读外国书英语读后感(求外国名著的读后感 英文的)

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读外国书英语读后感(求外国名著的读后感 英文的)


以下其中一篇的英语读后感即可!彼得.潘、伊索寓言、人面巨石、费兰德斯的狗、长腿叔叔、快乐王子、基督山伯爵、绿山墙的安妮、圣诞颂歌 、秘密花园、威尼斯商人、绿野仙踪、爱丽丝漫游仙境记、小妇人
1)The secret garden 秘密花园读后感
Mary Lennox is a sickly, sour-faced little girl born in India to wealthy British parents. Unwanted by them, she has been put into the care of an Ayah from birth and told to keep out of sight lest her appearance upsets her mother and father. When an outbreak of cholera orphans her, she is sent to Misselthwaite Manor, an isolated country house in Yorkshire, England. There, she is left mostly to her own devices, by her father's brother-in-law, Archibald Craven, a widower still mourning his beautiful young wife, who has died ten years earlier. Hoping to escape his painful memories, he travels constantly, leaving the manor in the charge of his housekeeper, the stern Mrs. Medlock. The only person who has any time for the little girl is the chambermaid Martha, who tells Mary about a walled garden that was the late Mrs. Craven's favorite. No one has entered the garden since she died because Archibald has locked its entrance and buried the key in an unknown location.
Mary finds the key and a robin shows her the door to the garden behind some ivy. Once inside, she discovers that although the roses seem lifeless, some of the other flowers have survived. She resolves to tend the garden herself. Although she wants to keep it a secret, she recruits Martha's brother Dickon Sowerby, who has a way with plants and wild animals. Mary gives him money to buy gardening implements and he shows her that the roses, though neglected, are not dead. When Mary's uncle visits the house briefly for the first time since she arrived, Mary asks him for a bit of earth to make a flower garden, and he agrees. Thanks to the invigorating Yorkshire air and her new-found fascination with the garden, Mary herself begins to blossom, and loses her sickly look and unpleasant manner.
One night Mary hears someone weeping in another part of the house. When she asks questions, the servants become evasive and say they cannot hear anything or say that it was the wind. Shortly after her uncle's visit, she goes exploring and discovers her uncle's son, Colin, a lonely, bedridden boy as petulant and disagreeable as Mary used to be. His father shuns him because the child closely resembles his mother. Mr. Craven is a mild hunch back, and is morbidly convinced that Colin will develop the same condition. This fear is shared by Colin who for psychological reasons has never learned to walk. The servants have been keeping Mary and Colin a secret from one another because Colin doesn't like strangers staring at him and is prone to terrible tantrums. Colin, however, accepts Mary and insists on her visiting him often.
As spring approaches, Colin becomes jealous because Mary is spending more time out in the garden with Dickon than indoors with him. One day he voices his resentment and, when Mary resists, he throws a tantrum. To the surprise and amusement of the servants, Mary continues to stand her ground. That evening, Colin has a hysterical fit, brought on by his fear of dying young. Mary goes to him and, again taking a firm, no-nonsense stance with him and to calm him down slaps him in the face and to the servants' surprise, when Mary starts screaming at him, he doesn't object. When he asks if he can visit the garden with her, she agrees, as she and Dickon had been planning to suggest it themselves, feeling that it would do Colin good. Colin's doctor, who is Mr. Craven's brother and Colin's uncle, agrees to have Dickon and Mary take Colin outside in a wheelchair. Colin is delighted with the garden, and visits it with Mary and Dickon whenever the weather allows. As the garden revives and flourishes, so does he. To keep the garden a secret Colin orders everyone to stay away from the path to the Secret Garden.
The first person to discover what the children are doing is the old gardener, Ben Weatherstaff, who was a favorite of Colin's mother. Since her death, he has been visiting the locked garden once or twice a year by secretly scaling the wall with a ladder. When he visits the garden for the first time since Mary's arrival (having had to miss several visits because of rheumatism), he is angry with the children until he sees how improved both the garden and Colin are. Colin orders him not to tell anybody, and he agrees. Colin resolves that the next time his father returns from abroad he will be able to walk and run like a normal boy. He accomplishes this through a combination of simple physical exercise taught by Dickon and positive thinking. He refuses to think of himself as crippled, and he invents a kind of mantra to keep himself in the right, or "magic," frame of mind. He makes great progress, but keeps it hidden from everyone but Mary, Dickon, and Ben, wanting it to be a surprise.
Mr. Craven has been traveling throughout Europe but hurries home after seeing a vision of his dead wife in a dream, imploring him to come to her "in the garden!" When he receives a letter from Martha and Dickon's mother (who also knows the secret) saying "I think your lady would ask you to come if she was here", he decides to return home. He arrives while the children are outdoors. He goes out to see Colin for himself, and finds himself drawn to the secret garden, where he is astonished first to hear children's voices and then to find Colin not only racing Mary and Dickon around the garden, but winning. They take Mr. Craven into the secret garden to tell him everything. Afterwards they walk back to the house, where the servants are astonished to see two miracles: Colin walking and his father looking happy again.
Maytham Hall in Kent, England, where Burnett lived for a number of years during her marriage to Stephen Townesend, is often cited as the inspiration for the book's setting.Burnett kept an extensive garden, including an impressive rose garden. However, it has been noted that besides the garden, Maytham Hall and Misselthwaite Manor are physically very different
2)Peter Pan 彼得 潘
Recently,I have read one of the stories of Peter Pan, which is called
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens.This story is about Peter is a seven-day-old infant who, "like all infants", used to be part bird. Peter has complete faith in his flying abilities, so, upon hearing a discussion of his adult life, he is able to escape out of the window of his London home and return to Kensington Gardens. Upon returning to the Gardens, Peter is shocked to learn from the crow Solomon Caw that he is not still a bird, but more like a human - Solomon says he is crossed between them as a "Betwixt-and-Between". Unfortunately, Peter now knows he cannot fly, so he is stranded in Kensington Gardens. At first, Peter can only get around on foot, but he commissions the building of a child-sized thrush's nest that he can use as a boat to navigate the Gardens by way of the Serpentine River.
Although he terrifies the fairies when he first arrives, Peter quickly gains favor with them. He amuses them with his human ways, and agrees to play the panpipes at the fairy dances. Eventually, Queen Mab grants him the wish of his heart and he decides to return home to his mother. The fairies reluctantly help him to fly home, where he finds his mother is asleep in his old bedroom.
Peter feels rather guilty for leaving his mother, mostly due to the fact that he believes she misses him terribly. He considers returning to live with her and decides to go back to the Gardens to say his last good-byes. Unfortunately, Peter stays too long in the Gardens and when he uses his second wish to go home permanently he is devastated to learn that, in his absence, his mother has given birth to another boy she can love. Peter returns, heartbroken, to Kensington Gardens.
Peter later meets a little girl named Maimie Mannering who is lost in the Gardens. He and Maimie become fast friends, and little Peter asks her to marry him. Maimie is going to stay with him, but realizes that her mother must be missing her dreadfully, so she leaves Peter to return home. Maimie does not forget Peter, however, and when she is older she makes presents and letters for him. She even gives him an imaginary goat which he rides around every night. Maimie is the literary predecessor to the character Wendy Darling in Barrie's later Peter and Wendy story.
Throughout the novel, Peter misunderstands simple things like children's games. He does not know what a pram is, mistaking it for an animal, and he becomes extremely attached to a boy's lost kite. It is only when Maimie tells him, that he discovers he plays all his games incorrectly. When Peter is not playing, he likes to make graves for the children who get lost at night, burying them with little headstones in the Gardens.


A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感
This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday become close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.
Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature.
My one breath reads off the fairy tale which "Sea Daughter" this Anderson writes to give me to be specially deep. "Sea Daughter" this article everybody is certainly very familiar! "Sea Daughter" in the fairy tale leading character lives in the sea deep place, is a mermaid. She might pass for more than 300 years years in the seabed world, then changed into the froth, finished her life happiness. Her life is longer than several times the humanity, but she does not have the human unique that kind “not to extinguish the soul”. In order to obtain this inspiration she to give up in the sea life, she endures these pain from already the fish tail changed into a two person leg. Afterward she liked a prince, obtained a humanity's soul. That prince and the world female has married, her hope did not have. If she continues to become “the sea daughter”after must assassinate that prince, may return to her in the family member, returns to belongs to her from already world. But she does not have to do this actually from has thrown in entering the sea to change into the froth. I like "Sea Daughter". It caused me to understand the life was valuable. Must have the strong will in anticipation in any surface, goes bravely facing it. In this book, I have not only known some happy stories, but also receives the very big inspiration education.
In the seabed, the smallest of the mermaid princesses have been longing for the sea life, that day she finally reaches 15 years old, when she was up, the saw a prince in love with him immediately, and the little princess has also saved him, At this time, there was a princess of neighboring countries over a wake-up call was the daughter of the sea to save up the prince, the prince mistaken for her own in order to save yourself. Daughter of the Sea in order to have humanlike legs, then on the bottom of the sea witch to go with their own beautiful voice in exchange for the two legs, and she collapsed on the beach, was the Prince into the palace, the daughter of the sea at the Imperial Palace found, the prince will have to marry a princess with the neighbors, and the sea is their daughter will be bridesmaids. Daughter of the Sea Prince would like to tell the truth, but she is now unable to speak of. Wedding day night, the daughter of the sea at the beach crying, and her sisters with their beautiful hair, in exchange for a dagger, she only had to kill the prince in order to survive, otherwise it will turn into a bubble. When the Daughter of the Sea to start with, the knife dropped to the ground, she could not bear to kill their favorite people. The sun rises in the East and eventually the daughter of the sea and turned it into a bubble.
When the reading of "The Little Mermaid", I can not help the daughter of the sea of tears shed, and she sacrificed their lives, gave up the chance to return to the sea, which we should learn from the spirit of selfless
悬赏分:40 - 解决时间:2009-8-30 18:43


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Book review of “Pride and Prejudice”
“Pride and Prejudice” was a famous work of Jane Austen. The story showed how various characters choose their marriage partners and the mistakes they make alone the way. Mrs. Bennet’s was urgent need to find good husbands for all her daughters. So when a rich unmarried young man rented a large house in the neighborhood. She was so excitement. She let her husband to visit the new neighbor. She was determined that Mr. Bingly should marry one of her girls. After Mr. Bennet's visit, Mr. Bingly also called on them. They had a party. At the party one of Mr. Bingly's friends who called also took park in them. He is a rich man. But he was so arrogant. He only danced with Bingly's sister. He looked upon Elizabeth. Through contact with each other, Darcy found that Elizabeth was so charming especially her big eyes. They met each other at another party. He invited her to have a dance this time. He was refused. Her refusal had not harmed her in the gentleman’s opinion, and he thought of her with some admiration. Elizabeth’s two sisters were just like their mother. They went to their aunt’s home every week in order to meet the officers on their way there. Once Elizabeth met a stranger who named Wickham on their way. At the same time, they met Darcy and Bingly Elizabeth happened to see the faces of both when they looked at each other. The face of one became white, the other turned red. Elizabeth felt quit strange. Elizabeth had stronger prejudice on Darcy Later Bingly hold a party. Mr. Collins made a proposal to Elizabeth. She refused. It made Mrs. Bennet very angry. However, Mr. Bennet quite supported his daughter. No sooner Mr. Collin married another girl. After Christmas Jane went to London visit her uncle. Vickham continue


本文标题: 读外国书英语读后感(求外国名著的读后感 英文的)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/297083.html



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