
发布时间: 2023-10-29 20:21:40 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 96




标题(title,head),是标明文章、作品等内容的简短语句, 一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题。常言道:看书先看皮,看报先看题,标题可以使读者了解到文章的主要内容和主旨。


thegreenbanana主旨:主要讲的是对待世界上不同文化应该采取的态度,我们要尊重不同的文化,去自觉领受另一种文化。 扩展资料 the green banana是美国学者DonaldBatchelder写的.,这篇文章主要讲的是对待世界上不同文化应该采取的态度,我们要尊重不同的文化,去自觉领受另一种文化。



  we have learnt "anne of the green gables" for a long time。 anne, the little fairy with red hair has an optimism nature and a rich imagination。 she always keeps a positive attitude。 she had made a lot of jokes because of her innocence and fantasy, but her kindness and forthright also earned her friendship and true love。 she loves the life, the nature and everything around her。 this kind of love also rewards her at any time。 anne is an optimistic, brave girl。 no matter what had happened, she always thinking about things in a good way。

  there is not perfume of flowers everywhere in a successful path。 anne?s childhood is unfortunate。 she lost her parents when she was a child and had to be sent to the orphanage。we all know that orphanage is a terrible place。 it means that you have no parents, no relatives; no people in the world will love you, even the nuns can not take good care of you。 but anne is still happy。 she is na?ve and enthusiasm and full of romantic imagination。 in her imagination, naughty streams under the ice and snow can laugh; rose can tell us a lot of interesting story。 she also regards her own shadow and echo as two close friends and talk to them。 when i read the book, i always feel warm about anne。 anne?s dreams are beautiful and innocent。 it?s a world full of imagination and romantic, full of wonderful and sweet, full of unprecedented magic and joy。

  however, due to her imagination and vanity, anne met a serious of trouble。 she constantly made mistakes and corrected them。 just as she said ?since i came to green gables i?ve been making mistakes, and each mistakes has helped to cure me of some great shorting。? when she decided to stay with marilla instead of going to college,she said ?i?m just as ambitious as ever。 only, i?ve changed the object of my ambitions。 i shall give life here my best, and i believe it will give its best to me in return。?

  anne loves life, she loves everything in the world even a flower of nature, a tree or a grasshopper。 she is kind to everyone, from her relatives to the strangers, from her teacher to her friends。 she was crazy for knowledge and learning and her spirit of hardworking is moving。 she is lively and lovely, rational and brave; full of passion that seems will never extinguish。 her kindness, purity, enthusiasm, and optimism won people? like, won the teachers? appreciation and classmates? friendship。

  optimism can lead people out of trouble。 as long as you face the world with an optimistic heart, you will discover how brilliant the sunshine is。 we should learn to smile, we should learn to imagine。 we should always keep hoping and fighting。 if we give the life a smile the life will respond to us a smile, and brings us hope。 so let?s follow anne? steps, with a positive attitude to meet every challenge in the life, to across the obstacles and break through the hurdles, to fight for our beautiful dream


green banana的深层含义是什么?

green banana的深层含义是什么。greenbanana的意思是青香蕉,未熟的香蕉,green是一个英文单词,可指绿色的,绿的,青葱的,也指姓氏格林,可做名词,形容词,动词,banana是一个英语单词,读音是英,bənɑnə,可以用作名词,可以翻译为香蕉,喜剧演员等等。




bananan名词banana指一根根具体香蕉时多用作可数名词,但在泛指时用作不可数名词,说根香蕉,可直接使用数词,一根香蕉可说one banana,一串香蕉可用bunch, cluster, hand等。

green banana的深层含义是什么

green banana的深层含义是:是对待世界上各种不同文化应采取何种态度的问题。


green banana文章简介

作者是美国学者Donal d Batch elder,摘选自Donald Batche lder 和Eliza bethG . Warner 于1974年编写的An Experi ential,Approach to Cross -cultur al Educat ion,在原文的基础.上略作了修改。

本文标题: thegreenbanana英文读后感(thegreenbanana主旨)



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