
发布时间: 2022-11-24 11:09:42 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 97




a whited sepulchre
whited sepulcher


Ethel Lilian Voynich published The Gadfly in 1904. Her novel was set in Italy in the 1800x27s which was a tumultuous time of revolt and uprisings. The dramatis personae Arthur was a revolutionary who did his best to save the motherland Italy. It was unfortunate that he revealed the secrets of revolution accidently and his comrade was killed. Then Gemma, the girl Arthur loved, mistook Arthur for the recreant. She accused him fiercely. At the same time, Arthur knew that he was the bastard of his respectable Padre Montanelli. Arthur was hopeless. He left for Brazil. After 13 years, an ugly man called Gadfly returned to Italy. He worked well in the revolution events. Gemma thought Gadfly was Arthur, but she could not make sure. In a chance, Arthur met Padre Montanelli again. But the Padre was the member of Arthur’s enemy. After a series of severe clashes, Arthur was arrested. In the prison, Padre Montanelli tempted Arthur to come over and pledge allegiance. Arthur rejected it, stated his belief and faith and scolded Montanelli. At last, Montanelli became crazy following the moment Arthur was hanged. Maybe Arthur had been a truly gadfly, flying happily in the sky. Perhaps I am too naive to understand the true meaning of this novel. I can’t realize the love between Arthur and Gemma. In the novel, Arthur loved Gemma very much. He couldn’t put up with Gemma’s distrust. When he detected what Gemma loved another man, he was angry and jealous. This kind of jealousness even influenced the result of the accident that Arthur revealed the secrets. But why he loved her? They just grew up together and played with each other when they were small children. To my way of thinking, Gemma just Arthur’s friend, one of Arthur’s common friend. Why Arthur loved her without reason and condition? Maybe someone thinks that the time they spent together is the firm basic. I can’t agree with it. If the long time was the basic , why not Gemma loved Arthur as much as Arthur loved her? Time is nothing but a peg which made the love as a stable fact. The relationship between Arthur and Montanelli is afforded for thought. I don’t think the author wanted to define Montanelli as a pharisee such as Yue Buqun. Montanelli is religious. Although Montanelli’s belief isn’t right, he was royal to it at least. The change of his status shocked Arthur for a certainty,but it was the fault which he made when he was young. He had tried to make up his fault. He loved Arthur actually, so he became crazy after Arthur’s death. Because his belief and his rare Arthur had disillusioned at the same moment. In the other hand, he was also the victim of the disordered times. The author has showed us a picture: a tumultuous time of revolt and uprisings, a group of people who were enthusiastic and courageous to their motherland and career, and the foreseeable bright future which can be created by continuous efforts to each dark world.谢绝翻译软件...
纯手工翻译:(I think parts of the original text are a bit ungrammatical, though)
本文标题: 伪君子读后感英文(求英文读后感2000字以上)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/254294.html



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