
发布时间: 2022-12-20 17:02:56 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 109




希望对你有所帮助哟~I was really impressed by the film. A problem that many sequels run into is that they rely too heavily on the name of the franchise and hope it will blind the audience into liking a mediocre film. This film didn't have that. It truly stayed true to the characters and themes we have grown to love in the Ice Age franchise.
In this instalment, Manny and Ellie's child is on the way. Manny has a tough time and is nervous about becoming a father. Ellie, on the other hand, is very excited and feels ready.
Diego worries he is going 'soft', and struggles with his desire to be a strong, intimidating tiger once again.
Upon being around so much 'baby excitement', Sid feels like he wants some kids. His wish is granted when he stumbles upon three eggs, which hatch and are revealed to be dinosaur eggs. Thus, our adventure begins.
Needless to say, most of the key characters have inner struggles that they are dealing with. The film also introduces a new character, a crazy cool weasel named Buck. After the film, my boyfriend told me Buck reminded him of Jack Sparrow from the acclaimed 'Pirates of the Caribbean' franchise. I see the resemblance, as Buck is a little on the wild side and has a hunger for adventure.
The animation was beautiful. With each film in the series, the animation gets better. The scenery and colors were great, and the characters were well done as well.
A lot of people seem to have an issue with the dinosaurs. They claim it isn't realistic. My only argument against that is, "Do you think the first two were all that realistic?" if you see this film, you just need to let your imagination stretch a bit. Accept that there are dinosaurs in it, and you'll love it. Don't get hung up on the fact that dinosaurs were long gone before the Ice Age.
The film moves at a fast pace and has many laughs along the way. It's a great adventure and I really think it will be popular when it hits theaters. The script was pretty good, the soundtrack was excellent, and I really can't pin point anything that is extremely wrong with this movie. It stands well on its own, so newcomers will be able to enjoy it easily, all while keeping the same spirit of the first two, which is sure to please fans from day one.


在《冰河世纪2》中,地球上的冰河期就快要结束了,大大小小的动物们都在欢天喜的庆祝水世界的即将来临,一片歌舞升平。然而迭哥(丹尼斯•劳瑞 配音)、希德(约翰•莱格扎莫 配音)和曼尼(雷•罗曼诺 配音)在享受和煦阳光的同时却发现大势不妙,溶化的雪水即将湮没她们的村庄,他们必须承担起警告所有居民从灾区撤离的艰巨责任。同样简单不复杂的剧情,带来了我们的全球超重量级英雄人物,全身毛茸茸、心地善良的长毛象曼尼,嗜吃的树獭希德和凶暴的剑齿虎迭哥。 曼尼、希德和迭哥警觉到天气正在剧烈变化,巨大的天然冰山正发生着大规模的崩解。三兄弟毅然挥军南征,沿途经历诸多危险,最终到达安全的彼岸。在旅途过程中,经常逗嘴的三兄弟互相扶持,有难同当。同时,一直认为自己是最后一头猛犸象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了爱丽(奎因•拉蒂法 配音)--世界最后一头雌性猛犸象。第一次看到好兄弟陷入情网,迭哥和希德也完全无能为力,帮不上忙。其实曼尼也很头疼,美丽的爱丽从小被负鼠家族收养,浸染了所有负鼠的习性,爬树,钻墙角等。而更夸张的是,爱丽打从骨子里认为自己是一只负鼠,所以根本无法接收曼尼。再加上与爱丽同行的一对活宝负鼠兄弟,个性鲜明,唧唧喳喳。吵的我们的长毛英雄在面对一筹莫展的爱情和恶劣的天气条件下一时完全没有了对策。而偏偏这场破冰之旅还万万少不了爱丽…… 原版配音阵容: 和《冰河世纪》中三只动物兄弟一样的感情有所不同,导演卡洛斯•萨达纳为我们毛茸茸的长毛象朋友找了一个女朋友--爱丽,这个性格活泼可爱的雌性猛犸象为整部作品添彩不少,就像一个爱撒娇的时髦姑娘。还记得《芝加哥》里面那个具有高超搞笑功底的监狱妈妈吗?丰满的身材是不是和爱丽有神似之处?这次卡洛斯•萨达纳就邀请到了奎茵•拉提法来为爱丽配音。至于爱丽身边顽皮的让人头疼的负鼠兄弟请到了凭借《美国派》一举成名的喜剧新生代小生西恩斯•考特,为这次逃亡之行带来了不少美式幽默成分。本片的三个主角配音依然是由之前的三位好莱坞明星担当,《人人都爱雷蒙德》中的雷•罗曼诺、《血溅13号警署》中的约翰•莱格扎莫和《天罗地网》中的丹尼斯•劳瑞。 然而无论剧情如何变化,角色如何增减,《冰河世纪》的金字招牌仍旧还是那只对坚果怀有惊人狂热激情的犬齿松鼠斯科特。在《冰河世纪2》的预告片中,斯科特和它的坚果再次担纲主演,为了榛子不惜上山下海挑战极限,还要和大鱼比划功夫……
本文标题: 冰川时期读后感(看冰川时代5电影的读后感450字)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/267886.html



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