
发布时间: 2022-12-07 16:30:00 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 109






Compared with its predecessor, "The Avengers 2" is not so much people climax paragraphs, it may be because the past two years we have seen enough of such a theme. But in the narrative, theme and the overall sense of tension have a very uniform succession and play a more special. It is in ensuring the continuity and integrity of the premise also to ferret out every superhero story. Overall, "The Avengers 2" further validates Jose Verden theme for the ability to control his story for the complex, inner feelings and the grand scene of the deployment has been very place.
There are signs in before we know, this portion of "Captain America" became associated command complex, which is in their siege of the headquarters of the Hydra was especially evident when, but that does not mean steel Man's position was weakened. As usual, he continued with the United States team tease the poor, and the name of their own calculations, is to use the power of unlimited gems to develop artificial intelligence, or "Olympic record." Of course, his intention is with this invincible robot to protect the earth, but we all know that the last is counterproductive. Olympic record obtained through their own algorithms must clean up the human conclusions. So the Olympic record becomes a complex linking the most difficult thing for heroes, they must find a way to destroy the killing machine. More troublesome is not only Olympic record how all do not die, adding two new roles, "Quicksilver" and "red witch" is still constantly re-linked to create trouble, to weaken their fighting capacity, at the same time, re-linking internal There are also some bad blood breeding, Bruce Banner has turned manic crazy city cleaned up version of the Hulk ...... internal and external co-exist, complex problems facing the United heroes far more than previously.
本文标题: 复仇者读后感(复仇者联盟英语观后感60单词以下)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/261059.html



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