
发布时间: 2025-01-04 03:22:11 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 83




原文概括:Mary, Queen of Scots (8 December 1542 – 8 February 1587) was Queen of Scots from 14 December 1542 to 24 July 1567.
She was the only surviving legitimate child of King James V. She was six days old when her father died and made her Queen of Scots. Her mother, Mary of Guise, assumed regency and her daughter was crowned nine months later.
In 1558, she married Francis, Dauphin of France, who ascended the French throne as Francis II in 1559. However, Mary was not Queen of France for long; she was widowed on 5 December 1560.
After her husband's death, Mary returned to Scotland, arriving in Leith on 19 August 1561. Four years later, she married her first cousin, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. Their union was unhappy and in February 1567, Darnley was found dead in the garden at Kirk o'Field, after a huge explosion in the house.
She soon married James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, who was generally believed to be Darnley's murderer. Following an uprising against the couple, Mary was imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle on 15 June and forced to abdicate the throne in favour of her one-year-old son, James VI. After an unsuccessful attempt to regain the throne, Mary fled to England seeking protection from her father's first cousin, Queen Elizabeth I, whose kingdom she hoped to inherit. Elizabeth, however, ordered her arrest, because of the threat presented by Mary, who was considered the rightful ruler of England by many English Catholics.
After a long period of custody in England, she was tried and executed for treason following her alleged involvement in three plots to assassinate Elizabeth and place herself on the English throne



范文:From December 14, 1542 to July 24, 1567, Queen Mary of Scotland (December 8, 1542 - February 8, 1587) was the queen of Scotland.

She was the only surviving legitimate King James V when her father died, her queen of Scotland, and she was a six-day child. Mary of Keith, her mother, served as regent. Nine months later, her daughter was crowned.

In 1558, she married Francis, the crown prince of France, and Francis II ascended the French throne in 1559. However, Queen Mary's French long;, She was widowed on December 5, 1560.

我感觉比较悲伤,从1542年12月14日至1567年7月24日,苏格兰女王玛丽(1542年12月8日 - 1587年2月8日)是苏格兰女王。她是唯一幸存的合法国王詹姆斯五世时,她的父亲去世,她的苏格兰女王,她是6天之久的孩子。吉斯的玛丽,她的母亲,担任摄政,9个月后,她的女儿被加冕。



苏格兰玛丽女王读后感 传记文学的精彩,就在于人的一生可以浓缩在几百张书页中。在这几十年的岁月中,得意的、失意的、精彩的、困顿的,人生的种种,只换作了一个俯视的角度去观看,就变成了几幕简单的舞台剧。 一个人的命运,放在历史的舞台上,是多么渺小,而时间是最好的解说者,几十年还是几百年以后的旁观者,借着传记的火光,可以看到所有命运跌宕起伏的枝节脉络,这不能不说是一件神奇的事。 关于苏格兰,除了风笛、格子裙之外,知晓的真地是不多,那个位于英格兰北部的岛国,留给人的印象是苍凉和悲壮的,这样的印象和风笛有关,还和那部《勇敢的心》的电影有关。 不说玛丽?斯图亚特和伊丽莎白之间的恩怨了,书里已写得相当清楚。 关于玛丽?斯图亚特,全书看完,有一个个人体味的影像。她好象是一只有着丰华美丽翅膀的蝴蝶,在她25岁之前的青春岁月中,她自由、丰美、高贵和幸运。她翩然飞舞着,快乐、美丽、到处受人欢迎,让人倾慕。但是她轻率和冲动,她这样的性情,如果是一个平常的女子,牺牲的仅仅是爱情或者婚姻,但她是头顶王冠的女王,置身于政治的旋涡的中心,于是悲剧在不远处等着她了。 25岁之后的玛丽?斯图亚特依旧丰美、高贵,但她已失去了最宝贵的自由,幸福也不再眷顾于她,她颤动的双翼依然美丽但已无力飞翔,她日夜想着挣脱,但身上的枷锁越来越紧,直到把她送上不归路。 在玛丽?斯图亚特的命运中,伊丽莎白是不容忽视的主角,两个女人,一场纠缠了几十年的战争,然后是两个完全迥异的命运。整个作品的风格,是介于史实陈述和小说之间的,但关于女性心理有着较长篇幅的描写,茨威格的语言因为熟悉和喜欢的,所以读起来还是比较从容。 2. Mary, Queen of Scots (8 December 1542 – 8 February 1587) was Queen of Scots from 14 December 1542 to 24 July 1567. She was the only surviving legitimate child of King James V. She was six days old when her father died and made her Queen of Scots. Her mother, Mary of Guise, assumed regency and her daughter was crowned nine months later. In 1558, she married Francis, Dauphin of France, who ascended the French throne as Francis II in 1559. However, Mary was not Queen of France for long; she was widowed on 5 December 1560. After her hu *** and's death, Mary returned to Scotland, arriving in Leith on 19 August 1561. Four years later, she married her first cousin, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. Their union was unhappy and in February 1567, Darnley was found dead in the garden at Kirk o'Field, after a huge explosion in the house. She soon married James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, who was generally believed to be Darnley's murderer. Following an uprising against the couple, Mary was imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle on 15 June and forced to abdicate the throne in favour of her one-year-old son, James VI. After an unsuccessful attempt to regain the throne, Mary fled to England seeking protection from her father's first cousin, Queen Elizabeth I, whose kingdom she hoped to inherit. Elizabeth, however, ordered her arrest, because of the threat presented by Mary, who was considered the rightful ruler of England by many English Catholics. After a long period of custody in England, she was tried and executed for treason following her alleged involvement in three plots to assassinate Elizabeth and place herself on the English throne

本文标题: 苏格兰玛丽女王读后感英文(《苏格兰玛丽女王》英文读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/401626.html



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