
发布时间: 2025-02-12 09:19:44 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 96




今天我读了一个很有教育性的故事,名叫《灰姑娘》。这个故事主要讲有一个叫仙蒂的小姑娘,失去了妈妈。过了一年之后她爸爸又娶了一个妻子,这个女人还带了她两个女儿来。从此仙蒂就开始受苦了。有一天,国王下令举办舞会,给王子选个妻子。仙蒂央求她继母让她去,但她继母怎么也不给她去。她伤心地哭了起来,突然,一个仙女出现在她面前,仙女变了一条非常漂亮的裙子给她,还给了她一双玻璃鞋。仙蒂就高高兴兴地去了舞会。最后她就和王子一起在城堡里过着幸福快乐的生活。 读了这个故事我体会到了,要做一个善良的人,做好人就一定会有好报。英文:Today, I read a very educational story called "Cinderella." The main speakers of this story has a Christian name of the girl, lost her mother. A year later after her father married another wife, this woman brought to her two daughters. Began to suffer from a Christian. One day, the king ordered to hold the ball, to the wife of Prince elections. Christian begged her to let her stepmother, but her stepmother is not how to give her. She cried again, a sudden, a fairy appeared in front of her, a fairy has changed very beautiful to her skirt, a pair of glass back to her. Christian went on happily to the ball.
Finally, she and the prince in the castle lived together happily ever after life.
Read this story I realized that, and be a good people, good people will


【 #英语资源# 导语】读完某一作品后,大家心中一定是萌生了不少心得,这时就有必须要写一篇读后感了!以下是 为大家整理的《灰姑娘》的英文读后感,欢迎阅读参考。


  For most girls, I believe they must have read the story about Cinderella. The story tells about a beautiful and kind girl named Cinderella, her mother dies when she is very small, so his father marries another lady who has two daughters. When the father dies, Cinderella is bulled by his step-mother and step-sisters, but she keeps nice to them. One day, Cinderella meets a prince and when she joins the party, she has to run away before midnight. The prince finally finds her by his missing glass shoe. Finally, Cinderella lives a happy life and her step-mother and step-sisters are punished. The story tells people that if we are kind to others, we will have the good return.



  After I read these two different versions of Cinderella, I found there are many similarities and differences between them. First, I will go over the common things that these two books have. They both have very similar characteristics. For example, Cinderella is always a very beautiful and nice girl. She has to do all the hard and dirty work under the discipline of bad characters. Bad characters are commonly involved in these stories. For example, Yeh-Shen had a wicked stepmother, who promoted her own child, but was very mean to her.

  Rhodopis, a Greek slave girl living in Egypt, had her companion servants who made fun of her appearance and kept distance from her. Second, they have both have a similar plot and theme. Both stories have a good ending toward their destiny. In both versions of Cinderella, they finally get great rewards and marry to the royalties. Third, there are always some belongings being taken away from Cinderella. Elegant dresses, shoes, and rose-red slippers often play important roles in these stories. For example, in the Chinese version of Cinderella, Yeh-shen lost the gold shoes in a huge parade. The king got the shoes and found a long way to find the right person who could fit in it.

  Fourth, they are all attributed to the supernatural or animals. In the Chinese version of Cinderella, Yeh-Shen was helped by the Fish spirit, and Rhodopis was helped by the falcon. Fifth, the most but not the least, they are both illustrated by beautiful colors and textures to describe the story of Cinderella. This is especially true in the story of the Egyptian Cinderella, which presents great details of life in ancient Egypt. Certainly, there are also some differences between these two books. The Egyptian Cinderella was based on a true story of ancient Egypt to some extent .This is unlike other fairy tales, which use a lot of imagination. In the history of ancient Egypt, Rhodopis did marry to the King Pharaoh Amasis. Furthermore, there is no punishment to bad characters in the Egyptian version of Cinderella.


  Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything.

  One day, a letter comes to the house. It is a letter from the prince. He will have a big party. He would like the three girls to come. The prince wants to find a wife. Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. Cinderella's stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince's party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy.

  "Don't worry," says the fairy. "You can go to the prince's party." "I can't go," cries Cinderella. "I don't have a nice dress."

  It will be all right," says the fairy. "Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat." Cinderella quickly finds them. "What will you do?" Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin.

  The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach. Then the fairy changes the rat into a man. He is the driver of the coach.

  The coach is beautiful, but Cinderella still looks sad. "I still can't go to the party. My dress is too ugly," she says. "Don't worry," says the fairy. She waves her wand and makes Cinderella's dress beautiful.

  Now Cinderella has a nice dress. It is gold and very pretty. Her shoes are made of glass. Cinderella is so beautiful. She can go to the party.

  "You must leave the party before twelve o'clock," says the fairy. "At 12:00 the magic will end."

  "I will be back before twelve o'clock," says Cinderella. She gets into the coach to go to the party.

  The prince's palace is full of people. They are all happy to be at the big party. All the girls want to marry the prince. Then Cinderella walks into the palace. "Who is she?" everyone asks. "She's so beautiful," they say.

  The prince sees Cinderella. He asks her to dance with him. All night long they dance and talk. The prince and Cinderella fall in love. At twelve o'clock, Cinderella runs out of the palace.

  Cinderella runs and loses one of her glass shoes. She must get home before twelve. She is late. She runs into the house. Now, she is wearing her old dress again.

  The prince finds Cinderella's shoe. "I know this shoe. It belongs to that beautiful girl. I'll find her," he says. The next morning, he goes from house to house to find her. He goes to Cinderella's house. The two ugly stepsisters try on the shoe, but their feet are too big.

  "Can I try it on?" asks Cinderella. "Yes," the prince says, so Cinderella tries the shoe on. It fits her foot. "I have found my princess," the prince says. Soon Cinderella and the prince get married. They live happily ever after.




  Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale. It told us a wonderful love story. The poor girl, Cinderella, was ill treated by her step mother and self sisters. But finally, she got her true love with the prince.

  It made me moved because Cinderella is such a brave girl; she doesn't care about the gap between her and her beloved one. I learn from it that miracles are often created by our own effort.


  Today, I read a very educational story called "Cinderella." The main speakers of this story has a Christian name of the girl, lost her mother. A year later after her father married another wife, this woman brought to her two daughters. Began to suffer from a Christian. One day, the king ordered to hold the ball, to the wife of Prince elections. Christian begged her to let her stepmother, but her stepmother is not how to give her. She cried again, a sudden, a fairy appeared in front of her, a fairy has changed very beautiful to her skirt, a pair of glass back to her. Christian went on happily to the ball.

  Finally, she and the prince in the castle lived together happily ever after life.

  Read this story I realized that, and be a good people, good people will


  After I read these two different versions of Cinderella, I found there are many similarities and differences between them. First, I will go over the common things that these two books have. They both have very similar characteristics. For example, Cinderella is always a very beautiful and nice girl. She has to do all the hard and dirty work under the discipline of bad characters. Bad characters are commonly involved in these stories. For example, Yeh-Shen had a wicked stepmother, who promoted her own child, but was very mean to her.

  Rhodopis, a Greek slave girl living in Egypt, had her companion servants who made fun of her appearance and kept distance from her. Second, they have both have a similar plot and theme. Both stories have a good ending toward their destiny. In both versions of Cinderella, they finally get great rewards and marry to the royalties. Third, there are always some belongings being taken away from Cinderella. Elegant dresses, shoes, and rose-red slippers often play important roles in these stories. For example, in the Chinese version of Cinderella, Yeh-shen lost the gold shoes in a huge parade. The king got the shoes and found a long way to find the right person who could fit in it.

  Fourth, they are all attributed to the supernatural or animals. In the Chinese version of Cinderella, Yeh-Shen was helped by the Fish spirit, and Rhodopis was helped by the falcon. Fifth, the most but not the least, they are both illustrated by beautiful colors and textures to describe the story of Cinderella. This is especially true in the story of the Egyptian Cinderella, which presents great details of life in ancient Egypt. Certainly, there are also some differences between these two books. The Egyptian Cinderella was based on a true story of ancient Egypt to some extent .This is unlike other fairy tales, which use a lot of imagination. In the history of ancient Egypt, Rhodopis did marry to the King Pharaoh Amasis. Furthermore, there is no punishment to bad characters in the Egyptian version of Cinderella.

  I like the Chinese version of Cinderella better because it originated from China. I have heard this type of story a long time ago. It has some sort of traditional Chinese culture values and elements inside the story as well. In addition, it was illustrated by Ed.Young whom I have very strong respect for. To conclude, no matter whether they are western or eastern versions of Cinderella, they all tell the great fairy tales that we like. One thing I have learned from these fairy tales is that we need to be optimistic when we encounter problems in our life. The final outcome will turn out great if we try very hard towards our goals and make it happen.

本文标题: 英文灰姑娘读后感(《灰姑娘》的英文读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/408804.html



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