红楼梦英文读后感(红楼梦 英语读后感)

发布时间: 2023-04-30 10:09:36 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 92


红楼梦英文读后感(红楼梦 英语读后感)

红楼梦 英语读后感

"A dream of red mansions" written by a large and filled the tragedy story. The family tragedy, the shadow of a dream of red mansions all tragedies. In a dream of red mansions of tragedy, the bao of tragedy, because Chai twelve characters, most of the true, the good and the quality and become a tragic hero. But JiaFu power levels of decline is ultimately tragic nature? This actually relates to a kind of social phenomenon and social system of historical destiny and value problem, namely, a tragedy and the unity of history. From the historical tragedy and the same class, declining, fall the destruction of the system also has a tragic. Hegel's philosophy and aesthetics in western aesthetes, most of philosophers. The tragedy of Hegel's view of history is the important component. In the history of the development of his thoughts, in dialectical relationship with the theory of tragedy is directly under the two ideas are: first, he thought, "who is the reality that the reasonable, reasonable is realistic;" Second, he thinks the development of world history is the social form to advanced social form. And from the development and change of the eye, there is the rationality and necessity, finally will lose its existence rationality, become unreasonable. Marx and Engels is the tragedy of Hegel sublation of tragedies. For before a unreasonable tragedy, Marx points out its nature is the inevitable requirement of "history with the requirements may not happen in the conflict between the tragedy;" But after an unreasonable to emphasize its FuXiuXing, when Marx, called "; "farce After a while emphasizing on its value of unreasonable self-confidence, Marx is called the tragic: "when the old system since ancient times, there is the world power, and freedom but was suddenly thought of ideology, the others - in other words, when the old system itself and should also believe that is reasonable, the old system of history is the tragic." Since the middle of 20th century (1), China's theory of tragedy in a most unreasonable, whether realistic aesthetic or subjective philosophy, aesthetics of emerging -- to the future of humanity, and the tragedy of historical trend. Life operation However, Chinese classical writers and works for the evaluation, after a "unreasonable" tragedy must be equal attention. In a dream of red mansions ", especially such. If the subjective philosophy of tragedy, and is designed to emphasize tragedy and existence of the same value experience, experience, marxist philosophy of tragedy, it is the historical tragedy and to emphasize the same, but this "history is the pursuit of his purpose of activity", hence, the tragedy of marxist historical interpretations on architectural development and social relations and economic relations on the basis of the analysis. With the essence of tragedy from the historical link up interpretation of a dream of red mansions tragedies, we can notice "a dream of red mansions" the tragedy of the rich connotation. From the society, we'll split noticed the class struggle, "From the inevitable requirement of history with the requirement of virtually impossible realization of the conflict between the tragic", we can notice of a dream of red mansions "liberation" (or suitable unfettered) historical plight, From the perspective of alienation, this kind of tragedy in a dream of red mansions is more common, the Angle of the subject to transcend.







红楼梦读后感 600字要4篇


梦,是一种不实际的东西。它就好似泡沫,随时都可能一碰就碎。有首小野小町的日本和歌曾说过:“ 梦里相逢人不见,若知是梦何须醒。纵然梦里常幽会, 怎比真如见一回 。” 意思就是与其相见不如在梦里相见。梦确实很美好,但同时它又很虚假,华丽也许只是它的表面。可为什么人总喜欢活在梦中呢?恐怕人的现实总是残酷的,对于那些无法实现的东西更为憧憬。而红楼梦就是名副其实的一场被包装得华丽无比的空梦。
这本书中的细节常让人身临其境,印象深刻。意大利艺术家米开朗基罗曾说过:“在艺术的境界里,细节就是上帝。”最令人着迷的是林黛玉与贾宝玉的细节。某次,一个丫头给宝玉带斗笠,结果戴得乱七八糟,一边的黛玉仔细帮他梳理。其中“轻轻拢住”这个词竟让心里某个柔软的地方产生到一股温柔的感觉。特别的还有十九回里,宝玉在黛玉微困的时候来到,两个人就拿着枕头对面倒下谈话。黛玉看到宝玉脸腮上有块血渍,便伸手去轻抚,心疼地用帕子擦拭。 看的时候,脑子里就真是这般光景,黛玉的柔情蜜意也都淋漓尽致。
本文标题: 红楼梦英文读后感(红楼梦 英语读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/305863.html



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