森林王子读后感200字以上(《森林王子》英语读后感 100字以上)

发布时间: 2024-10-20 17:48:08 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 83


森林王子读后感200字以上(《森林王子》英语读后感 100字以上)

《森林王子》英语读后感 100字以上


The prince of the forest is about a human baby who was raised by a wolf in the Indian jungle after his parents were hurt by a tiger. Finally, the story of killing the tiger. The name of this human baby is mogley. Anyone who has read this book will be shocked by the fact that the little boy in the story has lived with a very fierce looking animal for so long.

Once the monkeys saw mogley's bravery and wisdom, so they took him back and wanted him to be the leader of the monkeys. Bagsila and Baru found it. The boa constrictor Kaya, the animal most feared by the monkeys, went to mogley together. Mogley was brought to lengcheng by the monkeys. 

It was an ancient city forgotten in the depths of the primeval forest. When bagsila and Baru were seated, Mogli was seriously injured. Kaya's nose also swelled up, but in the end, after a fierce struggle, he came out of mogley.

For the peace of the deep forest and the harmony of all animals, mogley decided to go to the human village. He helped people herd cattle and still played with the wolves every day, but he didn't let people know. Mogley also used human intelligence and bull to end his life while tiger hickory took a bath in the river. 

He also kept his promise and peeled off the tiger hickory's skin, but people regarded him as a fierce forest devil and drove him out of the village. Mogley took hickory's skin to the wolves and asked Accra to be the leader of the wolves again.  In this way, mogley continued to live with the wolves in the wolf pack.

Mogley fulfilled his promise, and you won the trust of the wolves through your own efforts. Hickory did a lot of bad things and was punished. The wicked will be rewarded! We should not hurt animals. Animals are human friends, although we can't fight and live with animals like mogley. But we should live in harmony with animals and be kind to animals.









`George of the Jungle,''is a very good movie , is one of my favorite films , which full of pure , love and beautiful music, impressed me the most from the movie is that , huaman being is a kind of social animal so we must grow among other people , only in this way , we can shape ourselves, if we are staying with animals everyday ,we may become a animal, just like the main character in this movie. anothing I remember most is the love in it, love make our life so colorful ,make our world so beautiful! all in all, I love this movie, it is worth our seeing.





  3、如果你想保护他,我就把你们都撕烂。——Shere Khan/谢利·坎/谢利·汗














The Jungle Books can be regarded as classic stories told by an adult to children. But they also constitute a complex literary work of art in which the whole of Kipling's philosophy of life is expressed in miniature. They are best known for the `Mowgli' stories; the tale of a baby abandoned and brought up by wolves, educated in the ways and secrets of the jungle by Kaa the python, Baloo the bear, and Bagheera the black panther. The stories, a mixture of fantasy, myth, and magic, are underpinned by Kipling's abiding preoccupation with the theme of self-discovery, and the nature of the `Law'. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


《丛林王子》狼孩毛格利主人公叫莫里克,以前在大风车放过,挺好看的故事发生在印度一个不知名的原始热带雨林里,小男孩莫格里被遗弃在丛林里,勇敢的狼妈妈把他从老虎的口中救了出来,并把他带回狼群。从此,他成为丛林的一员。棕熊巴鲁教他学习丛林法律和与各种动物对话,黑豹巴哥希拉教他捕猎和生活经验。一天,巴鲁打了莫格里一巴掌,他一赌气跑了,并和没有纪律的猴子混在一起。当他发现自己错了时,已经被猴子们完全控制住了。为了救莫格里,棕熊巴鲁和黑豹巴哥希拉与巨蟒卡和猴子展开了一场酣战。邪恶的老虎希尔.汗总处心积虑想吃掉莫格里,后来莫格里回到人群找到妈妈并当了放牛娃,可恶的老虎仍不放过它。莫格里在丛林动物伙伴的帮助下,赶着牛群大军,将老虎踩死,并剥下老虎的皮。但当他回到村子里,人们却把他当作魔鬼赶回了森林, 莫格里被赶走后,他的母亲也受到牵连,被人们绑起来,准备把她和莫格里一起处死。莫格里知道了母亲所受的委屈,再也抑制不住心中的愤怒,他召集所有丛林动物,与人类斗智斗勇,带领大象海希依据捣毁村庄……莫格里与丛林动物们度过无数难忘的日日夜夜,但当春天到来的时候,所有的动物都去唱歌了, 从林里只剩下莫格里一个人,没有一个动物和他打招呼,他感到浑身燥热,自己也不知怎么回事。他跑呀跑呀,终于跑回到人群中去,在那里他又见到了妈妈。
本文标题: 森林王子读后感200字以上(《森林王子》英语读后感 100字以上)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/394605.html



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