求《简爱》 ,《卡城名蛙——马克吐温幽默故事》 两本书的英语读后感(100字左右)
Now a story about a slow mare and a little small bull-pup, called Andrew Jackson follows. The curiosity about the latter one is the name of the dog, because the 7th President of the United States, who was the first Westerner to become president and who advocated the right to vote for every State of the West in 1830 had had the same. Mr Jackson had been a gambler, a wild man, who had whores and spend much time in saloons. He was the cause for a scandal by entering the White House on the back of his horse. He wanted democracy of the common people and he reached his aim.
本文标题: 马克吐温读后感英文1000(马克吐温幽默小说欣赏读后感英语)
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