一九八四 读后感(有没有对书《一九八四》的读后感)

发布时间: 2022-09-16 00:30:55 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 102


一九八四 读后感(有没有对书《一九八四》的读后感)






The story is written by George Orwell, who also wrote about Animal Farm, another story in which two parties fought against one another. Some resemblance between the two stories is that that they are both about revolution. And both times the revolutions didn’t work. Yet there are also many contracting points too, for even though they are about revolution, 1984 is only about two people against one Party, trying to work their way into the party that was against the other party against the first, whereas Animal Farm is about two entire parties. Another difference is that in Animal Farm the revolution is like a circle, after the animals pushed the humans away, the pigs came and took the position same as the humans, so it half worked, but in 1984 the revolution failed completely. I don’t like 1984 as well as I liked Animal Farm, for 1984 tells more of the cruelty of human nature, and I didn’t exactly want to know that all the huge lumpy stuff all around me have ugly stuff in their hearts (ok, I admit I have it too). I don’t exactly like stories having horrible endings where both the main characters betray each other and have their minds altered into something they never wanted. Not that I’m asking to be altered too, but still it’s unnerving. Anyways in Animal Farm it just was about a party doing this doing that and being tricked by officers, like in real life.
本文标题: 一九八四 读后感(有没有对书《一九八四》的读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/218129.html



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