爱情电影读后感英文(美国电影《爱情故事》观后感 英语版)

发布时间: 2022-10-13 23:25:17 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 115


爱情电影读后感英文(美国电影《爱情故事》观后感 英语版)





The essence of Life The movie "The sound of Music" tells the essence of life. I really like the movie best. In the movie, the heroine Maria, who was a nun and a tutor, pled with the Reverend Mother to give her an escape. The hero Captain Von Trappe had seven children and was very sad after the death of his wife, whom he had loved very dearly. They both had some misfortune in their life. However, as Maria said, "When the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window." Later, the seven children allowed Maria to marry their father, and they lived a happy life ever after. What moved me most is what Maria said--"When the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window." The sentence is suitable to describe my experiences. When I was old enough to go to school, none of the schools could accept me because of my disability. It was with the help of the society that I was able to go to school and finish the eleven-year study period. Now the problem that faces me is which college to enter. Well, I have found a college called "The Commerce and Industry Foreign Language College", but I didn't enter it because it is located in the suburbs. Actually, taking my parents and my grandmothers into consideration, I will not enter any university or college that is located in the suburbs. But there are few good colleges in the center of the city of Shanghai. The lord seems to have closed my door to college. However, even if I don't enter any college, I will look for another way to further my studies, especially, to study other foreign languages, in order to realize my dream. I think the lord will open a door for me and take me to the road of success. So, the movie tells the essence of life. That is why I like the movie "The sound of Music" best.


侏罗纪公园...One of the biggest movies of all time, "Jurassic Park" is the story of regenerated dinosaurs. John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) is the owner of a newly developed dinosaur park, but after an employee is killed in an accident he needs to satisfy lawyer's questions by bringing in a team to prove the park is safe. The team includes dinosaur digger Alan Grant (Sam Neill), his girlfriend, paleontologist Ellie Satler (Laura Dern), mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), and lawyer Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero). Another of Hammond's employees, a computer technician named Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) has been hired by an outside organisation to steal dinosaur embryos.
Based on the Michael Crichton book, the stars of "Jurassic Park" are definitely the dinosaurs. There's a lot of people who deserve credit for bringing these extinct animals to brilliant on screen life, but the main four are Stan Winston, Michael Lantieri, Dennis Muren, and Phil Tippett. Mixed with some unbelievably great sound effects, these dinosaurs are some of the most stunning visual effects I've ever seen and rightfully earned an Academy Award.
The king of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex, was an amazing creature to see, but surprisingly it was outdone by the velociraptors. These raptors provided some very suspenseful moments, and are dinosaurs that people will never forget.
The main complaint I've read is that the human characters had no development and that the scenes that didn't feature dinosaurs were boring. This surprised me since it was directed by Steven Spielberg. In my opinion, they didn't need to be more developed because "Jurassic Park" is one of those movies that just doesn't need that much. As for being bored, I never was. I knew it was going to get exciting, and the buildup was great thanks in part to the characters, the special effects, and the John Williams score. Unfortunately, the dialogue was cheesy in several spots perhaps explaining why people didn't like the dino-fre GOD....


Life as Kim and Krickitt Carpenter knew it was shattered beyond recognition on November 24, 1993. Two months after their marriage, a devastating car wreck left Krickitt with a massive head injury and in a coma for weeks.
When she finally awoke, she had no idea who Kim was. With no recollection of their relationship and while Krickitt experienced personality changes common to those who suffer head injuries, Kim realized the woman he had married essentially died in the accident.
And yet, against all odds, but through the common faith in Christ that sustained them, Kim and Krickitt fell in love all over again. Even though Kim stood by Krickitt through the darkest times a husband can ever imagine, he insists, “I’m no hero. I made a vow.”
Now available in trade paper with a new chapter and photo insert, The Vow is the true story that inspired the major motion picture of the same name starring Rachel McAdams (The Notebook), Channing Tatum (Dear John), Sam Neill (Jurassic Park), and Academy Award winner Jessica Lange.
本文标题: 爱情电影读后感英文(美国电影《爱情故事》观后感 英语版)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/232920.html



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