《列那狐的故事》 是由法国著名作家吉罗夫人写的一部寓言故事 ,也是中世纪法国文学作品之一 。全书以列那狐的活动为线索,讲述了一系列发生在动物王国的故事,在这个虚构的呃弱肉强食的动物世界里 ,所有飞禽走兽都被赋予了人性 ,也也都精通事故 ,所发生的这种种情形 与人类社会极为相似 。故事中的动物经过你人话影射了中世纪法国各社会阶层人物。虚伪贪婪,至高无上的狮王 ,强势跋扈愚蠢的大狼和狗熊 等代表权贵人士 ,还有猫,鸡,鸟 兔 等农民。故事中,他们无一例外都是列那捉弄和嘲讽的对象。丽娜代表的是当时法国社会的新兴的社会阶层。 除这些以外 《列那狐的故事》 还传达了一个道理 对人而言,智慧和思想是最最重要的 ,列那无论怎样戏耍别人 ,无论自己遭受到怎样的报复 ,遭遇怎样的危险 ,他总能摆脱险境 。尤其是在一系列的狐狼之争中,列娜总能靠自己的聪明鸡精打败狼 ,密的食物,并化险为夷 。这些都说明能改变人命运的 ,博士出身的 ,地位和玛丽,是个人强大的思想和智慧 。 《列那狐的故事》 充满神奇色彩,令人百毒不厌 笔者有幸在此与大家分享读后感 希望大家能在快乐的一阅读中获取列娜生存法则中的精华,受到教育
百年孤独读后感,最好是不要吵的,200字够了霍·阿·布恩地亚 第一代乌苏娜 霍·阿·布恩地亚之妻 第一代霍·阿卡蒂奥 霍·阿·布恩地亚之长子 第二代雷贝卡 霍·阿卡迪奥之妻 第二代奥雷良诺上校 霍·阿·布恩地亚之次子 第二代雷麦黛丝·摩斯柯特 奥雷良诺上校之妻 第二代阿玛兰塔 霍·阿·布恩地亚之小女儿 第二代皮拉·苔列娜 霍·阿卡迪奥之情妇 第二代阿卡蒂奥 霍·阿卡迪奥之子 第二代圣索菲娅·德拉佩德 阿卡迪奥之妻 第三代奥雷良诺·霍塞 奥雷良诺上校之子 第三代十七个奥雷良诺 奥雷良诺上校之子 第三代俏姑娘雷梅苔丝 阿卡迪奥之长女 第四代霍·阿卡蒂奥第二 阿卡迪奥之次子 第四代奥雷良诺第二 阿卡迪奥之小儿子 第四代菲兰达·德卡皮奥 奥雷良诺第二之妻 第四代佩特娜·柯特 奥雷良诺第二之情妇 第四代霍·阿卡蒂奥(神学院学生) 奥雷良诺第二之长子 第五代梅梅(雷纳塔) 奥雷良诺第二之次女 第五代巴比洛尼亚 梅梅之夫 第五代阿玛兰塔·乌苏娜 奥雷良诺第二之小女儿 第五代加斯东 阿玛兰塔·乌苏娜之夫 第五代奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚(破译手稿者)梅梅之子 第六代有尾巴的婴儿 奥雷良诺·布恩地亚之后代 第七代 “若干年以后,面对行刑队,奥雷良诺·布恩地亚上校将会想起,他父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午。”加西亚·马尔克斯在魔幻现实主义代表作《百年孤独》的开篇这样写道。布恩地亚上校的记忆犹如一滴墨水坠落在宣纸上,无法停止地渲染开来。恰如《百年孤独》这个题目给人的感觉一样,开篇这段话,马尔克斯将时间和空间拉长延展,给读者以脱离现实时间的魔幻般的感受。1965年马尔克斯开始创作《百年孤独》,1967年6月29日小说发表。1982年诺被尔文学奖授予马尔克斯。马尔克斯曾言:“活着为了讲述生活,生活并非一个人的经历,而是他的记忆。”《百年孤独》里描述的那样一个几乎神话般的世界,那里有马尔克斯童年眼中拉美国家真实历史的影射,有近代拉美社会百年变迁的缩影和拉美人民的精神意识,同时也融入了人类百年生存的斗争历史和凝聚的经验和精神,同时还提出了对现代人和社会命运发展前途的思索和探讨。所有这一切的内涵意义使《百年孤独》成为一部具有史诗意义的作品。小说的情节离奇令人迷惘。在小镇马贡多,布恩地亚家族上演着百年的兴衰史。这个家族由衰转盛,又由盛转衰,一百年的历程,转来转去,又回到原来的样子,一切都逃不出一个诅咒。霍·阿·布恩地亚与表妹乌苏拉近亲结婚,阿苏拉担心会像姨妈和姨父近亲结婚那样生出长猪尾巴的孩子而拒绝与霍·阿·布恩地亚同房。布恩地亚于邻居发生口角的时候,布恩地亚因为邻居嘲笑他被乌苏拉拒绝同房而杀了邻居。结果死者的鬼魂搅得布恩地亚一家日夜不宁,布恩地亚家族被迫迁移到小镇马贡多。起初布恩地亚家族人丁兴旺,但是随着内战的爆发和外敌的入侵,布恩地亚氏的命运急转直下,一代不如一代,甚至奥雷良诺·布恩地亚上校领导的32次土著居民起义都以失败而告终。到了第六代奥雷良诺·布恩地亚的时候,因为与姑妈乌苏拉通婚,结果生下一个带尾巴的女婴,正好应验了一百年前吉普赛人用梵语在羊皮纸上写下的密码,而这个密码的破译者就是第六代奥雷良诺·布恩地亚上校自己。这个无疑充满了讽刺的意味。而这个带尾的女婴,被蚂蚁咬烂以后拖入了蚁穴。随后,小镇马贡多消失在一阵飓风中。小说的架构是一个往复循环的结构,不管是情节或者是时间,甚至是人物的名字。马尔克斯将布恩地亚家族和读者拖入一个循环的时空中,让布恩地亚家族去经历循环的命运,让读者去感受布恩地亚家族的荣辱兴衰。作品自身的奇幻还不足以实现魔幻现实主义这一风格的完整性,同时读者在作品阅读过程中的镶嵌也是不可或缺的一部分。作为拉美魔幻现实主义文学的代表,《百年孤独》以复杂的背景和离奇的情节鹤立于拉美文学史之林,作品充满了理想的光辉。遥远的马贡多小镇上发生着离奇的事情:奥雷良诺领导了32次起义结果都失败;第六代奥雷良诺布恩地亚在晚年不断地织裹尸布;奥雷良诺第二则是不断地修理门窗;俏姑娘雷梅苔丝每天要洗好几次澡;小镇马贡多一场骤然而至的雨持续下了四年十一个月又两天,此后十年,马贡多滴雨未下;布恩地亚家族的人对美尔加德斯的磁铁痴迷不已并且反复上当;第七代奥雷良诺是一个出生就有尾巴女婴,却被蚂蚁咬烂后拖进蚁穴;随后一场飓风吹走了马贡多小镇,吹走了一切,比那场持续四年十一个月有两天的暴雨带走的更多……读起来总是给人很虚幻很缥缈如此不真切的感觉。马贡多百年的变迁和布恩地亚家族的兴衰荣辱,是整个拉美社会变迁的一面镜子。布恩地亚家族由于内战和外敌,原本安定的生活转瞬消失,家族命运急转直下。与此相对应,在拉丁美洲,内战连连,又有欧美殖民者的入侵。同时,家族的愚昧也拉美自身落后的写照:家族成员的乱伦与拉美文明程度的低下是相通的。面对落后和愚昧,布恩地亚家族不是追求变革,而只是面对过去,等待着“猪尾巴”的重现。这样不思进取,最终只能导致马贡多的落后,布恩地亚家族的衰败,最后不可避免的被一阵飓风吹光。同样,似乎也在暗示着拉美人民如果不思变革,最后只能面临被淘汰的命运。小说的结局布恩地亚家族连同小镇马贡多消失在一阵飓风中。马尔克斯在《百年孤独》的结尾写道:“就在奥雷良诺·布恩地亚译完羊皮纸手稿的最后瞬间,马贡多这个镜子似的(或者蜃景似的)城镇,将被飓风从地面一扫而光。将从人们的记忆中彻底抹掉,羊皮纸手稿所记载的一切将永远不会重现,遭受百年孤独的家族,注定不会在大地上第二次出现了。”作者对于落后和愚昧的态度是彻底否定的,于是安排了一场飓风队旧事物来了一次彻底的清理。“百年孤独”,既是说拉美落后的时间之长,又从一个侧面反映出作者的心态:对进步和先进的漫长等待。百年孤独,百年的等待。至于这以后,落后和贫穷还会不会出现,没有明确答案,但是马尔克斯的愿望是美好的:“遭受百年孤独的家族,注定不会在大地上第二次出现了。” 所谓魔幻现实主义,以荒诞的形式反映现实,不管马贡多发生的一切有多离奇古怪和扑朔迷离,都是取材于马尔克斯对拉美现实的观察和感悟。对梦想与光荣的向往,对独立与自由的憧憬,在马尔克斯的《百年孤独》中,现实中的追求和希望超越于形式的虚幻,找到了最终完美无缺的结合点。
《百年孤独》的英文读后感 300词左右 高一程度被誉为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”的《百年孤独》,是加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作,也是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学作品的代表作。内容庞杂,人物众多,情节曲折离奇,再加上神话故事、宗教典故、民间传说以及作家独创的从未来的角度来回忆过去的新颖倒叙手法等等,令人眼花缭乱。从1830年至上世纪末的70年间,哥伦比亚爆发过几十次内战,使数十万人丧生。本书以很大的篇幅描述了这方面的史实,并且通过书中主人公带有传奇色彩的生涯集中表现出来。政客们的虚伪,统治者们的残忍,民众的盲从和愚昧等等都写得淋漓尽致。作家以生动的笔触,刻画了性格鲜明的众多人物,描绘了这个家族的孤独精神。在这个家族中,夫妻之间、父子之间、母女之间、兄弟姐妹之间,没有感情沟通,缺乏信任和了解。尽管很多人为打破孤独进行过种种艰苦的探索,但由于无法找到一种有效的办法把分散的力量统一起来,最后均以失败告终。这种孤独不仅弥漫在布恩地亚家族和马贡多镇,而且渗入了狭隘思想,成为阻碍民族向上、国家进步的一大包袱。
英文:Hailed as "the history of social reproduction in Latin America Part hung a picture of the masterpiece" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude", is Garcia Marquez's masterpiece, but also the Latin American magic realism literary masterpiece. Complex content, the characters are many bizarre plot twists and turns, along with fairy tales, religious stories, folklore, and writers from the original point of view the future of the new flashback memories of the past practices so dazzling. The end of the century in 1830 from the first 70 years, scores of Colombia's civil war had erupted, so that hundreds of thousands of people were killed. The book went to great lengths to describe the facts in this regard, and through the book, the heroine of his legendary focus on China. The hypocrisy of politicians, rulers of the cruel, blind obedience and ignorant people have written and so thoroughly. Writer to vivid strokes, vivid portrait of the character of many characters, describes the loneliness of the spirit of the family. In this family, between husband and wife, between father and son, between mother and daughter, brothers and sisters, not the feelings of communication, lack of trust and understanding. Although many people had to break the loneliness of exploring a variety of hard, but can not find an effective way to unify the scattered forces, and finally all ended in failure. This is not only filled with loneliness and Asia in the Boone family and more than the town of Macon, and the infiltration of the narrow-minded thinking, become an obstacle to national progress, national progress, a great burden.
Writers to write this, is to unite the people of Latin America to work together out of loneliness. Therefore, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" steeped in the loneliness of the main connotation of suffering should be the whole of Latin America have been excluded in the process of the modern civilized world outside of resentment and protest, is an author of nearly a hundred years the history of Latin America, as well as the people of this continent's unique vitality, survival, and imagination to the formation of a unique study of stubborn self-confidence.
Finally, it is noteworthy that the history of the book dignified the connotation of sharp criticism of vision, profound self-examination of national culture, the myth of massive metaphor system by a fresh it always runs through the mystery of language. Some critics believe that the novel comes from the mouth of 8-year-old children, Garcia Marquez said this was not too pleased. This is a profound eyes judge. Because such an intuitive, simple and effective language to reflect a new perspective, a backward nation (human child) of self-consciousness. The parties to replace the bitter tears of the spectators, "fool" feel the pains of self-expression to replace the "wise man" looks like a fair criticism and analysis, but also those who received a raise was to fool the objective groups in the effect of deep introspection.
英文:Hailed as "the history of social reproduction in Latin America Part hung a picture of the masterpiece" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude", is Garcia Marquez's masterpiece, but also the Latin American magic realism literary masterpiece. Complex content, the characters are many bizarre plot twists and turns, along with fairy tales, religious stories, folklore, and writers from the original point of view the future of the new flashback memories of the past practices so dazzling. The end of the century in 1830 from the first 70 years, scores of Colombia's civil war had erupted, so that hundreds of thousands of people were killed. The book went to great lengths to describe the facts in this regard, and through the book, the heroine of his legendary focus on China. The hypocrisy of politicians, rulers of the cruel, blind obedience and ignorant people have written and so thoroughly. Writer to vivid strokes, vivid portrait of the character of many characters, describes the loneliness of the spirit of the family. In this family, between husband and wife, between father and son, between mother and daughter, brothers and sisters, not the feelings of communication, lack of trust and understanding. Although many people had to break the loneliness of exploring a variety of hard, but can not find an effective way to unify the scattered forces, and finally all ended in failure. This is not only filled with loneliness and Asia in the Boone family and more than the town of Macon, and the infiltration of the narrow-minded thinking, become an obstacle to national progress, national progress, a great burden.
Writers to write this, is to unite the people of Latin America to work together out of loneliness. Therefore, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" steeped in the loneliness of the main connotation of suffering should be the whole of Latin America have been excluded in the process of the modern civilized world outside of resentment and protest, is an author of nearly a hundred years the history of Latin America, as well as the people of this continent's unique vitality, survival, and imagination to the formation of a unique study of stubborn self-confidence.
Finally, it is noteworthy that the history of the book dignified the connotation of sharp criticism of vision, profound self-examination of national culture, the myth of massive metaphor system by a fresh it always runs through the mystery of language. Some critics believe that the novel comes from the mouth of 8-year-old children, Garcia Marquez said this was not too pleased. This is a profound eyes judge. Because such an intuitive, simple and effective language to reflect a new perspective, a backward nation (human child) of self-consciousness. The parties to replace the bitter tears of the spectators, "fool" feel the pains of self-expression to replace the "wise man" looks like a fair criticism and analysis, but also those who received a raise was to fool the objective groups in the effect of deep introspection.
本文标题: 列哪的复仇读后感(列那狐读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/208443.html