
发布时间: 2022-12-31 17:02:14 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 89




"Holy Bible" impressions of after-reading "Holy Bible" is Christianity's soul. Must understand the Western civilization. Can not but read "Holy Bible". Today, the world has 1,000,000,000 above people treats as "Holy Bible" their spiritual food. "Holy Bible" translates into 1800 many kinds of writing, since long has been in the world spreads a broadest book. Since continuously, I have filled curiously to "Holy Bible", is honored very much understanding Mr./Mrs. Pan, teacher's influence, teacher has been also given me two about the Holy Bible book, I read the such classical book fortunately. Reads some classics the thing, for example Jesus's guidance “, if some people have hit your right face, also lets him the left face hit”, all sharing, “, so long as knows wrong, main will forgive you”, but will also have are many I to think that is unable the thing which understood, Adam Eve steals the pardoned crime which the food forbidden fruit will violate, the pardoned crime is what? Knows has the desire ashamed? If does not have the Satan enticement, they will be will continue in the Garden of Eden joyful life? What except carefree also has in theirs life? Hungry must eat thing this not is also the person most primitive desire? Between the desire and the desire also has the difference? Why is it the crime?!
God does not endure the crime which sees the people to massacre mutually, therefore decision reconstruction world of human beings, only then Noa is rescued, the humanity massacres the worst result also nothing but is mutually the complete deconstruction, God is only does not endure to put in nearly all people in the flood rainstorm, this is He Zhong does not endure?! The people make the exceedingly high Babylon tower, wants to go to have a look at the God Jehovah's homeland, God to worry that the people crime, then lets the people language not pass again, therefore no longer the unity cannot continue to make the tower again, the human wants to visit God's family is the crime, God steals peeps person's privacy is looks after?! The belief is one spiritual reposing, believes one spiritual strength. The human, cannot not believe! The recollection believes in the lord these days, I experience to the main leadership, feels deeply main to my blessing. Before advocating Jesus to become my foot's lamp, on road's light.
信仰是一种精神寄托,信仰一种精神力量.人,不能没有信仰! 回想信主的这几天,我经历到主的带领,深深感受到主对我的祝福。主耶稣成了我脚前的灯,路上的光。
Howls the mountain village" impressions of after-reading "Howls Mountain village", only by the time dust annihilation's outstanding work, "Has not howled Mountain village", only has the permanent artistic charm glory work. I used one week much time to look "Has howled Mountain village". I gather submit a written statement, am unable to restrain to exclaim in surprise that can't this long time occupies the remote mountain, how nearly ever write with the outside contact's unmarried woman loves so profoundly, hates like this bone to inter the body novel? This life lives in the unfortunate world, lonely miserable, does not have the laughter, does not have friend's female, how could write this kind of rich originality and the advancing great work? Actually no matter what kind, no matter because of any this extremely rich connotation's wonderful book, already might let us comprehend the many life true meanings!
what "Howled Mountain village" relies on to become an immortal work? First it has not received in the city the popular influence and the control, described a original taste and flavor mountain village wilderness picture completely. Caused the people to understand a completely different world. In the story leading characters are retaining the primitive disposition: Loves reckless, hates to disregard all consequences. This all receive the traditional etiquette's restraint people in our these to look like appear very special for a long time, has the curiosity. Some people said that "Howled Mountain village" is “the world love grandest epic poem” wants me to say this must give credit the author amy Li bronte extremely rich imagination; Extremely intense fervor; The extremely profound innermost feelings experience and her that the talent which and ability sublimates the subject. I thought why these were also "Howl Mountain village" can the so best-selling reason. When my aftertaste this book profound connotation and essence, I discovered that in "Howled Mountain village" I has learned many, what my feelings were in addition deepest was it has taught me maintains the human nature dignity and the mind freedom. Regardless of we are facing the how stern challenge perhaps the how brutal test, we should yearn for the freedom.

圣经故事 英文

急求反映人性的圣经故事 英文版
天堂和地狱(Heaven and Hell)
Formerly had a person, he wanted to know how the heaven and the hellwere, he consulted God, after God knew his purpose in coming, thinksto say, “was good, I led you to have a look the hell”Was saying on arrived this person belt in a room, this room very big,middle puts a table central, the table is putting pot soup, the tableall around is gathering round many people, in each person's hand alltakes to have the long handle the ladle, after they because have allscooped up the soup the ladle handle too long, is unable to deliver inown mouth, cries Greatly noisy, is very painful. "Saw, this was a hell! Good, we have a look the heaven." After thatGod to bring him to another room, this room very is also bigMiddle also is putting a table, all around also gathers round manypeople, in each manpower also all is taking a long handle ladle, afterwhat is different was they has scooped up the soup, was not deliversin own mouth, but was delivers in the opposite person's mouth, so,everybody had the soup, was merry, appears the very quick speech.“Saw, this was the heaven!”,This person had understood the original heaven and the hell differencelies in the hell the person only thinks oneself, does not think of theothers, they cross very much painfully. But in the heaven person,thinks of the others, the others also think of you, therefore crossesvery much merrily.


圣经---新约---马太福音(葡萄园主人的故事) 因为天国好像家主,清早去雇人,进他的葡萄园作工。和工人讲定一天一钱银子,就打发他们进葡萄园去。约在巳初出去,看见市上还有闲站的人。就对他们说,你们也进葡萄园去,所当给的,我必给你们。他们也进去了。约在午正和申初又出去,也是这样行。约在酉初出去,看见还有人站在那里。就问他们说,你们为什么整天在这里闲站呢?他们说,因为没有人雇我们。他说,你们也进葡萄园去。到了晚上,园主对管事的说,叫工人都来,给他们工钱,从后来的起,到先来的为止。约在酉初雇的人来了,各人得了一钱银子。及至那先雇的来了,他们以为必要多得。谁知也是各得一钱。他们得了,就埋怨家主说,我们整天劳苦受热,那后来的只做了一小时,你竟叫他们和我们一样吗?家主回答其中的一人说,朋友,我不亏负你。你与我讲定的,不是一钱银子吗?拿你的走吧。我给那后来的和给你一样,这是我愿意的。我的东西难道不可随我的意思用吗?因为我作好人,你就红了眼吗?这样,那在后的将要在前,在前的将要在后了。 1回答者:
IS great round world, on which we live, is very old; so old that no one knows when it was made. But long before there was any earth, or sun, or stars, God was living, for God never began to be. He always was. And long, long ago, God spoke, and the earth and the heavens came. But the earth was not beautiful as it is now, with mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, with trees and flowers. It was a great smoking ball, with land and water mingled in one mass. And all the earth was blacker than midnight, for there was no light upon it. No man could have breathed its air, no animals could walk upon it, and no fish could swim in its black oceans. There was no life upon the earth.
本文标题: 圣经故事英文读后感(急求圣经故事英文读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/271671.html



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