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peter pan 读后感

我需要的是它的读后感,大概600字左右就可以了。请大家帮帮忙,谢谢。如果 写的好会有后续加分给你的。
《小飞侠彼得·潘》它是由18世纪英国著名小说家詹姆斯·巴里写的给我留下深刻的印象。 从前有一个地方,每个孩子都能飞翔到达,惟有大人找不到它;有一种真实,每个生命都慢慢变老,惟有彼得·潘永远不长大!故事讲的是小飞侠彼得·潘来自孩子们梦境中的国度“梦幻岛”,一天夜里, 彼得·潘飞进达林先生家,把温迪、约翰和迈克尔带到了“梦幻岛”。那里有动物、美人鱼、仙子、海盗……孩子们在那里过着无忧无虑的生活。后来,回到家中的孩子们渐渐长大,成了大人。一个春天的夜晚,那个长着一口乳牙的彼得·潘又飞回来了。热忠于冒险的小飞侠彼得·潘、凶恶的铁钩船长、可爱的小仙女丁零小铃儿、温迪、约翰、迈克尔和丢失的孩子们给我们带来了一个个含有神奇色彩的故事,让我们身临其境,好像真的来到“梦幻岛”上,遇见了书中活泼可爱的人物。如果在现实中我们永远停留在童年的时光,而且能像小飞侠彼得·潘一样学会飞那该多好!勇敢无畏的彼得潘和凶狠狡诈的海盗头子铁钩船长进行殊死搏斗的那段情景惊险刺激真是耐人回味、发人深思。真不愧是百年经典!这是一个没完没了的故事因为孩子们天真活泼、无忧无虑她们的下一代仍然是彼得·潘的妈妈!真想像彼得·潘一样学会飞!
彼得·潘是个永远长不大的孩子,他永远也长不大。 看到这句话的时候我想我是嫉妒他的。 我的童年很快乐,像童话里的水晶花园一样只有纯粹透明的快乐。有父母爱,有哥哥疼,以及邻家一个头发软软的小姑娘。我常常有新衣服穿,有糖吃,和其他小朋友不一样,我还有很多很多的书。我五岁的时候就可以看有字的连环画和写或者画一些我的作品。我是个在幸福里长大的孩子。如果可以,我真的希望时光可以留在我的童年,不要飞快地流走。可是我还是在明媚的阳光中,在父母的疼爱中,在寂寞的风中悄悄地长大了。我心中流过的色彩不再像是童年那种纯粹的明黄或者暗蓝,代表纯粹的开心或者哀伤。长大以后,成千上万的色彩从我的心里流过,我以为它们会像清水流过光滑的石板一样转瞬即逝,可是它们却在我的心的表面留下了斑斑驳驳的色彩,像是一个在水里泡了几千年的铜罐的表面一样。有痛苦的微笑,也有快乐时恍恍惚惚的忧伤。各种各样的光汇在一起是明亮的白色,可是各种各样的油彩汇在一起却是颓败的黑色。我曾经尝试着改变,可随即发现自己无能为力,我的忧伤太巨大。于是日子就这样继续下来。 彼得·潘永远呆在永无岛(never land)上,呆在他的童年里面。而且他会飞,每个人都疼他,我应该是羡慕他的。可是我没有。我是不喜欢彼得·潘的,甚至有些时候有点恨他。因为他任性得一塌糊涂。他总是伤害爱他的人,他从来就不考虑别人心里是否难过。 我不喜欢这个长不大的小怪物。 可是有一天朋友对我说:彼得·潘是个落拓的孩子,他太任性了。可你和他一样。 可你和他一样。 看到这句话的时候我的心开始下坠,无穷无尽地下坠——每次我都以为跌到底了,可是它依然下坠。原来我是个让人伤心的孩子。 八月三日。早上七点。初升的太阳明亮。我的降生。 我出生在晴天朗日之下,却爱上黑色给我的敏锐的疼痛。我从小被教育成一个听话的孩子,有涵养,外表干净清爽。大猫曾经对我说:彼得·潘是个落拓的孩子,而你太听话,太规矩,你的生命像是沿着一条划好的轨迹在滑翔,翅膀虽然张开了,可是保持着同样的姿势低空徘徊,僵硬而麻木。我知道彼得·潘是会飞的,而且飞得很好很顽皮。他时而掠过海面。时而又钻进很高很高的云里面去。“眼看迈克尔就要坠到海面上了,彼得·潘才飞快地冲下去,一把抓住他。彼得·潘这一下干得可真漂亮,但是他总是等到最后那一瞬间才去救人,而且,他好象是在故意炫耀自己的本事,而不是专门为了救人。” 你看,他就是这样一个骄傲而任性的孩子,他又伤害他的朋友们了。 “爱的背面是什么?” “是恨。” “不是,是遗忘。” 彼得是个经常忘记别人的人,或者说他从来就没有去爱过别人。 “既然他把那些事情忘得那么快,”文蒂深思地说,“怎么指望他能一直记住咱们呢?” 真的,有时彼得飞回来的时候,就不认识他们了,至少是认不清他们了。文蒂看清了这一点。“无论是白天还是别的时候,彼得飞过来看见他们的时候,眼里竟流露出努力辨认的神色。有一次,文蒂不得不向他喊出自己的名字。” 我不喜欢彼得这个样子,他需要大家对他的爱,他可以在那些爱里面任性地撒娇,就像个在雪地上撒野的孩子,可是他却不爱别人。或者说得更悲哀一点,他不懂得怎样去爱别人。一个失去爱别人的能力的人是悲哀的。可是彼得纯粹是因为幼稚,因为他任性的自私。于是所有爱他的人都感到难过,为他伤心,包括文蒂,包括那个为他嫉妒文蒂为他去死的小仙女丁卡,包括印第安公主虎莲,包括永无岛上的孩子们,以及那些甘愿让彼得骑在自己的尾巴上玩耍的美人鱼们。也包括我,我想我也是爱他的,我对别人说:我觉得彼得·潘是个可怜的孩子。 我觉得彼得·潘是个可怜的孩子。 在这篇书评写到一半的时候我打电话给大猫。那天晚上已经七点十五分了,夜风吹过来,我闻到自己刚洗过的头发上有青草的香味。我对他说我在给《彼得·潘》写书评呢。他说为什么想到要写彼得呢?我说因为他是个让人恨也让人心疼的可怜的孩子。他说你是第一个觉得彼得可怜的人。他坚持认为彼得是个落拓的,我不知道彼得什么地方让他感到落拓,就正如他弄不明白彼得什么地方让我感到可怜。 我看到很多年轻却无朝气的脸,我为他们心疼。为什么要急急忙忙地长大呀,有一天你们会发现自己真的无法挽回地长大了,那你们想重新变小都不可能了啊。在大猫说的时候我没有告诉他有段时间我是多么地不想长大。 那是初三的时候,我对妈妈说我不想继续长大了,一辈子上幼儿园多好呀。妈妈说:想想彼得吧,那个永远哀伤的孩子。听了妈***话之后我就开始希望自己快快长大,我要学会珍惜学会怎样去爱去宽容别人,因为我不希望像现在一样像彼得一样像个任性的小孩子一样乱发脾气让爱自己的人伤心。我不愿意看到爸爸妈妈老了,朋友们都牵着自己的孩子,小树苗都长成参天大树了,高山都被风削平了,大海也被沙填满了,而我依然是个长不大改不掉死不了的满口乳牙的没心没肺的小孩子。 如果是那样的话,我想我是会哭的。 彼得太爱自己了,他是天真而自私的。 “岛上的孩子的数目时常变动,因为有的被杀,或者其他缘故,他们眼看就要长大的时候——这是不合乎规定的,彼得不允许他们长大,于是彼得就把他们饿瘦了,知道饿死。” “我虎莲是讲意气的”,美丽的公主说,“彼得·潘救了我的命,我就永远做他的好朋友,我绝不让海盗来伤害他。”这在虎莲公主一方,是处于感恩和礼貌,但在彼得看来,这是他应得的报答。于是,他往往居高临下地说,“很好,很好,彼得·潘说了”。 每次他说“彼得·潘说了”的时候,就是让对方闭嘴。 “彼得不允许孩子们的模样有一丁点像他。” 一个太爱自己的人往往不知不觉地就伤害别人了。 有人找我帮忙的时候我一般不怎么考虑,一口答应。因为我不想看见别人失望的样子。可是当我努力了之后发现自己真的不能帮忙的时候,我只有让别人更加失望。我知道我把事情弄得恰得其反了。朋友说我善于给别人以美丽的假象。 彼得·潘伤害了别人,我也伤害了别人。但从某个意义上讲,彼得是无心的,而我却是有意的——尽管我是有意想让别人快乐一点。 那天妈妈一脸严肃地对我说:你不要再轻易地许诺别人了,真的应该改改了。于是我像个犯了错的孩子一样小声说:知道了,我一定改掉这个不好的习惯。 彼得有个很不好的习惯——口是心非。这也说明了他真的仅仅是个孩子。 文蒂要走了,孩子们要走了,可是彼得装出一副无所谓的样子,他依旧在有口无心地吹他的那支破笛子。大家都叫他一起去找妈妈,可是他不,“你们去吧,我才不去呢,真见了她,她一定又要盼望我长大了,我才不想长大呢,我要永远做个小孩子,永远玩耍。” “孩子们走了以后,他还快乐地吹了一会儿笛子呢。当然,这只是在掩饰他的难受,证明自己对朋友们对文蒂的离开满不在乎。他决定不吃药,为的是气一气文蒂。然后他不盖被就躺在床上,也是为了要惹文蒂生气。平时,文蒂怕他着凉,总是将他塞进被窝里。他难过得差点哭出声来,但是他忽然想到,如果自己笑起来,文蒂说不定多么生气呢。于是他就笑起来。” 我不希望看见彼得和文蒂分开,相爱的人分开。就正如我希望和我爱的人一辈子住在一起一样。小孩子不懂得爱不懂得珍惜,所以可以把自己心爱的玩具到处乱扔,等找不到了又大声地哭,但也不会太难过,因为妈妈会买新的。可是我们总是要长大的呀,长大了就要学会珍惜了呀,怎么能如此任性呢?彼得你让我生气了。 于是才发现,自己真的和彼得很像。 彼得是个哀伤的孩子,书里面有很多地方都让我心疼了。 比如在环礁湖上,彼得文蒂都受伤了,都飞不动了,这个时候黑色的潮水涨了上来。这时候飘过来一只风筝,于是彼得恶狠狠地叫文蒂爬到风筝上去,别管他。可是等文蒂走了,彼得也害怕了。美人鱼围着他转,可是她们也没有办法。灰白的月光射向水面,射到水里。于是他一边听着全世界最哀伤的声音——人鱼唱月,一边勇敢地对自己说:死,是最伟大的冒险。 这是我喜欢的情节。

peter pan英语感想50词

After reading Peter??Pan
Borned in Kirriemuir on 9 May 1860 in the house pictured here, James Mathew Barrie was the 9th child of a weaver. Even as a child, he wrote for the school magazine and drama group (in which he also acted). He took a Master of Arts degree at Edinburgh University and after a short spell with the Nottingham Journal he moved to London in 1885.
A story "The Little White Bird" published in 1902 had ideas which Barrie carried forward to his best known work "Peter Pan".Peter Pan is one of the great classics of the British stage which not only enthralls young people but holds the attention of adults too. Peter Pan is considered one of the greatest children's stories of all time and continues to charm readers one hundred years after its first appearance as a play in 1904.
Everyone must be familiar with the boy who doesn't want to grow up ,but J.M. Barrie's book provides an altogther more poignant tale of the lives of peter and the Lost Boys. Peter trying to stick his shadow back on with soap ,and teaching Wendy how to fly ,alongside the intricacies of fairy love and some scary adventures amongst pirates and redskins in the colourful world of Neverland. We all know characters like peter pan:irresponsible,forgetful,fiercrly independent and living only for the moment will they always stay the same.
I saw anything but love,but after reading this book, I saw nothing but love. I do believe the angel now. You are belong to the world .Let the world change you,and you can change the world,too.



  彼得潘英文读后感 篇1

  Reading the Peter Pan Peter Pan This famous work, I benefited from, I know that every child will grow up in this truth.

  Many children do not want to grow up and do not want to go to school, just want to play every day. Peter Pan is the hero of the book, he is a always the boys do not want to grow up. He never lived in this rural paradise like the same place, where there is such as the bell sounds as beautiful fairy, a mermaid hair, Zhang Buda children, mystery, like the Indians, ferocious pirates and will issue a ticking Voice of the crocodile. However, the rich and colorful life, but not a substitute for the mother"s desire to Peter. Thus, an equally do not want to grow up, the girls never went to the rural based, on the children when the mother. They never started in the various rural singular adventure. However, the final text still choose Beattie grew up. She took the children from Nashan mother has for her to fly back to open the windows in the home. And that is always reluctant to grow up the boys, Peter, even though the world can have a happy, but can not enjoy from the warmth of a family. He can only be separated by windows, secretly Zhang Wang window within the stove, a smiling face and kinship. And then quietly walked away, and fairies to disappear in the night sky.

  Yes ah! Although the township never happy, it does not have the warmth of family, wonderful life. Everyone will grow up and grow into a tree shoring days, as long as our dreams have never townships, and also when they grow up will be very happy and live a more exciting.

  彼得潘英文读后感 篇2

  Peter Pan, is a British writer James Barry to write. The content is Mrs. Lin three children always dream of flying in the sky, and believe in Peter pan story, culminating in a magical night, Peter pan and left three children brought to the island, lived on the island of the Indian brave, ferocious beast, pirate, lovely Mermaid, beautiful bird The story revealed the child"s desire for freedom, Peter pan will students with the opportunity to Wendy, I deeply feel the hero "s brave and bear .I have learned from this book a lot of knowledge, so I hope you can have a look this book, you will find many from the fun!

  彼得潘英文读后感 篇3

  I found this book in the school’s library. The frontal surface is green and with a black shadow of the boy——Peter Pan. It is an English version with brief Chinese introduction.

  But I have to say honestly that I didn’t finish reading this book. Because of my lazy and some other things, I didn’t read some part of this book in English. And I also saw the movie 《Peter Pan》. And I found there are many different plots between book and movies. But they are both funny.

  The author of this book is James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937), a famous British novelist and dramatist.He was born in Scotland, and got the University of Edinburgh’s Bachelor Degree in 1882.In 1885, he moved to London and was engaged in news editing, and he began to create novels. In 1897, he adapted his popular long novel《Little clergyman》 to a drama and acquired succeed. Then his most works are dramas. He was selected as the chairman of the British writer association in 1928. And in 1930, he was engaged as the honorary headmaster of the University of Edinburgh.

  He created many fairy-tale stories and dramas. And the most famous and influential is 《Peter Pan>>, which was published in 1904. And soon it became very hot. In 1953, the Disney Company produced the cartoon movie 《Peter Pan>>. In 1991, Hollywood famous director Steven Spielberg created movie 《Hook Captain>> according to this story. In 2003, a new edition movie 《Peter Pan》 put on the whole world stage. And this book is published in tens of different languages. In addition, there are many series of pictures, commemorate of volumes, woodcuts, prints, stamps which relative with the story becoming fashionable around all over the world. All of this suggests the successful of this book.

  As for the succeed of this book, because that Barrie created a fascinating fairy-tale world——Neverland. The author tried his best to describe the childlike fun in the Neverland and praise the innocent childish warmly. On the Neverland, there are fairies, pirates, Indians, mermaids and so on. These children live a carefree life in a worm house under a big tree which installs a mushroom as the chimney. They don’t need to grow up here. The war between Peter Pan and pirates, pirates and Indians refract the nature of the children. Barrie just wants to use the mysterious Neverland and the boy Peter Pan who hates to grow up to tell people that childhood is the most beautiful music of our life, and we should cherish this time, and also every children have their authority to enjoy the happiness that belongs to them.

  Peter Pan was the protagonist of the story. He was a naughty, brave, adventurous, handsome, beautiful boy with a little arrogant. Because of his merciless and fairies, he could fly follow his inclinations. He leaded other six boys who were lost by their parents live on the Neverland. They were happy except that they must fight with evil pirates. But on my view, they were along in their heart. So they needed someone to create funny. Then Peter found Wendy. Wendy has two brothers, one named John, the other named Michael. Her mother was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth. Her father Mr. Darling was a bank office worker. He was one of those deep ones who know about stocks and shares, but he was a little cowardly. One day, when Peter visits Wendy’s bedroom, his shadow is caught by their nurse——a dog named Nana. Then one night he went their again to find his shadow. He tried his best to fix his shadow to his feet. But he failed. Then he cried beside Wendy’s bed. Then Wendy woke up and helped him to sew his shadow with his feet. Peter crowed rapturously” oh, the cleverness of me!” You see, how ignorant he was! But Wendy was exulting in his ignorance. So when Peter wanted to leave with his small fairies Tinker Bell, Wendy stopped him. Then he persuaded Wendy to go with him together to the Neverland. He told her that there are fairies, Indians, pirates and she didn’t need to grow up. Then Wendy and her two brother fly using the fairy dust followed Peter.

  Several months later, they arrived at the Neverland. Peter leaded them to see the pirates; their caption was Hook, whose one arm was cut off by Peter. And Peter fed the arm with a crocodile that ate an alarm at the same time. The crocodile liked his arm so much, that it has followed he ever since, from sea to sea and from land to land, licking its lips for the rest of Hook. When Hook heard the sound “tick, tick, tick, tick”, he knew that the danger was coming. So Hook hated Peter very much and his arm was installed an iron hook to kill people, and he always hoped to kill Peter. When he found them lying on the cloud, he fired them. Then, Peter went to fight with Hook, and he commanded fairy Ting to save Wendy. But as fairies only have one kind of feeling, so she liked Peter and hated Wendy. Then she told other six boys that Peter wanted them to shoot the Wendy who was falling in the sky. Fortunately, a button that Peter sent saved her. Then these boys built a house for her. They regarded Peter as their father, Wendy as their mother. They lived a period of happy time with mermaids, Indians, never birds. But one day, Wendy remembered her real parents, so, she decided to go home with her two brothers and grow up. This made Peter feel very sad, but he still didn’t admit his real feeling, and said” If you wanted it”。 Then he went to bed angrily. Wendy and other boys went to pack things to go home. When they went off their house, they were caught by evil Hook to his pirate ship. And Hook added poison in Peter’s water. When Peter woke up, he saw nobody here. And when he wanted to drink the water, his fairies Ting drunk it and died. Peter draped in extremely sadness. He cried and shouted,” Don’t leave me, Ting. I do believe in fairies. I do! I do!” Then everyone, on the Neverland, on the land, said,”I believe in fairies, I do, I do! ” Magically, Ting revived. And Peter with she to go to save these children. Eventually, with a kiss from Wendy, which was Wendy’s first kiss, Peter beat Hook. Then Peter used this ship to send them to go back to Wendy’s home. Wendy’s parents adopted other six boys. But Peter still refused to grow up and he returned to the Neverland with Ting. And many years later Wendy grew up and her daughter Jan went to the Neverland to stay a period of time with Peter, when Jan grows up she will have a daughter, who is to be Peter’s mother in turn; and thus it will go on, so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless.

  All children grow up except one——Peter Pan. This is the ending of this story. In terms of the real life, maybe this ending is the best.But I also feel a little sadness. Because I hope that Peter can live with Wendy forever. But I know that this is a fair tale.

  I like one sentience in this book, “You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.” Yes, when we start something, then we are approaching to the end. It’s no doubt that we must to grow up. It can not be avoided. Never grow up, this is just a fancy.

  Just this year, my friends told me sadly that we are approaching 30 years old. I can’t agree with him any more. I was already grown up. And I must to think about my future. I dare to say that there must have a Peter Pan in everyone’s heart and he can not win the real world. But we can keep him in our mind, and we should keep childishness all the time, then to be a kind handsome person.

  彼得潘英文读后感 篇4

  Peter Pan, is a British writer James Barry to write. The content is Mrs. Lin three children always dream of flying in the sky, and believe in Peter pan story, culminating in a magical night, Peter pan and left three children brought to the island, lived on the island of the Indian brave, ferocious beast, pirate, lovely Mermaid, beautiful bird ……The story revealed the child's desire for freedom, Peter pan will students with the opportunity to Wendy, I deeply feel the hero 's brave and bear……I have learned from this book a lot of knowledge, so I hope you can have a look this book, you will find many from the fun!

<<Peter Pan>>英语读后感

After reading Peter•Pan
Borned in Kirriemuir on 9 May 1860 in the house pictured here, James Mathew Barrie was the 9th child of a weaver. Even as a child, he wrote for the school magazine and drama group (in which he also acted). He took a Master of Arts degree at Edinburgh University and after a short spell with the Nottingham Journal he moved to London in 1885.
A story "The Little White Bird" published in 1902 had ideas which Barrie carried forward to his best known work "Peter Pan".Peter Pan is one of the great classics of the British stage which not only enthralls young people but holds the attention of adults too. Peter Pan is considered one of the greatest children's stories of all time and continues to charm readers one hundred years after its first appearance as a play in 1904.
Everyone must be familiar with the boy who doesn't want to grow up ,but J.M. Barrie's book provides an altogther more poignant tale of the lives of peter and the Lost Boys. Peter trying to stick his shadow back on with soap ,and teaching Wendy how to fly ,alongside the intricacies of fairy love and some scary adventures amongst pirates and redskins in the colourful world of Neverland. We all know characters like peter pan:irresponsible,forgetful,fiercrly independent and living only for the moment will they always stay the same.
I saw anything but love,but after reading this book, I saw nothing but love. I do believe the angel now. You are belong to the world .Let the world change you,and you can change the world,too.


Peter Pan is a character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie (1860–1937). A mischievous boy who can fly and magically refuses to grow up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang the Lost Boys, interacting with mermaids, Indians, fairies and pirates, and from time to time meeting ordinary children from the world outside. In addition to two distinct works by Barrie, the character has been featured in a variety of media and merchandise, both adapting and expanding on Barrie's works.
Peter Pan first appeared in a section of The Little White Bird, a 1902 novel written for adults. Following the highly successful debut of the play about Peter Pan in 1904, Barrie's publishers, Hodder and Stoughton, extracted chapters 13–18 of The Little White Bird and republished them in 1906 under the title Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, with the addition of illustrations by Arthur Rackham.[1]
The character's best-known adventure debuted on 27 December 1904, in the stage play Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up. This story was adapted and expanded somewhat as a novel, published in 1911 as Peter and Wendy, later as Peter Pan and Wendy, and still later as simply Peter Pan.
Peter Pan has appeared in numerous adaptations, sequels, and prequels since then, including the widely known 1953 animated feature film Walt Disney's Peter Pan, various stage musicals (including one by Jerome Robbins, starring Cyril Ritchard and Mary Martin, filmed for television), live-action feature films Hook (1991) and Peter Pan (2003), and the authorized sequel novel Peter Pan in Scarlet (2006). He has also appeared in various works not authorized by the holders of the character's copyright, which has lapsed in most parts of the world. A major new stage production that will tour internationally was performed in Summer 2009 in Kensington Gardens in a specially built theatre pavilion within view of the Peter Pan statue. The production opens in the US in May 2021.
Major stories
Of the stories written about Peter Pan, several have gained widespread notability. See Works based on Peter Pan for a list of books, films, etc. featuring these and other Peter Pan stories.
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens – Infant Peter flies from his home, makes friends with fairies, and takes up residence in Kensington Gardens. A "book-within-a-book" first published in Barrie's The Little White Bird.
Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up/Peter and Wendy – Peter brings Wendy and her brothers to Never Land, where he has a climactic showdown with his nemesis Captain Hook. Originally told in Barrie's stage play and novel, and repeatedly adapted in various media.
Hook – Peter has grown up, forgotten about his life in Never Land, and has a wife and children of his own. While the family is in London visiting elderly Wendy, Captain Hook abducts Peter's children to lure him back for a final duel to the death. A film by Steven Spielberg.
Return to Never Land – During World War II, Wendy's slightly war-hardened daughter Jane is taken to Neverland by Captain Hook, but Peter saves her and asks her to be the Lost Boys' new "mother". A film by Disney.
Peter and the Starcatchers, Peter and the Shadow Thieves, Peter and the Secret of Rundoon – Peter leaves a London orphanage for a series of adventures which offer an origin story for Captain Hook, fairies, his abilities, and the Lost Boys. Novels by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.
Peter Pan in Scarlet – Wendy, John, and most of the Lost Boys return to Neverland, where Peter has begun to take Captain Hook's place. A novel by Geraldine McCaughrean, an official sequel to Peter and Wendy.
Barrie never described Peter's appearance in detail, even in the novel Peter and Wendy, leaving much of it to the imagination of the reader and the interpretation of anyone adapting the character. Barrie mentions in "Peter and Wendy" that Peter Pan still had all of his baby teeth. He describes him as a beautiful boy with a beautiful smile, "clad in skeleton leaves and the juices that flow from trees". In the play, Peter's outfit is made of autumn leaves and cobwebs. His name and playing the flute vaguely suggest the mythological character Pan.
Traditionally the character has been played on stage by an adult woman, a decision driven primarily by the difficulty of casting actors even younger than the one playing Peter as the other children, so the presentation of the character on stage has never been viewed as implying how Peter "really" looks.
In Peter Pan in Scarlet, Geraldine McCaughrean adds to the description of his appearance, mentioning his blue eyes, and saying that his hair is light (or at least any colour lighter than black). In this novel, Never Land has moved on to autumn, so Peter wears a tunic of jay feathers and maple leaves, rather than his summertime garb. In the 'Starcatcher' stories written by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, Peter has carrot-orange hair and bright blue eyes.
In the Disney films, Peter wears an outfit that is easier to animate, consisting of a short-sleeved green tunic and tights apparently made of cloth, and a cap with a feather in it. He has pointed elf-like ears, and his hair is orangish brown. In the live-action 2003 film, he is portrayed by Jeremy Sumpter, who has blond hair and blue eyes, and his outfit is made of leaves and vines. In Hook, he appears as an adult as Robin Williams with dark brown hair, but in flashbacks to his youth his hair is more orangish. In this film his ears appear pointed only when he is "Peter Pan", not "Peter Banning"; his Pan clothing resembles the Disney outfit.

Statue of Peter Pan in LondonIronically, the "boy who wouldn't grow up" has appeared at a variety of ages. In his original appearance in The Little White Bird he was only seven days old. Although his age is not stated in Barrie's later play and novel, his characterization is clearly years older. The book states that he has all of his baby teeth, and Barrie's intended model for the statue of Peter that was erected in Kensington Gardens was a set of photos of Michael Llewelyn Davies taken at the age of six. Early illustrations of the character generally appeared to be that age or perhaps a few years older. In the 1953 Disney adaptation and its 2002 sequel, Peter appears to be in late childhood, between 10 and 13 years old. (The actor who provided the voice in 1953 was 15-year-old Bobby Driscoll.) In the 2003 film, Jeremy Sumpter was 13 at the time filming started, but by the end of filming he was 14 and had grown several inches taller. In the movie Hook, Peter is said to have left Neverland many years earlier, forsaking his eternal youth and aging normally. When remembering his buried past, Peter is shown as a baby, and little boy, and also a near-teenager, suggesting that the aging process does not entirely stop in Neverland until puberty or just before. When Peter says "I remember you being a lot bigger," in the final duel, Hook answers, "to a 10-year-old I'm huge." He is portrayed by the then 40-year-old Robin Williams, and has two children, played by actors who were 7 and 13 years old at the time.

Statue of Peter Pan in KirriemuirPeter is mainly an exaggerated stereotype of a boastful and careless boy. He is quick to point out how great he is, even when such claims are questionable (such as when he congratulates himself for Wendy's successful reattachment of his shadow).
Peter has a nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude, and is fearlessly cocky when it comes to putting himself in danger. Barrie writes that when Peter thought he was going to die on Marooner's Rock, he felt scared, yet he felt only one shudder run through him when any other person would have felt scared up until death. With his blissful unawareness of the tragedy of death, he says, "To die will be an awfully big adventure".
In some variations of the story and some spin-offs, Peter can also be quite nasty and selfish. In the Disney adaptation of the tale, Peter appears very judgmental and pompous (for example, he called the Lost Boys 'blockheads' and when the Darling children say that they should leave for home at once, he gets the wrong message and angrily assumes that they want to grow up).
In the 2003 live-action film, Peter Pan is sensitive about the subject of "growing up". When confronted by Hook about Wendy growing up, marrying and eventually "shutting the window" on Peter, he becomes very depressed and finally loses the will to fight.
Peter's archetypal ability is his un-ending youth. In "Peter and Wendy" it is explained that Peter must forget his own adventures and what he learns about the world in order to stay child-like. Author Kevin Orlin Johnson argues that the Pan stories are in the German-English tradition of the Totenkindergeschichte (roughly, "tales of dead children"), and the idea that Peter and all of the lost boys are dead in a Never Land afterlife is consistent with that genre, and rooted in Barrie's own life story.[citation needed] The fact that the other Lost Boys are growing up and able to be killed in Peter and Wendy contradicts this idea. The unauthorized prequels by Barry and Pearson attribute Peter's everlasting youth to his exposure to starstuff, a magical substance which has fallen to earth.
Peter's ability to fly is explained somewhat, but inconsistently. In The Little White Bird he is able to fly because he – like all babies – is part bird. In the play and novel, he teaches the Darling children to fly using a combination of "lovely wonderful thoughts" (which became "happy thoughts" in Disney's film) and fairy dust; it is unclear whether he is serious about "happy thoughts" being required (it was stated in the novel that this was merely a silly diversion from the fairy dust being the true source), or whether he requires the fairy dust himself. In Hook, the adult Peter is unable to fly until he remembers his 'happy thought'. The ability to fly is also attributed to starstuff – apparently the same thing as fairy dust – in the Starcatcher prequels.
Peter has an effect on the whole of Never Land and its inhabitants when he is there. Barrie states that although Never Land appears different to every child, the island "wakes up" when he returns from his trip to London. In the chapter 'The Mermaid Lagoon' in Peter and Wendy, Barrie writes that there is almost nothing that Peter cannot do. He is a skilled swordsman, rivaling even Captain Hook, whose hand he cut off in a duel. He has remarkably keen vision and hearing. He is skilled in mimicry, copying the voice of Hook, and the tick-tock of the Crocodile.
In both Peter Pan and Wendy and Peter Pan in Scarlet, there are various mentions of Peter's ability to imagine things into existence, such as food, though this ability plays a more central role in Peter Pan in Scarlet. He also creates imaginary windows and doors as a kind of physical metaphor for ignoring or shunning his companions. He is said to be able to feel danger when it is near. In Peter Pan in Scarlet, it says that when Curly's puppy licks Peter, it licks off a lot of fairy dust, which may be interpreted to mean that he has become fairy-like to the point of producing his own dust, but could also simply mean that he spends so much time with fairies that he is coated in their dust.
In Peter and Wendy, Barrie states that the Peter Pan legend Mrs Darling heard as a child was that when children died, he accompanied them part of the way to their destination so that they would not be scared.
Peter does not know his parents. In Kensington Gardens Barrie wrote that he left them as an infant, and seeing the window closed and a new baby in the house when he returned, he assumed they no longer wanted him. In Starcatchers he is said to be an orphan, though his friends Molly and George discover who his parents are in Rundoon. In Hook, Peter remembers his parents, specifically his mother, who wanted him to grow up and go to the best schools in London to become a judge and have a family life. After Peter "ran away" to Neverland, he returns to find his parents forgot about him and had another child (the gender of Peter's sibling is revealed to be another boy in "Peter and Wendy").
Peter is the leader of the Lost Boys, a band of boys who were lost by their parents, and came to live in Neverland; it is reported that he "thins them out" when they start to grow up. He is best friends with Tinker Bell, a common fairy who is often jealously protective of him.
His nemesis is Captain Hook, whose hand he cut off in a duel. Hook's crew, including Smee and Starkey, also consider him a foe. The Starcatchers books introduce additional foes: Slank, Lord Ombra, and Captain Nerezza.
From time to time Peter visits the real world, particularly around Kensington Gardens, and befriends children there. Wendy Darling, whom he recruited to be his "mother", is the most significant of them; he also brings her brothers John and Michael to Never Land at her request. He later befriends Wendy's daughter Jane (and her subsequent daughter Margaret), and Peter and Wendy says that he will continue this pattern indefinitely. In Starcatchers he previously befriends Molly Aster and young George Darling.
Peter appears to be known to all the residents of Neverland, including the Indian princess Tiger Lily and her tribe, the mermaids, and the fairies.
In Hook, Peter states the reason he wanted to grow up was to be a father. He married Wendy's granddaughter, Moira, and they have two children, Maggie and Jack.
In popular culture
The character of Peter Pan (or thinly disguised versions of him) has appeared in countless tributes and parodies, and has been the subject of several later works of fiction. (See Works based on Peter Pan for notable examples.) J. R. R. Tolkien's biographer Humphrey Carpenter has speculated that Tolkien's impressions of a production of Barrie's Peter Pan in Birmingham in 1910 "may have had a little to do with" his original conception of the Elves of Middle Earth.[2] Since featuring the character in their 1953 animated film, Walt Disney has continued to use him as one of their traditional characters, featuring him in the sequel film Return to Neverland and in their parks as a meetable character, and the focus of the dark ride, Peter Pan's Flight; he appears in House of Mouse, Mickey's Magical Christmas, and the Kingdom Hearts video games.
The name "Peter Pan" has been adopted for various purposes over the years. Three thoroughbred racehorses have been given the name, the first born in 1904. It has been adopted by several businesses, including Peter Pan peanut butter, Peter Pan Bus Lines, and Peter Pan Records. An early 1960s program in which Cuban children were sent unattended to Miami to escape feared mistreatment under the then-new Castro regime was called Operation Peter Pan (or "Operación Pedro Pan"). The term Peter Pan syndrome was popularized in 1983 by a book with that name, about individuals (usually male) with underdeveloped maturity.
Peter Pan is depicted in public sculpture. There are seven statues cast from a mould by sculptor George Frampton, following an original commission by Barrie in 1912. The statues are in Kensington Gardens in London, England; Liverpool, England; Brussels, Belgium; Camden, New Jersey, United States; Perth, Western Australia; Toronto, Ontario,[3] Canada; and St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Two more statues (though not of Frampton's mould) are in Kirriemuir, Scotland, the birthplace of JM Barrie. A new bronze statue by Diarmuid Byron O'Connor was commissioned by Great Ormond Street Hospital in London and unveiled in 2000, showing Peter blowing fairy dust, with Tinker Bell added in 2005.
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