推销员之死 读后感英文版
米勒的,The salesman is a typical die of modern tragedy. It is revealed that the United States of some social ills, smashing success ", "everyone can the myth. Willy lothrop is the tragic character. The tragedy of his dead wrong values around, cannot face reality. His life is in the wrong in the dream, and dreams of a mistake to die. Willy represents his class, so he's tragedy is a group of holding the tragedy of dream of success. As the name suggests, he Lowman, he belongs to lower the society. Willy: nothing at all, the salesman wages, only bring commissions. They sell is something, he believes, if has the charm, pleasing the gate is open towards him. He put his life in such dreams above the building. He to David singh mann admiring, because David sell very successful. He needn't leave the hotel, a telephone can clinch a deal, 84 when he died, there are so many buyers with his funeral behavior. Because he always living in their own imagination, in a world of fantasy as the reality, so often boast. He ignored his marketing unwelcome facts, boast about themselves in New England, said his how important how high he sales that sank into their lies. At an early age, his brother this advised him to go to Alaska is rich, but his wife, Linda said, "do you not at warner work well? Hope to become shareholders." He missed the opportunity, even first ask the boss to persuade him Linda in his city, he also can refuse to hire, because "he is very important in New England," but the reality is, the boss gave him the chop. Treat eldest biff he desperately instill "likable, attractive can succeed" thought, to make biff long-term cannot correctly understand oneself, he still palliative biff theft, caused the tragedy of another generation. Willy blindness made him jealous of success, neighbor Charley refused to offer him Charlie's career. He forced biff believes his charm will make old boss gave him borrow money. Finally, when biff ShengLeiJuXia to help his face reality, he finally biff for accepting his point of view, he decided to commit suicide, need to have some money to him. However, Willie's tragedy is not entirely due to its character, the weakness of American society is part of itself. Willy finally found himself as he installment buying things, you pay the money, then used or bad things. He paid the last house, while he had to go to the tomb. In American society, people are old elephant was ate meat, orange, skin is thrown away. However, his two sons of sacrifice, is not worthy of his doing it. The second important biff is character, he is the victim of philosophy, Willie because willy long thin and thick always young compared with Cardiff love the father, and biff as idols. Willy: biff for coach like that, even to steal something is no problem, then to display gallantry brother, urged biff brothers to steal wood. Biff so to behave in accordance with his father's values, until flunked math, to find his father for help, found in Boston, the father's privacy completely changed to his father. Because his father told him how important he constantly, so that he can't listens to the people, and have steal habit for many years, I not only, still have nothing in prison. He tried to help her father losing face and fantasy, both is mediocrity, can start, but will not succeed. But when the play, he finally came. If, mueller on dramatis personae still hope, then hope is in biff. His father is a son of neglect. In the home, biff always pinned him down. Hubby grew up a drifter, also very selfish, but the insane father threw in restaurants, and prostitutes. But the first victims of philosophy is Willie, sadly, until he still believes his play will be successful. Linda is a wife, but she did not image help willy back to reality, on the contrary make Willie in their imagination and blindness in deeper. The death of her willy is responsible, but he seems to be mueller spokesperson, shouted out of many people, must pay attention ", "the old man is not to like orange peel is like. Ben and Charlie is to prove willy philosophy and the fallacy of the characters. This represents full of adventure and cruel competition. 17 years old, he entered the jungles of Africa 21 walked out became millionaires. He succeeded. His philosophy is "and" not fight strangers. Charley a realist, he does not believe in a personal charm. He's saying: "J P Morgan clothes off like a butcher, but he bring his pouch, he very likable." Because of his practical spirit, he also received in American society has limited success. He and his father and son Bernard Willie completely opposite. This also USES the symbolism, such as the symbol of human society; the jungle The wife of filar dark demonstration of guilt, Forest fires symbol willy feel life pressure to bear, Pay the mortgage house symbol in American society of values, Willy suicide in the sun before midnight on insufficient backyard vegetables says he will give family despair to leave a little; And the curtain and curtain when the flute, the symbolic willy that cannot achieve the dream. Symbolic tactics consciousness in novels like the application. In the design of the house, the scenery wall is transparent, realistic character and late characters, past plots and practical circumstances appear alternately, also like stream-of-consciousness, just past performance and late plot, characters, and wear wall, and ignore the indoor environment of reality from the door. Past performance, the lights dimmed, the character of the age difference, dress show behavior shows era.
本文标题: 推销员之死读后感英语(求 阿瑟米勒 戏剧《推销员之死》的读后感)
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