
发布时间: 2025-02-07 00:49:10 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 88




I must say when I first watched this movie, I loved it, I loved the plot, music, characters, and the actors. The actors are so good in this movie that I surprised that they were even acting, and pretending to be like the people in the movie. Johnny Depp really did his best in this one, and I was not even the smallest surprised that he did an amazing job in this movie. Seriously, if they picked anyone else for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow, then I would not like this movie, and no one else would like it. Everyone I know believes so, and no one yet has stepped up and said something about changing the actor for Captain Jack Sparrow.
The writers did an amazing job with the script, but obviously Johnny Depp did a little improv while acting this role. Very good improv at that. All the other actors where good too, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightly, and Geoffory Rush, which happened to also be one of my favorite characters in the movie also. Oh yes, the role of Barbossa really knocked me in the head. His acting was almost as good as Johnny Depp's. The way he looked and talked just freaked the hell out of me and I just wanted to scream my lungs out.
The special effects in this movie also got me too, the way the Skeletons look when the moon rises really got me. The special effects people did an amazing job at that, as well as the Make-Up people.


短一点,70个词左右。急呀! 麻烦快点!!!!
Pirates of the CarribeanⅠ: [The Curse of the Black Pearl] is an action film from Disney.It tells the story of Captain Jack Sparrow who has a ship called Black Pearl.Captain Barbossa who was once the first mate of Black Pearl has robbed the ship.Therefore,Captain Jack Sparrow is on his way with Will Turner who wants to save his love-Elizabeth Swann to get the Pearl back.


A dilapidated galleon heads into Port Royal, and atop it stands the proudly scurvy Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). As it glides shoreward, the ship is taking on water and has nearly sunk by the time it reaches land — allowing Jack to step lithely, blithely and with Astaire timing from the crow's nest onto the Port Royal dock. This little scene, reminiscent of a visual gag in a Buster Keaton silent comedy, comes at the start of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, cuing audiences to the suspense, grace and fun of the next two hours.
The very notion that a fluffy summer action movie should be headed by America's most beautiful serious actor (or seriously beautiful one) paints a flummoxed smile on the faces of Depp's admirers. This is, after all, a film based on a Disney theme-park attraction — not a cool thrill machine like the Tower of Terror or a camp classic like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride but the staid Pirates of the Caribbean. For this project, Depp put aside the nutsy-greatsy auteurs of his past (Tim Burton, John Waters, Terry Gilliam, Jim Jarmusch) to team up with Gore Verbinski, a director whose prime artistic achievement is the masterminding of the Budweiser frog commercials.
Maybe Verbinski's talent takes to water. Maybe he took inspiration from the cunning script by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio; their credits include The Mask of Zorro and a lot of bright, clever animated hits (Aladdin, Antz, Shrek). But, honestly, who cares to parse the authorship? Buy a ticket, take a seat, have a ball.
On the island where Jack has landed, the Governor (Jonathan Pryce) wishes his spirited daughter Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) to marry the local commodore (Jack Davenport). She has eyes for her childhood friend Will Turner (Orlando Bloom). But the island is attacked by pirates more fearsome than the larcenous Jack. The notorious Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) kidnaps Elizabeth to help break a curse on his ship, the Black Pearl. So Jack and Will forge a wary alliance. One wants the ship; the other wants the girl.
You'll notice nods to old Hollywood tales of the sea and a few jovial citations to the ride. But Pirates uses its sources more as guidelines than as actual rules. This is an original work in an antique mood. The actors and authors all have fun with the genre without making fun of it. Rather, they revive it.
Each aspect of Pirates shows care and brio. An early sword fight, full of seesaws and somersaults, displays a burly, balletic grace. There's a fine cast of supporting scoundrels, including a pirate parrot and a monkey with vampire teeth. Barbossa's ship has a haunted grandeur and, under moonlight, a timber-shivering secret to reveal.
Rush and Depp offer a congenial collision of acting styles: the one purring with assured menace, the other weirder, more daring. In a role that requires him to be both the lead and the comic relief, Depp plays the roguish coquette, sporting another of his odd British accents (as in Sleepy Hollow and From Hell). Only he could make this spiked cocktail of quirks so potent and piquant. Now Pirates could give Depp what he may never have wanted: a movie franchise.
One more amazement: the movie offers a big, savory role to a woman. Elizabeth is not the plot's pawn; she is a queen in the making. Knightley, just 19 when the film was shot, radiates a mature fire through her fresh, patrician beauty. This is one babe of summer who is allowed into the dark center of her film and knows how to illuminate it.
The picture moves so swiftly in its first hour that one wonders if the energy can be sustained. But the crew has more surprises in store. The biggest one is that a theme-park movie with modest buzz turns out to be the summer's niftiest, most buoyant action adventure.
另一个:Elizabeth, Will and the crew of the Pearl sail off the edge of the map (literally) with the help of mysterious Tia Dalma and the late Captain Barbossa who has been raised by the dead to save Captain Jack Sparrow . He has been condemned to the terrible fate of remaining in the void of Davey Jones' locker for eternity. But rescuing Jack isn't the real meat of this movie - Lord Cutler Beckett has control of the heart of Davey Jones, and with that he controls the sea. The nine pirate lords of the world must unite for a final stand against Beckett, Jones and the East India Trade company.


海盗对于我来说,更重要的是那种 *** 与冒险的感受。 加勒比海盗第一部原名pirates of the caribbean - the curse of the black pearl 。黑珍珠号的诅咒。 由 johnny depp饰演jack sparrow ,是一位向往自由与冒险的船长 。johnny depp演技非常棒,其中最让人难忘的是他的娘娘手势,和在一座无人居住的小岛上逃生的传奇。他善良,面对财宝的诱惑可以不会失去理智。敢于坚持自己的见解,风趣幽默的解释,海盗守则。 geoffrey rush饰演 barbossa,黑珍珠号的现任船长,一个贪婪的叛徒。曾经为了岛上的黄金,背叛了jack sparrow让jack独自留在孤岛。就是这座无人居住,热得出奇的岛屿,使得jack摆脱了那些金牌上的诅咒。并且,jack成功地逃离了它。 为了摆脱诅咒, barbossa必须把他们曾挥霍的金币一个不差的找回,并用曾拥有金牌的人的鲜血来摆脱诅咒。最后一块金牌是 will turner所拥有,他的爸爸在海盗内乱时把这块金牌给了will turner,那时候他还小。他被皇家海军救了,金牌被市长的女儿elizabeth swann偷偷拿走。长大后,will成为出色的铁匠,他痛恨海盗。他喜欢elizabeth swann。但jack sparrow正在找他,并且找到了。 最后,在黑珍珠号上他们肿痛经历了许多冒险,和死不了的海盗们打斗,并最终战胜他们,解除诅咒。jack也用 barbossa留给他的唯一一颗子弹杀了他。 但是,相爱的人却不能在一起elizabeth swann答应为了救出will嫁给她不喜欢的norrington…… jack 重新成为船长,自由的驰骋在海洋……   。。。拉倒吧   你好 Jack Sparrow first appears in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), where he arrives in Port Royal looking to mandeer a ship. Despite rescuing Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley), the daughter of Governor Weatherby Swann (Jonathan Pryce) from drowning, he is jailed for piracy. That night, a ghost ship, the Black Pearl attacks Port Royal, capturing Elizabeth in the process. Its Captain, Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), is trying desperately to break an ancient Aztec curse that he and the crew are under. Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), a black *** ith who loves Elizabeth, frees Sparrow to aid him in rescuing her. They steal the HMS Interceptor and acquire a crew in Tortuga before heading to Isla de Muerta, where Elizabeth is being held captive. They are quickly captured, and Barbossa maroons Sparrow and Elizabeth on a deserted island. The pair are rescued by the British Royal Navy. In order to escape hanging, Sparrow cuts a deal to deliver them the Black Pearl. During the film's final battle at Isla de Muerta, Sparrow steals a cursed coin, making himself immortal so he can fight Barbossa. He shoots his rival with the same bullet he has carried for ten years just as Will breaks the curse, killing Barbossa. Sparrow is captured and later sentenced to death. At his scheduled execution in Port Royal, Will es to his rescue, but they are quickly caught. Governor Swann and Commodore Norrington are reluctant to resume the hanging, however, righ


注意:是 英文读后感 不是 英文观后感 啊!!!必须是加勒比海盗——世界的尽头的英文读后感哦,谢谢~~
This is a fantasticmovie full action, adventure, humor and a hell of a lot more! The film is 2hours and 40 minutes long, but that time flies by as you are transported intoan awesome world of swashbuckling and sword fights. Johnny Depp's performanceis one of his best ever as the slightly camp Captain Jack Sparrow. Even underhis tangle of hair and blackened eyes, he will make you swoon and laugh both atthe same time with his tonnes of witty lines and mannerisms. Orlando Bloomplays the love struck son of a pirate, Will Turner and play him he does! Thisroll highlights the diversity and skill shown by some of the greats. We willdefinitely see big things from him in years to come. In her second roll in bigtime flick, Kira Knightley plays kidnapped Govener's daughter, Elizabeth Swan.She is also another young, up and coming star with a bright future ahead ofher. The film may not be the most historically accurate pirate film of alltimes but all that is forgotten as you enjoy the brilliance of this marvelousmovie.
本文标题: 加勒比海盗英文读后感_(加勒比海盗5读后感英语)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/407978.html



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