典范7第1本读后感英文25词(典范英语七的第一本的读后感 急急急)

发布时间: 2025-01-07 13:34:10 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 98


典范7第1本读后感英文25词(典范英语七的第一本的读后感 急急急)


典范英语6 7:

典范英语7 7读后感

Every child can succeed," This is a classic western education, the author of this book is a well-known American expert on the study, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, who had 15 years of intensive investigation and research monographs written in the classical education, he The research results show that in fact there is no natural-born children of the so-called learning impossible. a vast majority of people in the world through tinted glasses view results. 《每个孩子都能成功》这是一本西方教育名著,这本书的作者是美国著名的学习问题专家托马斯·阿姆斯特朗先生,他进行了15年深入的调查研究写成的经典教育专著,他的研究成果表明,实际上根本没有天生的所谓学习上不行的孩子. 绝大部分也是世人带着有色眼镜看待的结果.


North Pole was going to be a show and anyone could be in it. Arctic Fox are going to do skating ,andPolar Bear are going to do tumbling. Seal will sing.Whale are going to do diving .But Walrus was not good as anything . At last,the big night arrive .Everyone make their best ,but only Walrus ,when anyone act Walrus all ruined their act . So,every was angry,but,there</ FONT> are going to snow ,everyone was happy ,And walrus practice haidly and hardly . Somtimes ,when walrus is clowning around,everyone was join in too!!!



After learning Good English 17(Pioneer Girl, the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder), I have some feelings about it. 

Do you know what Laura said? She said that: “Home was where Pa’s fiddle was hung on the wall.

 It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for Ma’s china shepherdess. It never got broken.”

 I’m deeply touched by this sentence. Oh yes, home isn’t only a place for people to live in. But also contains a lot of things in it. 

What are those? From my point of view, home is a place which full of loves. Family love, affection, friendship will let you not be lonely. 

They are just like songs, cultivate your sentiment. They are just like rivers, nourish your soul. They are just like sunshine, light up your future. 

They are just like books, enrich your knowledge. They are just like lighthouses, guide your direction. They are just like shield, protect your safety. They make your life be colourful.

《典范英语》(Good English)由中国青年出版社出版,是一套从英国牛津大学出版社原版引进的英语母语学习材料 ,闻名英国,享誉世界。英国有80%的学校用它来学习母语,全球有133个国家用它来学习英语。



《典范英语——少儿英语拼读入门》、《典范英语——趣味文化百科阅读》、《典范英语——少儿英语探索集》 、《典范英语——活动手册》(1-6)、典范英语点读笔等。



莱尼一开始觉得丛林短裤并不适合他,但当它以另一种方式出现时,我们就会知道一切都是值得珍惜的,所以莱尼最后改变了自己的主意。同时,丛林短裤也的确令他感到快乐。 Lenny a began to feel the jungle shorts is not for him, but when it another way to appear, we'll know everything is worth to cherish, so lenny finally changed his mind. At the same time, the jungle shorts does make him happy.   I'm from revelation : when in crisis, do not plain about their own situation. Perhaps, many others than you.我从中的得到的启示是:当深陷危机之中时,不要抱怨自己的处境。或许,别人不比你好多少。   Lenny got the jungle shorts instead of the proper white ones, he began to feel disappointed and upset. I think it's unnecessary to plain about it, jungle shorts are funny and *** art as well. And if you expect to get something eagerly, you'll be quite sad if you can't get it. Just think it in another way, we'll understand that everything is worth cherishing, He insisted on getting the white shorts and he was too face-saving. He changed his mind at last, however, and the jungle shorts made him happy indeed.   page3 class3 had put on their coats 3班的学生们已经穿上外套 waiting in a line to 排成一队正等着 zip拉链 anorak防水衣 had stuck卡住了 nearly几乎,差一点 missed没听见 是不是这种???未发完,,   郝一舟你也太蛋疼了吧!!!   郝一舟,我鄙视你(厉佳坤留)

本文标题: 典范7第1本读后感英文25词(典范英语七的第一本的读后感 急急急)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/402394.html



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