电影读后感英语作文100字以下(5篇100字左右的英文电影的观后感 要用英语啊)

发布时间: 2022-09-22 17:01:52 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 104


电影读后感英语作文100字以下(5篇100字左右的英文电影的观后感 要用英语啊)


I enjoyed the movie "I, Robot". The plot was exciting, although the concept was not very original. However, one of the things I liked about this movie was the way the existence of robots was integrated into the lives of humans.
Although the movie included some high-tech concepts about the making and function of the robots, they were not so complex as to leave viewers confused or feeling intimidated. The plot was easy to follow, and the subtle twists and unexpected turn-of-events added spice to the movie, and kept things exciting throughout. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and recommended to everyone.
(来源: IMDB)


Movie Review: We Were Soldiers
We all like to take a time out and sit down with our loved ones, and watch a heart touching movie every once in a while. What we don't do is actually take time to really focus and understand completely what the point of the movie is or what it is trying to get across to the audience. I was able to take time and sit down, and enjoy and evaluate the movie, "We Were Soldiers." I was able to come to the conclusion that it is a very accurate movie, give or take a few facts. The quality of the cinematography is of great value. The film was indeed satisfying.
The movie was released in 2002. It was one of the most seen movies of that year. It won the ASCAP award and was nominated for three different awards. To be nominated is a privilege in itself. That means it was good enough to win but there was another that was superior in other viewers opinion. Randale Wallace was the writer and director of the film.
本文标题: 电影读后感英语作文100字以下(5篇100字左右的英文电影的观后感 要用英语啊)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/221944.html



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