爱玛 英文读后感 初二水平(书名《EMMA》读后感翻译 拒接 google Translate)

发布时间: 2022-11-23 14:21:29 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 107


爱玛 英文读后感 初二水平(书名《EMMA》读后感翻译 拒接 google Translate)

爱玛 英文读后感

Emma reading the new version, and is to my liking. Whether people like it or not, and regardless of db how some people romola vocal opposition, anyway, I see very hi leather it is. Emma in the 4th edition, though not the best, but certainly the most physically fit I see it! Six of austen heroine (extended to six books) can be divided into things, not three did not feel like it emma must belong to the middle one. Look to see whether the original or a theater adaptation, even the most spiritual of the KB version can not make me like the eldest - because of course from a woman's jealousy. Money can make everyone in your center, you turn around, currying favor with you? Are eligible to rely on a small smart event pointing to the country life of others? Why should we tolerate your temper even after the Miss Ren Xingtai like you? it's unfair!!! However, romola unintentional positive outcomes of subversion, exaggerated, silly girl, with the nature of this role has become very first time to have an affinity. Heartless creature looked at her giggling all day long, and mr. Knightly look childish, you will think this girl is like living next to you who in the lovely, carefree chick, friendly the full sense. This is why I love emma first time the reason this role, albeit from a cup of love jane and frank, do not like emma and harriet to both just turned out this time. In short this version of "Scenic beauty, actress Jane. See I feel surprisingly well, as very bright and light (shining), depressed haze swept away." Once put aside the endless essay, assignment, test, quiz, to see a new episode for the emma. Believe me, this is definitely allows you to temporarily escape the pain of learning, will be thrown behind all the gloomy great medicine! Although there are a series of problems, some are "conservatives" who can not tolerate, but who cares ~ ~ because "I basically see it as a romola, and as well as comedy, TV serials (non-derogatory) term . "

爱玛 读后感

[爱玛 读后感]令人高兴的是,爱玛最后和奈特利先生在一起了,爱玛 读后感.不知道为什么,我在想起奈特利先生的时候,总是想起《傲慢与偏见》里的达西,《飘》里的白瑞德.所以,从故事的前面,我就衷心盼望着爱玛可以和奈特利先生这样的优秀男人在一起,当然,这里不排除作者刻意把我们的男主人公刻画得格外有魅力的原因.   爱玛里,我看到了一个智慧,有主见,乐于助人,总是为他人考虑,却又有时候傲慢的富于幻想的女子.   总体来说,我还是很喜欢爱玛的,这是一个自尊,有智慧,有思想的女人,读后感《爱玛 读后感》.   她说的一句话很打动我:   女人只要有财富,到了晚年,即使仍旧独身,也没有人会瞧不起她,仍然可以生活得很快乐.   女人如果不能得到理想的爱人的话,事业就变得很重要了.当然,家庭其实才是一个女人的归属和幸福,但是有些情况下,女人也是应该做好自己的事业的.
  〔爱玛 读后感〕随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益.】


本文标题: 爱玛 英文读后感 初二水平(书名《EMMA》读后感翻译 拒接 google Translate)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/253854.html



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