莎士比亚故事集读后感600(《莎士比亚故事集》读后感 (感想600字以上))

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莎士比亚故事集读后感600(《莎士比亚故事集》读后感 (感想600字以上))




书里有The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Nightx27s Dream, Hamlet, Julius Caesar100词左右 高一的水平
As is known to all, Hamlet is regarded as the most spectacular crown Shakespearean plays a diamond, it is the pride of Shakespeare. He lives by "will be of value to the destruction of human to reveal the deep soul and the prospect of mankind and think. The book is endless to silence, silence of the search direction. It will allow just doing the whole rules rules of 1,000 Hamlet "one". According to the development and change of heart, Hamlet in the play can be divided into four stages: the first stage, vuitton university: the prince Hamlet is full of the ruling class society, in his youth, prince vuitton university, full of humanistic ideals. His enthusiasm, love, friendship, love, loyal to their parents, have good fantasies that can achieve ideal. He felt the world is harmonious, richly. "The earth" is "a good framework", "sky" is "a good house", "top layer of the gold inlaid fire ideas", "human is the roof of the universe, the essence of long". "Human is a masterpiece of how wonderful! How noble reason! What a great power! How elegant appearance! How civilized behavior on behavior! How like an angel! In wisdom as a god! How is the essence of the cosmos!!!!!!!!!!" the soul of things long.
I filia, "maria described his courtiers eyes, scholars, the tongue of the soldiers, countries in a charming flowers; forward when the flow of ethics, fan, remarkable center". Claudius and said, "he is careless of mass delight", "the general public to his great affection". The second stage, the father mother married and died because of aspiring regicide uncle who prince Hamlet heart: the ideal - father suddenly die, but not a month his beloved mother and marry her husband's brother, claudius. Significant changes, Hamlet to love, friendship, and ideal start, he began to doubt "bubble", "one woman," suspected society and life. These he created the "who". The cruel reality, let Hamlet feel "earth this a good framework" into "to the vast sea of a desolate mountain cape", "the sky this tabernacle", "top good this layer with golden fire", "the idea of roof is just a lot of" together "jealousy. People, just a bit of clay. "To be or not to be? This is the question." "who died because of their oppressors, and mocked abuse, arrogantly, bear the reproach of pain, court brokenhearted, the government, do the drudgery of high-handed manner, let little genius apparent pride a kick out..." The third stage, "play" before the prince Hamlet to confusion: find out what ghosts and a situation similar drama gong zack's death ", added a few lines, to make daily performance testing claudius, crimes were confirmed. "Want to know! Originally is one of the devas rule, now what is the throne sits? A big - peacock." This sentence is the key to understand all the action of Hamlet. Claudius crimes only exists in the society of the evil one. Hamlet's father enmity and pushed by the tide of reforming, puts forward a great mission. This reflects its ability and broad mind and the height of the social responsibility. Is an entirely to challenge the impossible dream, a kind of any individual cannot achieve the dream. He fell and the contradiction between the social existence, don't say no action, even thought way is slim. The fourth stage, the court before the sword, "if the prince hekun walls" letter of Britain to borrow wang hand DiaoBao Hamlet, killing Hamlet return journey of planning and Denmark, and thus successfully treat death attitude to grave digger prince of god and god has deepened the superstition. The harsh reality that he must be thinking in claudius. The sword of the king of old, rape and add new crimes crimes, the prince take decisive action, oneself also destroyed. He finished the task for the father, but no vengeance is impossible to accomplish the mission of reforming course. Reading this book, feel very depressed, don't know why Hamlet is unpredictable. A "era, horrible, dislocation BanZheng make it come naturally" grandiloquence immediately replaced "to be or not to be, that is a question worth considering this desperate sigh. Actually, Hamlet is a slight awkwardness in understanding and the soul shoulder not commensurate with the ability to act. Use of Goethe: "this is a tree to plant on a should only be open tender flower vase." Hamlet, a pure, noble, moral, intellectual, and have the determination and only to replace behavior, may not be hero, is the "vase", That he cannot afford, almost to all have no, but not shirk responsibility, is that the revenge. "" oak plants
Once the oak roots ", "vase" inflation is not to break, this is a tragedy. Hamlet, people in the vulnerability and the environment is so cruel to other opposite but this unique personality, appear in the connotation and extension of dense, also appear in broad and researched. It was said that some experts, Hamlet and not an objective outdated, but the role of each person. "To be or not to be, that is a question," because just happened in Hamlet of these things sparked him for life philosophy thinking, in all his life, he is ShunNi won't consider this question, then he saw the bright side of life, is that life is beautiful, and now, the sudden tragedy forced him to face life dark side and an ugly side of human nature. Can say, Hamlet to life in the dark side still have a better understanding. He is blind to it all. Now the cruel reality, forcing him to face it. He a presentiment that he had been inevitable into a tragic fate. If his father's death was the father, for revenge his life became an unshirkable mission. And he is the king of the enemy, want to kill him, affirmation is not an easy thing, but no matter how difficult it is, the death of his father, and he must report the current task is to come up with a clever way to check whether his uncle killed his father. Plot, plot against and slaughter, these are against the nature of Hamlet kind pure, but also the mission of his revenge. In the life of the mood of Hamlet carry on a heavy heart, all revenge mission hatred, make his heart, he and heavy overcast into the abyss of pain. For death "do all that concerns into a coward, determination of red sheen, by careful thinking cap on a layer of gray, great undertakings in this regard, also currants turne away. Lost action." Hamlet in matters of life and death of doubt in his future is foreshadowed in revenge, pass a hesitant to easily revenge. It's only because in revenge pray, that he might kill him into heaven, it would be too expensive. This is a description of the DuanXinLi activity to show him the fundamental questions unanswered life philosophical thinking, this problem for each has profound implications. Calm down and in fact, he is probably the one Hamlet in the side of a person, the change process of Hamlet is not everyone experiences are? The everyone is unable to avoid. When in childhood, youth, no real society into all the time is full of joy in the eyes of the prince, everything is fine, everything is so fresh and curiosity, then there are too many dreams and think for yourself, let the dream to cope with all too late and how might have time to sad and oneself have nothing to do so? When the children to grow up slowly began to become the salad, meet with some minor things, so in this time is more sensitive to the heart, however still retains the childlike innocence of childhood, have good for something still, when things better result of the dream of the ideal, or, when will become very sullen even pessimism, then the children of all around are so ugly and hate, let children feel a society, the world is particularly brutal, think oneself too innocent to escape from reality. When the experienced some cruel things or, to do any time to think, recites thinks right action, but just worry too much, miss again, sometimes the chance to miss the opportunity to themselves instead will also find excuses to get rid of the inner disappointment and empty, more will be to prove to everybody own helpless and innocence. The consideration in half-baked or recklessly helpless action after failing to their own will still find all kinds of excuses so as to improve their appearance, but are ever think to do so in the end only instead is self-defeating. Experience is a kind of wealth, then let students learn moment caress your mind, slowly, in later years, in the teaching, slowly towards the earth belongs to his own expectations, and closer to the dream.


所周知,哈姆雷特是莎士比亚的代表作之一,莎士比亚在剧中成功地塑造了哈姆雷特这一艺术形象,使其成为家喻户晓的人物。 哈姆雷特是怎样一个形象呢?先简单描绘一下剧情。剧中丹麦王子为父复仇的故事取材于公元1200年的丹麦史,莎士比亚的复仇剧在众多的改编中推陈出新,成为戏剧史的一大奇观。剧本开始是丹麦动荡不安的社会局面,新国王克劳狄斯(即哈姆雷特的叔父)以杀兄之暴行,夺取王位,霸占王后,并企图置哈姆雷特于死地。克劳狄斯是一个自私阴险的家伙,许多人从恶如流,王后禁不住情欲的诱惑委身于他,而哈姆雷特昔日的情人和朋友也成为新国王的密探,大臣波洛涅斯趋炎附势,为了保护个人的既得利益,变得圆滑世故,失去正直之心。在这种情况下,哈姆雷特由原来是“快乐王子”变成“忧郁王子”,严酷的现实击败了他昔日的梦幻和信念。哈姆雷特在父亲灵魂的提示下得知真凶就是他的叔父,开始了他的复仇计划。但由于他的犹豫不决和骨子里的软弱,使得复仇计划一再拖延。最后,终于在比剑的时候手刃仇人,而自己也倒了下去。 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚在1601年完成的作品,当时正是欧洲文艺复兴运动之初,人们对上帝的信仰开始动摇。在个性解放,关注“人”这一大背景下,莎士比亚创作出这样一部剧本,表现出理想与现实背后的隐患,《哈姆雷特》正是他对充满隐患和混乱社会的一种审美参照,正是这样,一个艺术人物开始登上世界文学舞台。 哈姆雷特说:那是一个荒芜不治的花园,长满恶毒的秀草”,世界“是一所很大的牢狱”。这些意象象征性地告诉我们,上帝失落了,而魔鬼却活着,世界变成冷酷的世界,变成一个颠倒的时代。这样一个时代的哈姆雷特却是一个处于理想于现实中的矛盾人物形象,是一个人文主义者。这些观点和众多学者是一致的,我以为哈姆雷特作为一个悲剧人物,更有其自身的特点。 哈姆雷特不具备一个王子,未来国王的气度和胆略。哈姆雷特在复仇中一再拖延,错过许多良机,比如在克劳狄斯忏悔的时候,他完全有能力有机会把罪恶的国王杀死,而他却以为克劳狄斯是在向神忏悔,这个时候杀死他不仁慈,会受到神的责怪。这从一个侧面反映了哈姆雷特的人文主义精神,却更能反映他遇事的不果断和缺乏勇气。一个王者通常是不讲游戏规则的,哈姆雷特为他所具的人文气质所害,导致最后悲剧的发生。 哈姆雷特是一个偏激和悲观的人物。他的言行在后来越来越游离于为父复的责任和重新夺取王位的社会责任。在现实的压抑下竟然想到了自杀“早早脱身而去”,“谁愿意负着重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下流汗?”然而一想到死后不仅要坠入一片虚无的世界,而且灵魂有不得安宁,他在心头又升起对死亡的恐惧。在这样的想法下人就显得十分卑微和不足道,充满了悲观的情绪。 哈姆雷特的内心充满矛盾和斗争。从以上文字中也能看出哈姆雷特心中的这种矛盾心理。在矛盾心理的作用下,使他一次次成为“思想的巨人,行动的矮子”,就是这种心理使得复仇成为泡影。这种矛盾心理让他犹豫和悲观,在一次次机会面前,读者比他还着急。 虽然是以悲剧结尾,但我以为,哈姆雷特的使命已经完成,他可以走了。在最后克劳狄斯设下诡计,企图通过比剑杀死哈姆雷特,但哈姆雷特却杀死了和他比剑之人,并在其临死之前得知剑上有毒,拿起剑来结束了恶魔的生命。这一次,他没有忧郁,没有令所有的人失望,在生命的最后一刻亲眼看到了仇敌的死亡。我以为哈姆雷特之前一直懦弱和犹豫,悲观和偏激,而在临死的时候,他却成功地完成了角色的转变,揣着一个真正王子的梦去了。 哈姆雷特就是这样的一个艺术形象,四百年来任人评说。莎士比亚通过内心冲突个剧情冲突把一个人物推上世界文学舞台,一直受观众和读者的喜爱,言之不尽。在世界文学史上,哈姆雷特这一鲜明、生动的人物形象,在人们心里,已经不朽了。
.:弜 .鰰 2008-07-24 20:15 评价答案
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本文标题: 莎士比亚故事集读后感600(《莎士比亚故事集》读后感 (感想600字以上))
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