
发布时间: 2023-09-26 23:46:25 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 99




Rarely has The Merchant of Venice, one of Shakespeare's most complex plays.In a decadent version of renaissance Venice, a young nobleman named Bassanio seeks to woo the lovely Portia , but lacks the money to travel to her estate. He seeks support from his friend, the merchant Antonio ; Antonio's fortune is tied up in sea ventures, so the merchant offers to borrow money from a Jewish moneylender, Shylock . But Shylock holds a grudge against Antonio, who has routinely treated the Jew with contempt, and demands that if the debt is not repaid in three months, the price will be a pound of Antonio's flesh.
The Merchant of Venice is famous as a "problem play"--the gritty matters of moneylending and anti-Semitism sit uncomfortably beside the fairy tale elements of Portia and Bassanio's romance, and some twists of the plot can seem arbitrary or even cruel. The strength of Radford's intelligent and passionate interpretation is that he and the excellent cast invest the play's opposing facets with full emotional weight, thus making every question the play raises acute and inescapable. Irons is particularly compelling; kindness and blind prejudice sit side by side in his breast, rendering the clashes in his character as vivid as those in the play itself.
摘自 Bret Fetzer



Used to see Shakespeare's tragedy, I occasionally change stomach, to appreciate what he
has written comedy, but also quite tasty. 

Last week, I read books written by Shakespeare's
"The Merchant of Venice" and I feel that the value of friendship. 

Hero Antonio Basaniao young
people between the nobility and the sincere friendship, to face the test of life and death, their
friendship appears to be more selfless. 

"The Merchant of Venice" and other Shakespeare
plays, the performance of his life's love, and longing for youth.

 I think this script interesting
twists and turns of the plot, filled with a very strong comedy, but also reflects the life of
Shakespeare himself optimistic, cheerful character. 

There is a play not only hateful but also
people's sympathy for the characters, he called Shylock is a Jew, the loan-sharking. He
inexcusable insatiable, but he is also a subject of discrimination against Jews. 

I prefer that Baoxi Ya. Her elegant noble,  sentimentaltenderness, a high degree of intelligence, wit the courage to plunge into the decisive actionof their own actions prove that poor women than men. 

The writing was a businessman livingin Venice, where the true story of the human family and friendship than anything else, this
book was written out of our friend deal with the right attitude. Can not think of Shakespeare's
comedy writing is so interesting.











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威尼斯商人是莎士比亚的名剧。 威尼斯富商安东尼奥为了成全好友巴萨尼奥的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借债。由于安东尼奥货款给人从不要利息,并帮夏洛克的女儿私奔,怀恨在心的夏洛克乘机报复,佯装也不要利息,但若逾期不还要从安东尼奥身上割下一磅肉。不巧传来安东尼奥的商船失事的消息,资金周转不灵,贷款无力偿还。夏洛克去法庭控告,根据法律条文要安东尼奥履行诺言。为救安东尼奥的性命,巴萨尼奥的未婚妻鲍西娅假扮律师出庭,她答允夏洛克的要求,但要求所割的一磅肉必须正好是一磅肉,不能多也不能少,更不准流血。夏洛克因无法执行而败诉,害人不成反而失去了财产。 金钱固然重要,可是在这个世界上有许多远远比金钱重要的东西,不要被表面的现象所迷惑;在我们现实的生活当中你不能因为自己的优越而歧视任何人,更要学会不用有色眼光去看待别人;同时也要像鲍西亚一样聪慧,不被突如其来的困难所吓倒。 "The Merchant of Venice" tell me how to see the world, how to do things, seeking truth is that we adhere to the principle.
本文标题: 威尼斯商人英文读后感100词(威尼斯商人读后感英文)
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