
发布时间: 2023-03-11 18:45:43 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 102




Summer vacation in I watched an attractive small dish piece, the name have been called "Chicken Tantivy". "Chicken Tantivy" told a such story: In a chicken house has crowd of chickens, they do not want to stay in the chicken house, they used many means to want to run away, the result was defeated. One day's, flew down a cockerel from the space, in the chicken house chicken happy extremely, some people might teach them to fly. They have trained for many days, moreover also to practice flies reduced fat. But, until one day, they only then knew that cockerel is not flies, is mass-criticized greatly by one, they were once again disappointed. Suddenly, some old cockerel remembered him to work as air force's life. A chicken asked that its airplane was anything, that only old cockerel in detail said that they only then understood that was the machine which could fly ascends the sky. The chickens made an airplane to leave the chicken house finally, was only left over the dumbfounded chicken farmer. This story tells us, so long as is willing diligently, not to be discouraged, the matter general meeting is successful


千禧年Aardman创意群祭出费时约三年的全新作品《Chicken Run》,由Aardman首脑Nick Park与Peter Lord编剧、制作并导演,斯皮尔伯格的梦工场(Dream Works)出资,并与曾制作《与狼共舞》、《希望与荣耀》与《飞天大巨桃》等片的Allied Films合作制片。 好莱坞的超级明星梅尔-吉布森在片中为美国鸡Rocky配音,他喝亮的嗓音大有“雄鸡一唱天下白”的味道,为影片增添了无限亮点。 这出黏土动画版的“大逃亡”,其实从1996年就开始制作了,它与《酷狗宝贝》、《圣诞夜惊魂》一样,都是属于最费工的“逐格拍摄动画”(Stop Motion Picture),所以光是制作黏土人、场景就要花上不少时间,而且《Chicken Run》是首部以实际尺寸(full-length)来制作片中的角色,可见其幕后工作是如何地精密繁琐。 想要了解Aardman这个神乎其神的公司,一定要先认识他们的首脑Nick Park。他1958年在英国出生,自称是“以黏土动画为素材的电影人”,点子多端、才华洋溢。从小就展露美术上的天份与不同于常人的狂想,在他2岁时就做了一件让妈妈永生难忘的事:在新装修好的厨房墙上,用“永久性”钢笔画了一屋子的漂亮火车。 他曾经为了凑钱买一部八毫米摄影机而将整个夏天花在做苦工上,那是一个鸡肉包装工厂,每天上千只死鸡在生产线上流动,他半开玩笑地说或许那就是激发他写下《Chicken Run》的灵感。 而今,他已是全球知名并拥有无数崇拜者的动画家、电影制作人、创意家,无怪乎老大哥梦工场愿意花大钱让他们实现梦想,至于Ginger、Rocky这两只鸡先生与鸡太太是否能像酷狗、小羊般获得世界各地大小朋友的喜爱,又是否会再夺下大奖,就只要耐心等待才看得到答案了。


Summer vacation in I watched an attractive small dish piece, the name have been called "Chicken Tantivy". "Chicken Tantivy" told a such story: In a chicken house has crowd of chickens, they do not want to stay in the chicken house, they used many means to want to run away, the result was defeated. One day's, flew down a cockerel from the space, in the chicken house chicken happy extremely, some people might teach them to fly. They have trained for many days, moreover also to practice flies reduced fat. But, until one day, they only then knew that cockerel is not flies, is mass-criticized greatly by one, they were once again disappointed. Suddenly, some old cockerel remembered him to work as air force's life. A chicken asked that its airplane was anything, that only old cockerel in detail said that they only then understood that was the machine which could fly ascends the sky. The chickens made an airplane to leave the chicken house finally, was only left over the dumbfounded chicken farmer. This story tells us, so long as is willing diligently, not to be discouraged, the matter general meeting is successful
本文标题: 小鸡快跑读后感用英文(小鸡快跑读后感(英文))
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/292092.html



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