

23:42:02 J 对 所有人 : Thank you!

23:42:04 S 对 所有人 : thank you for your fascinating lecture

23:42:14 Y 对 所有人 : Thank you for a fascinating and inspiring talk!

23:42:15 M 对 所有人 : Thank you!

23:42:16 S对 所有人 : Thank you for this amazing talk

23:42:19 pnvogt 对 所有人 : Thanks!

23:42:20 A对 所有人 : Thank you for such an interesting talk!

23:42:22 j 对 所有人 : Many thanks!

23:42:23 Q 对 所有人 : Thank you!

23:42:26 C 对 所有人 : Thank you

23:42:29 T L 对 所有人 : Thank you!

23:42:30 K对 所有人 : Thank you!

23:42:30 X张对 所有人 : Thank you

23:42:32 K 对 所有人 : Wonderful event, thank you.

23:42:34 L 对 所有人 : Thank you, wonderful session!

23:42:34 T对 所有人 : Thank you very much!

23:42:39 R 对 所有人 : Thank you!

23:42:41 D 对 所有人 : Thank you!

23:42:48 格对 所有人 : Thank you

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