
发布时间: 2022-09-19 17:34:53 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 85




不要用翻译器的,帮我翻译成英文...寒假里利用一些时间读了《史蒂夫•乔布斯传》。该书的作者是美国作家沃尔特• 艾萨克森,他希望该书也能是一本关于创新的书。事实也正式如此。作者走访了乔布斯生活各阶段的重要人物,从不同的视角客观的阐述了人们眼中的乔布斯,多维地展示了乔布斯的一生。 有人说,有三个苹果改变了世界,第一个诱惑了夏娃,第二个砸醒了牛顿,而第三个则在乔布斯的掌控中。苹果,世界技术潮流的标志词,全世界都为之着迷的品牌。然而令其有着如今的光辉的,就只有乔布斯。也就只有乔布斯,让创新的灵感得以体现在产品上;也就只有乔布斯,拥有过人的营销本领,只要他弄懂了一个东西,都能以最简单的方式介绍给普通人听;也就只有乔布斯,才能在追求梦想和事业的鼎盛中奔驰。他的奇迹是没有人可以复制的、没有人能超越的。说到乔布斯,你会自然想到那个被咬掉一口的苹果标志,当然你也会喜欢他带来的iPod、iPhone和iPad,或许你也会羡慕他的成功和财富,但我们更应该研究一下乔布斯走过的路,思索一下他获得成功的关键所在。乔布斯的成功之路并不是一路坦途,人们眼中的他也并不是完美无缺的。而他的追求完美的创新精神和改变世界的坚定决心,为世人所感动和震撼。现如今“美国正在寻找保持自身的创新优势,全世界都在努力建设创造性地数字时代经济,乔布斯成为了创造力、想象力以及持续创新的终极标志。他深知21世纪创造价值的最佳途径就是将创造力与科技结合起来。” 珍惜当下。“如果你把每一天都当作生命的最后一天,那么,有一天你一定会认为这是正确的。”当我们把每一天都当作生命的最后一天时,我们会更加珍惜生命中的每一分每一秒,珍惜我们最爱的人,珍惜这个世界带给我们的一切美好。我们不再说“等明天。”,我们不再说:“等下一次。”。为了实现毕生的愿望,为了追求完美的人生,我们不再等待,我们会立即行动起来,让我们为这个世界多尽一份力量;为我们的子孙多留下一份资源;让我们最亲的人感受到因为有我们的关爱而倍加温暖和幸福。“珍惜当下”,乔布斯和他的团队做到了。 追求结果。在我们的身边会有一些这样的人:当问题出现时,会找出各种理由来为自己开脱,他们最终失败了。在我们身边还有一些这样的人:在做事的过程中周到细致,不畏艰难,坚持不懈,精益求精,他们最终成功了。 乔布斯是一位心游的伟大实践者,他用毕生的精力完美诠释了心天游的精髓——满足人心追求自由的需要!他用智慧、科技以及一生的心血创造了苹果,使人们在使用科技的自由上跃升了一大步。而他的所作所为基本基于他一贯的思想“人生不带来,死不带去,没理由不听从内心的召唤。” 乔布斯的点滴都是财富,从他身上我们能学到很多,酸甜苦辣是人生道路的点缀,没有它们可能活下来就没有意义。最低谷、最高峰都是人要经历的,而有想法的人则会重整目标,调整脚步,整装出发;平庸的人就会停下脚步,满足于现状。他说:“你想用卖糖水来度过余生,还是想要个机会改变世界?”。没错,取决于你。
Winter vacation, spend some time reading "Steve Jobs Biography". The author of the book is an American writer Walter Isaacson, his hope that the book is a book about innovation. The fact that formal. The author visited Jobs in the various stages of life an important figure from a different perspective and objective exposition of people in the eyes of Steve Jobs, multi-d
imensional display of the life of Steve Jobs
It is said that three Apple changed the world, the first temptation of Eve, the second hit awake Newton, and the third in the control of Steve Jobs. Apple, the world's technology trends mark the word, the whole world is fascinated brand. However, to make it with today's brilliant, only Steve Jobs. It was only Steve Jobs, innovation and inspiration embodied in the product; it was only Steve Jobs, with strong marketing skills, as long as he understood the thing, can be introduced in the easiest way to give ordinary people listen; it was only Steve Jobs, in order to pursue their dreams and career peak in the Mercedes-Benz. His miracle is that no one can be replicated, no one can surpass.
Jobs road to success is not all the way to smooth sailing, people's eyes, he is not perfect. His pursuit of the perfect spirit of innovation and the firm determination to change the world, the world moved and shocked. Now are looking to maintain its innovative edge, the whole world and strive to build a creative way the digital age economy, Jobs became the ultimate symbol of creativity, imagination, and continuous innovation. He knew of the 21st century to create value the best way is to creativity and technology together. "
Treasure the moment."If you live each day as his last day, then one day you will think this is correct." When we have each day as the last day, we will be more to cherish life of eachone minute, every second, cherish the people of our favorite treasure in this world to bring us all good. We no longer say "tomorrow", we no longer say: "next time." In order to achieve the dream of a lifetime to the pursuit of the perfect life, we no longer wait, we will act together soon, let us one more contribution to the power of this world; to leave a resource for our children and grandchildren; let our most pro-feel the care and doubly warm and happy. "Cherish the moment, Steve Jobs and his team did.
The pursuit of results. Our side there will be some people find all sorts of reasons to absolve itself: When problems arise, they ultimately failed. In the process of doing things around us there are such people: attention to detail, brave, perseverance, excellence, they finally succeeded.
Steve Jobs is a great practice of the heart swim, and his lifetime of effort a perfect interpretation of the heart the essence of the tour - to meet people's minds to the pursuit of freedom need His wisdom, science and technology, and a lifetime of effort to create Apple, so that people jumped on the freedom of the use of technology. He has done basic does not bring his usual thinking "Life already naked, no reason not to listen to the call of the heart." Jobs bits are wealth, we can learn a lot from him. the ups and downs is the embellishment of life on the road, did not they could survive that does not make sense. The lowest valley, the highest peak is to go through, but the idea is re-engineering the target, adjust the pace of the pack and go; mediocre people will stop to rest on its laurels. He said: "Do you want to sell sugar to the rest of his life, or want a chance to change the world?" Yes, depending on you.


1. 我并不是贬低高等教育的价值,我只是说,其代价是偏废了经验。
2. 像迪伦(Dylan)、毕加索(Picasso)等最伟大的艺术家以及牛顿都曾经冒着失败的风险。如果我们想取得伟大成就,那么我们也必须甘冒风险
3. 如果连见都没见过,他们怎么知道自己想要什么呢?
4. 你身边被你称为“生活”的一切事物,都是由那些并不比你聪明的人所造就的。而你可以改变生活,影响生活,造就其他人可以使用的你自己的东西。
5. 我宁愿在我们的愿景上冒险,也不愿制造“跟风”产品。
6. 我们必须让小事也令人难忘。
7. 向那些 疯子 致敬,他们特立独行、桀骜不驯、惹是生非,与周围环境格格不入。他们看待世界的方式与众不同……他们改变事物,推动人类的前进。或许有些人认为他们疯狂,但我们把他们视为天才。
8. 你必须要有一个自己想解决的问题,一个自己想纠正的错误。
9. 你选择从事的工作必须是你自己为之充满激情的工作,否则的话你不会拥有坚持到底的毅力。
10. 在你的一生当中,你要做的事情很多,而现在我们选择了做这一件,那么就让我们把它做到伟大的地步吧。
本文标题: 小人物我的父亲乔布斯读后感(史蒂夫乔布斯传读后感(不要网上抄的)急)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/220246.html



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