怎样把作文写好 这遍有什么不足之处 请指出

发布时间: 2021-09-12 11:57:50 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 作文 点击: 127


怎样把作文写好 这遍有什么不足之处 请指出




跨越那一道墙rn 对于我们这种在知识的大海里徜徉的学生来说,最大的困难莫过于那一个个令人百思不得其解的难题了,它们像一道道墙柱当着我们前进,所以我们总是绞尽脑汁把它们攻克。rn 那天,窗外正下着倾盆大雨,远处的景物一片朦胧,雨点敲击着大地,荡起一圈又一圈的涟漪。我正端坐在窗前,思考着一道数学题,它给了我们一个长方形,把它分成四个大小不一的三角形,却只告诉了其中一个三角形的面积!这下,我犯了难,冥思苦想也没得出个所以然来。雨仍然淅淅沥沥地下个不停,敲打着地面。我又查书又翻资料,可也就是找不出一点眉目来解题。 我紧皱着眉头,努力回忆着以前做过的题目,希望能有些线索。忽然,我灵机光一闪:“对了!我用算式不行,用方程总行吧!”可是,到底设哪一个未知数呢?我不禁又陷入了沉思。设长方形面积?不行。设三角形面积?也不行。设……想了半天,我突然眼前一亮,对!设长为x!顺着这条思路,我很快找出了等量关系,兴奋不已地算了起来。不料,这道题难度太大,一列方程这才发现解不出来。我一会儿咬着笔头,一会儿撑着脑袋,怎么想也想不出来,窗外的雨依然纷纷扰扰地下着,使原本郁闷的我越发烦躁, 正当我百思不得其解即将放弃时,我猛然想起了以前老师讲过的方程。想起了这个解法,我不禁兴奋地拍起了手,埋头仔细算了起来。可是,当我运用各种规律即将成功的时候,却又出现了一个新的问题——等号前后符号不同!我叹了一口气,再度陷入了沉思。此时,窗外的大雨渐渐地小了,没有了之前的狂暴。 我默默地思考着,可却依然没有一点头绪。忽然,爸爸以前的话又萦绕在耳际——“方程左右两边可以同时扩大若干倍,加减可以抵消。”我霎时间茅塞顿开,一切问题迎刃而解,不一会儿,一个数字“4”呈现在我眼前。“别高兴太早!”我提醒自己又验算起来。哇它完全正确!我再也按捺不住内心的喜悦,开心地叫了起来:“我想出来喽!”雨停了,太阳公公的笑脸又重新露了出来。rn 我终于战胜了这个困难,越过了这一堵墙,更明白了一个真理:只要尽自己所能,不懈地努力,就一定能克服困难,尝到成功的喜悦!


题目:随着微博的普及,许多行业精英或公众人物通过微博发布消息和表达观点,给社会带来不同影响,现在,请你用英语就此写篇简评,内容包括:rn1、上述情况日趋普遍rn2、这种做法的利与弊rn3、微博是否应受到监管?为什么?rn注意,词数120左右rn With technology developing , micro-blogs is popular with people.Especially industry elites and public figures .Posting informations ,expressing opinions as well.It is micro-blogs that infiuence our life .However ,anything has its advantages and disadvantages.I think micro-blogs has some advantages .rn First of all ,the reason why most people can get some informations is that some people are posting informations on micro-blogs.Besides,it can bring us more convenience and close our relationship.We can keep in touch with industry elites and public figues wherever we are .How helpful it is! On the contrary ,if they post some informations which are unture,it would make people worried .This is worthy of attention.rn As far as I am concened ,I support the first view.What is more ,govement need keep watch on the micro-blogs.As long as using it properly ,it not only can contain your knowledge,but also can reduce stress.
1. With technology developing , micro-blogs is popular with people.Especially industry elites and public figures .Posting informations ,expressing opinions as well.It is micro-blogs that infiuence our life .However ,anything has its advantages and disadvantages.I think micro-blogs has some advantages .
改:With technology developing , the micro-blog becomes popular. Industry elites and public figures are especially in favor of it; they post informations ,express opinions by micro-blog, and this starts to influence our life. Though every coin has two sides, i think micro-blog has some advantages.

2. First of all ,the reason why most people can get some informations is that some people are posting informations on micro-blogs.Besides(Secondly),it can bring us more convenience and close our relationship.We can keep in touch with industry elites and public figues wherever we are .How helpful it is! On the contrary ,if they post some informations which are unture,it would make people worried .This is worthy of attention(This is THE OTHER SIDE of it).
改:参考括号内文字。THE OTHER SIDE是指上面说的two sides,advantage是一个side, 另外一个side就是worried的东西了。

As far as I am concened(concern) ,I support the first view.What is more ,govement need keep watch on the micro-blogs.As long as using it properly ,it not only can contain your knowledge,but also can reduce stress.
改: 第一句重复了,删掉。Government should make regulations and supervise the micro-blog, as long as it is used properly, it can expand your knowladge and reduce stress.

本文标题: 怎样把作文写好 这遍有什么不足之处 请指出
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/zuowen/156064.html



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