

There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
2. 他是那种没有头脑容貌漂亮的人。这种人冬天的时候应该一直待在这儿,因为那时我们没有花儿可欣赏;夏天时也应该一直待在这儿,因为我们需要一些东西来清醒我们的理智。
He is some brainless , beautiful creature , who should be always here in winter when we have no flowers to look at , and always here in summer when we want something to chill our intelligence .
3. 丑陋和愚笨的人拥有这个世界上最好的便利,他们能够随意而坐,张着嘴看戏。
The ugly an the stupid have the best of it in the world . They can sit at their ease and gape at the play .
4. 如果他们对胜利一无所知,他们至少省去了对失败的了解。
If they know nothing of victory , they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat .
The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessaery for both parties.
Conscience and cowaedice are really the same things.
Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship ,and it is far the best ending for one .
You like everyone , that is to say , you are indifferent to everyone .
A man cannont be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
10.我忍不住厌恶我的亲戚 。我猜它产生于一个事实,我们当中没有人能容忍其他人拥有与我们自己相同的毛病。
I can't help detesting my relations . I suppose it comes from the fact that none of us can stand other people having the same faults as ourselves .
11. 天赋比美丽更持久,这也就是我们所有人都极力让自己过分地接受教育的原因。
There is no doubt that genius lasts longer than beauty , that accounts fou the fact that we all take such pains to over-educate ourselves .
Those who are faithful know only the trivial side of love , it is the faithless who know love's tragedies .
Each class would have preached the importance of those virtues , for whose exercise there was no necessity in their own lives .
The rich would have spoken on the value of thrift , and the idle grown eloquent over the dignity of labour .
15. 摆脱诱惑的唯一途径是向诱惑屈服。
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it .
16. 你拥有最绝妙的青春, 而青春是一件值得拥有的东西。
You have the most marvellous youth , and youth is the one thing worth having .
17. 别挥霍你的黄金时代,别去聆听冗长乏味的东西,别设法改进毫无希望的失败,别将你的生命献给无知,平庸和粗俗。
Don't squander the gold of your days , listening to the tedious , trying to improve the hopeless failure , or giving away your life to the ignorant , the common and the vulgar .
18. 活着, 将你精妙的内在生命活出来!
Live ! Live the wonderful life that is in you !
19. 总是,这是个恐怖的词汇。女人非常喜爱用这个词。她们通过尝试令浪漫永续而毁了每一种浪漫。
Always ,that is a dreadful word ,women are so fond of using it . They spoil every romance bu trying to make it last for ever .
20. 朝三暮四与永生的激情的不同之处就是,朝三暮四会持续得更长。
The only difference between a caprice and a lifelong passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer .
21. 你能喜欢我多长时间呢?我猜是知道我出现了第一条皱纹时。
How long will you like me ? Till i have my first wrinkle , I suppose .
22. 在现代生活里,罪孽是唯一真实的色彩元素。
Sin is the only real colour element in modern life .
23. 一个有身份的人, 他清楚的东西足够多了;如果一个人没有身份,他清楚的任何事对他毫无益处。
If i man is a gentleman , he knows quite enough , and if he is not a gentleman , whatever he knows is and for him .
24. 慈善家会丧失所有的人性, 这是他们与众不同的特征。
Philanthropic people lose all sense of humanity , it is their distinguishing characteristic .
25. 每一件赏心悦目的东西背后, 都存在着一些悲剧的东西。
Behind every exquisite thing that existed , there was something tragic .
26. 情感的优势就是使我们误入歧途,而科学的优势就是它不轻易动感情。
The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray , and the advantage of Science is that is not emotional .
27. 人类太过严肃了, 这是世界的原罪。
Humanity takes itself too seriously . It is the world's original sin .
28. 为了恢复青春, 只需要重复曾经做过的傻事。
To get back one's youth , one has merely to repeat one's follies .
29. 男人结婚是因为疲惫,女人结婚是因为好奇,记过双方都会失望。
Men marry because they are tired , women, because they are curious , both are disappointed .
30. 终其一生只爱一次的人是真正的肤浅者。他们称自己忠诚和忠贞,我称之为惯性的慵懒,要不就是缺乏想象力。
The people who love only once in their loves are really the shallow people . What they call their loyalty , and their fidelity , I call either the lethargy of custom or theri lack of imagination .
Ordinary women never appeal to one's imagination , they are limited to their century .
32. 当一个人陷入爱情时,总以欺骗自己开始,又以欺骗别人结束。这是世人所称的浪漫。
When one is in love , one always begins by deceiving oneself , and one always ends by deceiving others . That is waht the world calls a romance .
33. 大多数人破产的原因在于在单调的生活里投资过多。为了诗意而将自己毁掉则是一种荣誉。
Most people become bankrupt through having invested too heavily in the prose of life . To have ruined one's self over poetry is an honour .
34. 我想让罗密欧嫉妒,让世界上死去的爱侣们听到我们的欢笑,然后生出忧伤。我想用我们充满激情的呼吸, 扰动他们化成的灰烬从而回复意识,让他们的尸体清醒而感到疼痛。
I want to make Remeo jealous , I want the dead lovers of the world to hear our laughter and grow sad . I want a breath of our passion to stir their dust into consciousness , to wake their ashes into pain .
35. 人们非常喜欢放弃自己最为需要的东西, 我称之为深层次的慷慨。
People are very fond of giving away what they need most themselves ,it is what I call the depth of generosity .
36. 有些毒药是如此的难以捉摸,以至于想清楚它们的性质,你自己必须也要中毒。
There were poisons so subtle that to know their properties one had to sicken of them .
37. 普通人一直等着生活将其秘密揭露给他们, 但对少数人,对被选择之人,在生活的面纱还未被拉开之前,其中的神秘就已经被展现出来。
Ordinary people waited till life disclosed to them its secrets , but to the few , to the elect , the mysteries of life were revealed before the veil was draw away .
38. 孩子们通过爱他们的父母而开始,当他们长大一些就会判断父母,有时也原谅他们。
Chrideren begin by loving their parents , as they grow older they judge them , sometimes they forgive them.
39. 当贫穷蹑手蹑脚溜进门,爱情便通过窗子飞进来。
When poverty creeps in at the door , love flies in through the window .
40. 无论何时,一个人去做一件愚蠢至极的事情,往往是源于最崇高的动机。
Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing , it is always from the noblest motives .
If a personality fascinates me , whatever mode of expression that personality selects is absolutely delightful to me .
42. 我想穷人的真正悲剧是他们无法负担任何东西,除了自我牺牲。
I should fancy that the real tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self-denial .
Beautiful sins ,like beautiful things , are the privilege of the rich .
44. 没有一个文明人为享乐而悔恨,没有一个人不文明的人了解什么叫享乐。
No civilized man ever regrets a pleasure , and no uncivilized man ever knows what a pleasure is .
45. 女人将他们生命中最珍贵的东西给了男人,可她们总是想一点点要回去。
Women give ti men the very gold of their lives , but they invariably want it back in such very small change .
46. 只有两类人真正令人着迷,无所不知人和一无所知的人。
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating -people who know absolutely everything , and people who know absolutely nothing .
47. 永葆年轻的秘密是永远不要有不合时宜的情绪。
The secret of remaining youth is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming .
48. 女人能够改造男人的唯一方法就是让他彻底感到厌倦,这样他会对生活失去任何兴趣。
The only way a woman can ever reform a man is by boring him so completely tha he loses all possible interest in life .
49. 往事的魅力在于它已经成为了往事。但是女人们从来都不知道帷幕何时降落。
The one charm of the past is that it is the past .But women never know when the curtain has fallen .
Taking someone else's admirer when one loses one's own.
51. 我们生活在这个时代,读了太多的书以至于无法聪明,思考得太多以至于无法漂亮。
We live in an age that reads too much to be wise , and that thinks too much to be beautiful .
52. 但凡对人生有任何一点了解的人,谁都会向这令自己的余生永葆青春的机会投降的。
Who knew anything about life , would surrender the chance of remaining always young , however fantastic the chance might be ,or with what fateful consequences it might be fraught .
53. 如果我们谁都不说它,它就等于从来没发生过。正是表达给了事务切实存在的证据。
If one doesn't talk about a thing , it has never happened . It is simply expression that gives reality to things .
54. 只有那些懦弱的人才需要好几年的时间来摆脱某种情绪,一个能够把握自己的人才能够轻易地结束忧伤,如同创造快乐一样。
It is only shallow people who requires years to get rid of an emotion , a man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure .
55. 我有新的感情,新的思维,新的想法。我不再和以前一样了,但你不能因此而减少对我的爱。我发生了 一些变化,但你必须永远做我的朋友。
I have new passions , new thoughts , new ideas . I am different , but you must not like me less . I am changed , but you must always be my friend .
56. 过去的事总是可以被毁灭,通过后悔,否认或者忽略就能做到。
The past could always be annihilated , regret , denial or forgetfulness could do that .
57. 我们错过了那么多的事物,却不过只是为了一些渺小的目的。
58. 有时候他简直把邪恶当作实现他对美的审视的一种方式。
There were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through which he could realize his conception of the beautiful .
59. 我是喜欢听说别人的丑闻,但是我对自己的丑闻毫无兴趣。
I love scandals about other people , but scandals about myself don't interest me .
60. 在这个国家,只要有名气,又有头脑,就足够让大众对你说三道四的了。
In this country it is enough for a man to have distinction and brains for every common tongue to wag against him .
I want you to lead such a life as will make the world respect you .
I want you to have a clean name and a fair record .
62. 看看你的灵魂,只有上帝可以做到。
To see your soul , but only God can do that .
63. 别提曾经的岁月了,它们已经死了。
Don't speak about those days , they are dead .
64. 女人再婚是因为反感第一任丈夫,而男人再婚是爱慕第一任妻子。女人需要试试运气,而男人则需要冒险。
When a woman marries again it is because she detested her first husband , when a man marries again , it is because he adored his first wife . Women try their luck , men risk theris .
65. 女人爱我们是由于我们的不足。如果我们拥有足够的不足,她们可以宽恕我们任何事,甚至是我们智慧。
Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them , they will forgive us everything , even our intellects .
66. 男人可以与任何女人和谐相处,只要他不爱她。
A man can be happy with any woman , as long as he does not love her .
67. 带有敏感以及精致性情的人始终是这样。他们的激烈情感必须或者碰撞或者屈从:或者杀死别人,或者毁灭自己。
WIth subtle and finely-rrought temperaments it is always so .
Their strong passions must either bruise or bend : they either slay the man , or themselves die .
68. 小悲小爱得以生存,大悲大爱则由于自身丰富而毁于一旦。
Shallow sorrows and shallow loves live on , the loves and sorrows that are great destroyed by their own plenitude .
69. 世上唯一恐怖的东西便是厌倦,那是不可饶恕的罪孽。
The only horrible thing in the world it ennui , that is the one sin for which there is no forgiveness .
Destiny does not send us heralds , she is too wise or too cruel for that .
71. 我不恐惧死亡,而死亡的临近才让我恐惧。
I have no terror of death , it it the coming of death that terrfies me .
72. 女人是多么热衷冒险啊。只要有其他人旁观, 女人便可以与世界上任何人调情。
How fond women are of doing dangerous things .
A woman will flirt wiht anybody in the world as long as other people looking on .
73. 灵魂是一种可怕的现实,能够卖卖 ,能够交易,能够被毒害,也能够使其完美。
The soul is a terrible reality .
It can be bought , and sold , and bartered away , it can be poisoned , or made perfect .
74. 人向最公平的上帝所祈祷的,应当是“严惩我们的恶行吧”,而不是“宽恕我们的罪孽吧”
Not "Forgive us our sins" but "Smile us for our iniquities '' should be the prayer of man to a most just God .
75. 往事还是不想为好,什么都不能更改了。
It was better not to think of the past , nothing could alter that .