
发布时间: 2024-12-20 15:16:13 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 75




《远大前程》In this summer holidays, I read a book called < Great Expectations>, it was written by Charles Dickens, one of the most famous English writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his compositions.
People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem.
If we never possess anything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we don’t want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor.
The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up ‘by hand’. His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didn’t have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isn’t very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met Miss Havisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich.
Four years later, Miss Havisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and educated as a gentleman who expects inherit a fortune when he grow up.
After hearing that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashamed because he live with the poor man . Pip’s ‘great expectations’ destroyed his life.
This novel told us that we cannot compare with others .Don’t feel envy at the others money. And if one day you be very rich , please don’t despise your poor friends. 希望对你有用!


There was a girl called Dorothy and she is a lovely girl with long red hair. Because of a cyclone, she started her interesting adventures with her dog Toto. She made friends with a tin man, a scarecrow and a lion. Her friends had different weak points. The lion is a coward, the scarecrow had no brains and the tin man had no heart, too. But Dorothy helped them and at last, they got everything they want . The story is exciting, and I like Dorothy best. Because she is brave all the time. She was not afraid of the lion and she could shout at a lion. Though the lion is much bigger and stronger than her . I think she is also kind. She was kind to everyone around her, especially her friends. That’s the reason why they can get what they want at last. All of their dreams came true and they were very happy. They tried their best to help each other in the way to the Emerald City. It’s a happy ending and I think Dorothy and her friend will never forget the experiences. So do I.


1.重要的事情中四班孩子们忙工作然后他们的老师,安德伍德小姐,说: ' 我有非常重要的事情要告诉你。’她笑着说: ' 新来的男孩就会来到我们班。他的名字是奥托和他来自远、 很远的地方。事实上,他来自外层空间......'(这将是在地球学校的奥托的第一天。他是在这里。..)门打开了,一个男孩走了进来。他看上去就像其他的孩子-但他是以不同的颜色。他是绿色的。安德伍德小姐告诉奥托与 Jo 和查理和 Josh 同坐。然后她看着 Jo,并补充说,' 我要你照顾我们新来的男孩,给他一只手,如果他需要它。’'请小姐,' 说奥托。' 我不新。我是七个半月。而且我已经不。看看 !’' 哦,奥托 !' 小姐安德伍德笑了笑。' 只是坐下来,亲爱的。’奥托坐了下来。然后他说,' 我不认为我可以是一只鹿......,但我可以庸医像一只鸭子。’他舞动着手臂,像翅膀一样,走了: ' 嘎嘎 !呱 !呱 !’查理加入: ' 嘎嘎 !呱 !呱 !’安德伍德小姐在奥托笑了笑。' 没有 quacking n 类 !' 她说。然后她皱皱眉头查理。' 查理 !' 她说。' 你知道得更好 !获取与您的工作。’' 是不公平的 !' 查理发牢骚。' 麻烦,和那个新的男孩不会 !’当查理决定他不喜欢奥托。他不喜欢他一位。 2. 查理很生气 奥托作了很多错误。查理回靠着他的椅子。奥托试图做同样的事情。但他摔下来........达到如此所有油漆。现在查理是绿色太-和他并不感到高兴。查理得到盛年和盛年和盛年。在游戏的时间,当奥托还是在操场上,查理决定吓唬他。查理说: '是否你站在那里,你就会被吃掉了一只熊,由'。' 熊 !在哪里?' 奥托尖叫起来。查理 goggled。' 我们保持熊头的办公室中。地球的所有学校都有一只熊,' 他说下去。' 有时熊获取......,有时它是饿了 !’看着很害怕的奥托 3. 寻宝 那天下午班了寻宝。所有的孩子都期待着它。安德伍德小姐给每一对儿童的相同的线索。我也想要在工作中与奥托一对,她说: 对裘。' 梨中工作吗?'说奥托' 如何?它将必须是大的梨。不太多汁。我们都可以领到粘滞。’裘笑了。' 哦,奥托 !什么你都不懂 !’寻宝开始。查理同乔希。裘同奥托。这是他们不得不遵循的线索:(在教室门口开始。然后沿步行。不要去右。然后你就不会错。) ' 意味着什么呢?' 说查理。乔希说: '我不知道,'。' 但当小姐安德伍德把财宝藏最后一次,它是在操场上。’' 咱们去那儿吧 !' 对 Josh 查理说。' 快速 !我们将第一次。’奥托跳起来跟随他们但查理了一个计划。他伸出他的脚和奥托绊倒。' 您旅行愉快 !查理笑了,和与 Josh 跑掉。Jo 起来帮助奥托。其他所有的孩子跑出教室,和随后查理和乔希。他们转向操场上正确的。裘叹了口气。' 现在我们将成为最后一个。’'我们不会是最后一个,' 说奥托,' 因为他们都将以错误的方式。看一看的线索。’(在教室门口开始。然后沿步行。不要去右。然后你就不会错。奥托指出在线索。' 它意味着我们从这里开始-在教室门,我们不要变权-因为这样做是错了。我们必须左转。’他们与其他的孩子在其他方向出发。查理和 Josh 寻找宝藏在操场上,他们已经越来越受够了。查理说: '没有什么在这里,'。' 让我们在学校里看。’他们走回学校的礼堂,过去的总办事处,这是当他们看到它......' 有一只熊 !' 查理说。' 真的有 !’他们跑回他们的教室尖叫。' 帮助 !帮助!我们已经看到一只熊。’ 4. 哦,奥托 Jo 和奥托曾左转身走在走廊上。' 看起来 !' 说奥托。有一个箭头,它指向花盆。Jo 捡起锅,发现一张地图。在地图上有另一个线索。(线索数字 2按照这张地图,如果你想要做得更好。只是看你在哪里找到的法术了。)Jo 和奥托之后到学校图书馆的地图。Jo 再次宣读了线索:按照这张地图,如果你想要做得更好。只是看你在哪里找到的法术了。' 我明白 !' 说奥托。' 看看那里一堆拼写书。这就是我们会在其中找到"紧箍咒"!’' 你这样,奥托 !' 说裘。拼写书堆,背后有一盒的金色的硬币。' 善 !' 说裘。' 那是巧克力的钱 !’在教室里,回 Jo 和奥托共享出宝藏巧克力。' 但与 Josh 和查理的事是什么?' 问奥托。一些其他的孩子都笑了。' 查理和 Josh 认为他们看到了一只熊 !’' 熊 !' 说奥托。' Jo 告诉我被弥补这个故事来吓唬我。’查理看了感到羞耻。他说: '那其实不是一只熊,'。' 这是头大新外套挂在门......''但是看起来就像一只熊,' 说乔希。查理和 Josh 去了明亮的红色。别担心,奥托说。' 每个人都会犯错。吃巧克力。’查理说: 我很抱歉我取笑你,'。查理看上去那么伤心小姐安德伍德为他感到难过。她说: '我们会原谅你,查理,'。' 我们都有坏天。’她笑了笑。' 你和 Josh 似乎今天已经失去了你的头,!’' 哦 !' 说奥托。' 须看他们的头,小姐吗?我擅长发现的东西 !
本文标题: 典范英语8级刺猬女孩读后感(典范英语7“刺猬女孩艾蜜”英文故事梗概是什么)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/399525.html



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