钢铁是怎样炼成的读后感英文(钢铁是怎样炼成的 英文读后感500字)

发布时间: 2023-05-28 22:55:59 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 87


钢铁是怎样炼成的读后感英文(钢铁是怎样炼成的 英文读后感500字)

钢铁是怎样炼成的 读后感 纯英文



Recently, read \"How to Make Steel\" a book, feeling deep. Reading the mood in the wake of the Paul • Kecha growth, and the fate of ups and downs. Small taste of this book, Paul taste of the spirit. Paul increasingly feel that we should learn the spirit of nutrition, firm ideals and beliefs, foster a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Remember that a book of famous popular: \"People\'s lives are most valuable when he look back on the events of the past, should not Luluwuwei and remorse……
Life can be said to be a period of twists and turns and bumpy road of injustice. In the journey of life, you will encounter numerous difficulties in the face of failure to go to combat and were not understand the pain, and so on. However, all this is temporary. In breakthrough obstacles to overcome difficulties, the review has taken in the road, we will be understood, it is tempering the flame of life. How many heroes and great men, are burning in the flames raging out of the exercise, as often said: \"Bao Jianfeng from Grounding out, plum blossom-to the bitter cold.\" Paul and compared, we study and life in the event of To the difficulties it is negligible, we have reasons for Aishengtanqi, reluctant to do »
Only one set lofty ideals, creating excellent quality, and persistent pursuit of the right of life goals, he would not be living by the drag, will not be overwhelmed by misfortune, he will be in the raging flames of suffering Strong, mature, to love life, to equip themselves to meet a better tomorrow.
This success is perseverance, is a Ren Jin, a kind of accumulation. Xun Zi says: \"perseverance, deadwood not discount; perseverance, epigraphy be Lou.\" Perseverance in the performance of a person are often frustrated by the astonishing display of a force, with it, people will not bow to the setbacks and difficulties , Will be strong and to face. Reading the \"How to Make Steel\" this book, I understood: the persistence of a person of his life was greatly affected.
Paul is the course of struggle of how difficult his US-step stirred up something deep inside a deep respect. Jiusiyisheng the course of his shows to us the truth - were alive, the most important thing is to overcome its own, Paul will live and have interpreted the meaning of life to the extreme, he is a pure, completely of his Spirit inspired generation after generation of young people. We need Paul of the times, more need for a new era of China\'s Paul. Paul Although removed. But he perpetuating the spirit, he is left to us by the young people should have the aggressive, tenacious, courageous, love life, and never flinched the noble quality.
We should learn the spirit of Paul nutrition, firm ideals and beliefs, foster a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Remember that a book of famous popular: \"People\'s lives are most valuable when he look back on the events of the past, should not Luluwuwei and remorse……
The flexible steel, Paul\'s tenacity, Paul spirit, like a red banner and calls people to courageously advance so that we courageous path.
\"Human life is the most precious thing. Life for each person only once. Person\'s life should be spent this way: Looking back on past events, he will not be wasted because the Mood for Love and remorse, not because Luluwuwei and ashamed; dying when he can Said: \'My whole life and all of our energy, all dedicated to the world\'s most magnificent cause - the struggle for the liberation of all mankind.\' \"This is the\" How to Make Steel \"this book\'s most well-known Sentence.
It tells us only one reason: for their ideals and struggle, not wasted lives.
For Paul, as we may not have lofty ideals and a strong will, because we are just extraordinary in the ordinary. We live in such a world, there is no war, a bustling, Denghongjiulv, neon to 100, money and power is the standard for the people. Enjoyment has become a must. We forget what is the \"world\'s most magnificent cause,\" his only seen as the supreme centre.
Nevertheless, everyone still has its own objectives, goals for their tireless efforts and the spirit is still the driving force everyone to be. As Paul said, when reviewing past events, whether you for their own Luluwuwei and remorse? »
For example, now, I see the old year has passed, and then watched the arrival of the new year. Time is so fast over the winter to Spring and Autumn to the summer solstice, the day she gazed up Fushou is, year after year, and the sun and the moon of such. There is the slightest perception, however, such as a sudden reaction, it has passed. Think about their own and done a number of things it «this end it is difficult to explain. Play is a good narcotic drugs, in the time it paralysis in the Huang Huang-ah traversed. After may be thinking: Hey «really Kuaiya! Clicking on a holiday…… hey, the first school. To think so for several years, suddenly found that once said \"I want to how such a kind,\" are like dreams, like the bubble hand, can not withstand the wind, Yipeng on the broken.
Or return to the beginning of that sentence, in fact, we not only have lofty ideals, we also need is a struggle for the ideal and the spirit in themselves suddenly able to look back at the past of Enron自得said: \"Hey, you See, I do! \"\" How to Make Steel \"This is the author of the book writer in the former Soviet Union gulag • Alex can赛Ye Weiqi • Aositeluo夫斯基.
This article is from the Soviet Union before the first war, the October Revolution, civil war and the period of socialist construction more than 10 years of tough life as the background.
At this time of the Soviet Union in the Great on the war horses Pentium, the ever-changing, very appropriate word to describe: It\'s a world of smoke and blood.
The book also satisfied that a lot of time with a major event, for instance, the economic recovery phase of the internal chaos and difficulties, the death of Lenin in the country caused panic and shock. The authors describe the true history of these events, making the book is full of a heavy sense of history.
The hero of the book we should not unfamiliar, he is being referred to as \"steel soldiers\" Paul • Kecha gold.


保尔的生活是多么的艰难,从小到大一连串的打击一个一个向他接踵而来。最残酷的是病魔无情地纠缠着他,但是保尔并没有对生活失去信心,他凭着自己对生活的渴望,与病魔顽强地抗争。想想自己,我们身体健康,衣来伸手,饭来张口。有时候遇到不顺心的事,就像毛毛头一样“发脾气、哭鼻子”。妈妈常说“哎,真的是含在嘴里怕化了,捧在手中又怕摔了你啊。你去想想那些灾区的小朋友的日子是怎样过的,他们的生活是多么的艰苦,学习条件是多么的差。有机会一定要让你们这些娇生惯养的孩子们去体验一下。” 我们应该学会坚强些勇敢些,即使达不到保尔一样的意志坚强,但我们也要学习他这种勇于奋斗、敢于拼搏的精神。
本文标题: 钢铁是怎样炼成的读后感英文(钢铁是怎样炼成的 英文读后感500字)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/311347.html



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