In the story, you can see all kinds of animals. They live in the city of animals, they like people like dressing, eating people eat food, no longer in other animals for food, with the mobile phone, intelligent life. They have a different job and bee an integral part of the city. They live in different areas, such as desert, rain forest, snow and ice. City equipped with the ability to meet the needs of every kind of animal facilities and shops. For example, in beeen the floor and dedicated to the *** all rat scampering in the street of pipeline bridge, on the train has three dimensions, respectively, so that large, medium and *** all animals pass, are designed to sell elephants large ice cream, as well as to provide to little mouse banquet of ultra *** all cake...... in the city you can see every kind of animal are equality, mutual respect, every kinds of animals have their own development opportunities. 在故事里,你可以看到各种各样的动物,他们生活在动物城里,他们像人一样穿衣、吃人吃的食物,不再以其他动物为食,用上了手机,过上智能化的生活。他们拥有不同的职业,成为这座城市不可或缺的一份子。他们住在不同的区域,有沙漠区、雨林区、冰雪区等。城市里配备了能够满足每种动物需要的设施和店铺,比如在楼与楼之间有专门给小老鼠过街的管道天桥,在火车上有三个尺寸的门,分别让大、中、小型动物通行,有专门卖给大象的超大冰激凌,还有提供给小老鼠宴会的超小蛋糕??在这座城市里你可以看到每种动物都平等相待,相互尊重,每种动物都有自己的发展机会。 "Crazy Town animal" produced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation,when this movie was first announced,I was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre today. t adderessed so many of the crazy and scary things that our happening in our society today, it is so interesting! l don't know
本文标题: 动物英语绘本小故事读后感(呀 蜘蛛英语绘本讲了什么道理)
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