
发布时间: 2025-02-09 16:58:34 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 80



青蛙公主 英文读后感

Go ahead and pucker up. Because long before "The Princess and the Frog" is over you'll want to smooch the charming couple, air kiss a romantic firefly and hug a voodoo queen in this foot-stomping, smile-inducing, heart-warming animated twist on the old Brothers Grimm frog-prince fairy tale.
That might make "The Princess and the Frog" seem like a creature of ancient times, particularly since kids these days are raised on 3-D flash. The effect, though, is the opposite. After being bombarded by so much computer-generated, motion-captured high-and-higher jinks, the film feels fresh -- a discovery, or a rediscovery, depending on your age.
At the keyboards, we have the always flavorful Mr. Randy Newman creating a spicy gumbo of blues, gospel, jazz, Dixieland and, because we are in the Big Easy, a dash or two of zydeco along with the Tobasco (nothing says "now" like product placement).
There's plenty of razzle-dazzle, starting with Anika Noni Rose, the perky third of the "Dreamgirls," who's lending her fabulous pipes to Tiana, the hardworking lovely with big plans at the center of this story. Yes, a prince on the side might be nice, but this career girl from humble beginnings has her eye on an empty warehouse that will make a fine restaurant where the flappers will be hot, the jazz will be cool and the food oh so divine.
Though there are all sorts of barriers to be broken and despite a day job as a maid that has her forever pinching pennies, Tiana is not one to give up. That shouldn't come as a complete surprise since she has the ultimate overachiever in Oprah as her mama, though for some reason directors John Musker and Ron Clements, who wrote the script with Rob Edwards, call her Eudora. No matter.
This being New Orleans, the dark arts are a major factor in the story with Keith David's Dr. Facilier making so many deals with so many devils it will make your head spin and possibly frighten some little ones when those voodoo masks start multiplying and moving.
In keeping with the ethnic blend, the song and dance man with the Hugh Jackman good looks, only darker, is Prince Naveen (Bruno Campos), from the mythical kingdom of Maldonia. Whether it's a worry about offending African Americans with "cartoonish" exaggeration, or a desire to make the film palatable for white audiences, or both, the animators have been very careful with their pens when it comes to drawing black characters on the page. Just about everyone here has "good hair," and Tiana could be Halle Berry's kissing cousin. So while it's not Disney's first time at dipping a toe in multicultural waters -- "Aladdin," "Mulan" and " Pocahontas" were there first -- "The Princess and the Frog" still feels like baby steps.
With all of Dr. Facilier's scheming, Naveen is about to be green anyway, which makes him very jumpy, especially since there are gun-toting moonshiners who fancy frying up his legs. He was supposed to be kissed by Charlotte (Jennifer Cody), a rich Southern belle, but in a mistake of monumental proportions, he smooches Tiana instead and we have two frogs, not one, and no happily ever after in sight.
The rest of the film trots out many of the swampy tropes of childhood -- always be good, be careful who you trust, follow your dreams, it's what's inside that counts. But what could be tried as well as true is not, because the filmmakers have done to the bayou what Mardi Gras does to the French Quarter -- put music, magic, light and laughter everywhere.
There are the big Broadway-style numbers we've come to expect from Disney musicals of that only slightly bygone era, the kind that let the animation team go wild. One of "The Princess and the Frog's" best comes when a swarm of fireflies seeks a blind voodoo queen named Mama Odie (Jenifer Lewis), who might be the only one powerful enough to break Dr. Facilier's curse. Led by a hopeless romantic named Ray (Jim Cummings), a bit of a dim bulb, the bayou turns into a high-kicking extravaganza with singing and dancing swamp critters pulling off complicated choreography while Louis (Michael-Leon Wooley), a gator with a jazz obsession, blows a really mean trumpet.
Clements and Musker are pretty much Disney born and raised with two of the studio's best musical showstoppers, "The Little Mermaid" and "Aladdin," heading their résumés. With "The Princess and the Frog" they've gotten just about everything right. The dialogue is fresh-prince clever, the themes are ageless, the rhythms are riotous and the return to a primal animation style is beautifully executed.
So shake a stick at those Grimm Brothers, when it comes to princesses and frogs we now have a beautiful, boisterous sister in charge.


The Frog Prince is about a princess and the frog. The Frog Princess golden promise to help out, but must meet its aspirations. In desperate conditions Princess promised it requirements. The princess got the ball and ran away, she is pretending to frog. The frog came to the palace for the princess put him on the chair, sat beside the princess to eat her food, and then asked her to take it to bed. The princess is reluctant to let it and live with myself, then throw it against the wall, it was turned into a prince. Through this story let me know to be trusorthy, promised to other people's things cannot go back. As good as gold will allow you to make many friends. The bad faith of the people would not have true friends. 青蛙王子讲的是一个公主和青蛙的故事。 青蛙答应帮小公主捞金球,但必须满足它的愿望。在急切的条件下小公主答应了它的要求。公主拿到金球后就跑掉了,她是假装答应青蛙的。 青蛙来到王宫里要求公主把它抱上椅子,坐在公主旁边吃她的菜,然后要求她把它抱上床。公主不情愿让它和自己住在一起,于是把它扔在了墙上,结果它变成了王子。 通过这个故事让我知道了做人要守信用,答应别人的事情不能反悔。一诺千金会让你交到很多朋友。不守信用的人就不会有真心的朋友。   《青蛙王子副班长》读后感 《青蛙王子副班长》是这本书的第一部分,这本由素有“阳光姐姐”之称的伍美珍作者阿姨编写,其中主角秦逸超一家为这个副班长职位可闹了不少事。 这个秦逸超是个胖男孩儿,被别人叫成“胖青蛙”,十二岁的他,最喜欢电脑和社会新闻。他旁边有一个总跟他闹别扭,而又很要好的朋友:华旺德,由于秦爸爸是一个电脑高手,“胖青蛙”秦逸超特别崇拜爸爸。小家伙还真能,自己办了个名叫:“胖青蛙的池塘”博客。但,副班长可不好当,面临着又霸道又凶狠的班长大人,事事欺负男孩儿,当然,副班长秦逸超也名列其行。渐渐,“胖青蛙”秦逸超厌倦了无聊的副班长“生涯”。有一天,班会课上秦逸超讲了一个青蛙王子的故事,加上关心社会大事和上课的一番发言,得了青蛙王子的好名。 《我不是班级小丑》是这本书的第二部分,学习不好的徐葱,弄得全家不亦乐乎。 搞笑、发呆是十二岁徐葱的特点,由于学习不好,最害怕老师的批评,最害怕爸爸的暴骂,最讨厌他的同桌,死党:钱城。对她来说,更大的死党是妈妈和表姐许亚婷。一个对徐从来说是个大灾难,他的妈妈要凶凶的表姐许亚婷来交他功课。 我太喜欢这本书了!这让我心地开朗,懂得了不要用一贯的老眼光看人,要对自己有自信的道理。我真是受益无穷啊!   鬼地方


The Frog Prince is about a princess and the frog. The Frog Princess golden promise to help out, but must meet its aspirations. In desperate conditions Princess promised it requirements. 

The princess got the ball and ran away, she is pretending to frog. The frog came to the palace for the princess put him on the chair, sat beside the princess to eat her food, and then asked her to take it to bed. The princess is reluctant to let it and live with myself, then throw it against the wall, it was turned into a prince. 

Through this story let me know to be trusorthy, promised to other people's things cannot go back. As good as gold will allow you to make many friends. The bad faith of the people would not have true friends. 





本文标题: 青蛙与公主的英语读后感(青蛙王子英语读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/408407.html



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