
发布时间: 2024-05-04 22:03:37 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 103




  这不禁又使我想到了自己,小时候因为胆子小,晚上不敢一个人起床上厕所,总得有妈妈陪着。去年一天的晚上,爸爸妈妈加班,我急着上厕所,可是呆在卧室里又不敢出来。我看看外面,一片漆黑,心想:外面是不是有鬼,要是突然停电怎么办?可不上厕所又很难受。这时我想到妈妈给我讲的小鬼当家的故事,我壮起胆子,心想:有什么可怕的, 爱力克斯才8岁,都能战胜四个坏蛋,我是堂堂男子汉,怕什么。想着,我大摇大摆地上了厕所。从那以后,我再也不怕黑了。




  Today, I am watching American movies "小鬼当家", film about a kid with their own intelligence and wisdom to defend their homes story, it's let I admire.
  Because he was not obedient, his father's mother gave him shut myself to attic, the next house go out to travel, haste, and give him behind, kid alone at home. Start he very happy, no adult governance him. To prepare ourselves for Christmas. In the morning he in decorating the Christmas tree, found that two guys. Two villains discuat 9 o 'clock in the evening when to rob him home. Hobberdy very frightened, to the street and stray go to, then he thought it was home, should defend it. So he ran home, began to decorate trap, he put the stair pour water, frozen ice, oiled. The door handle tong on electricity, etc, the results evening two villain got crumpled, finally in his neighbor's help, will be two villains sent to jail.
  His wit, brave, worth learning. Danger, difficulties can't be afraid, cannot flee to brave face, positive think way. Victory will be ours.
  Since I was a dozen small movies, read film countless, but my favourite film still wants to count "carol masters series" mo belonged to.
  "Carol masters," the film is a little boy as the main characters, the little boy for parents to go on holiday, ordetracted groundcover alone remained at home. The thieves seize the opportunity to his stealing, clever boy with a series of organ and the bad egg break, will have bad mocked vengeance, and finally the thief was arrested story. The film with funny theme left a deep impression on me.
  The story of the hero, the naughty clever boy, impressed me most. He decorated the organ one by one, emerge in endlessly, and often, unexpectedly, I admire most of his also is this point. Want to know make authority is not an easy thing, first you must carefully, otherwise do authority will loopholes, Secondly, we should have certain of the psychology research, only insight into people's heart, can better put organs. In addition, still need to be proficient in physics, chemistry, biology and so on various aspects of the comprehensive knowledge. The little boy was still a small could organs so superb, is worth admire.
  To see the carol masters, "the film, I found I want to learn something still so many. Not only is the physical, chemical and biological other cultural aspects of knowledge and learn how to observe life, know about life, and learn to textbook no knowledge, continue to spread knowledge, the only way to better cope with life of the various emergencies.


Today, I saw large areas of the United States "Home Alone" with deep feeling. The main character is a little boy. Christmas is fast approaching, the little boy was always getting into trouble. As a result, they go to a holiday in Paris, but forget the little boy at home. There are two thieves, after a long period of the study, which determined that no one at home. Unexpectedly, there is a little devil at home it! The little boy with a lot of smart and witty way, to finally seize the thief. His parents, Christmas is the day to come back, and the boy's mother hugged tightly. Since then, the boy became everybody's favorite target.
I would like to tell you that the smart money is not unusual in some small inexpensive. But in the coming danger, to protect their own!


There are some big laughs in "Home Alone," once it finally gets down to the reason for its existence — a lengthy, very funny slapstick sequence with a young boy setting all kinds of elaborate booby traps for two burglars who are trying to break into his house. But it takes its time getting there. The lengthy setup has 8-year-old Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) accidentally being left behind when his large family goes on an overseas trip for Christmas. The setup has to work, of course, or the audience won't be able to buy into this wild premise at all. At least, the adult audience. But it should have been funnier along the way. Kevin's house is a bit on the chaotic side as his parents (Catherine O'Hara, John Heard), his brothers and sisters and his aunt, uncle and cousins gather together to get ready for their flight to Paris the next day. When the power goes out overnight the alarms don't go off the next morning, and in the rush to get to the airport, Kevin, sleeping alone in the attic, is overlooked.
本文标题: 小鬼当家一读后感200字(小鬼当家读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/372460.html



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