黑布林时光隧道小说读后感(黑布林英语《时光隧道》读后感 英文)

发布时间: 2023-08-15 04:13:19 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 97


黑布林时光隧道小说读后感(黑布林英语《时光隧道》读后感 英文)














Some time ago, my
girlfriend recommended the film Just Visiting to me.I really appreciate it.
Because the heroine of this film is a sweety girl. Just like my lively girl
friend. Of course, the hero is a little same as me. I am not a knight, but my
girlfriend is a princess in my heart.
In the beginning of
this film, it said that we will come to the future, but frist the past. It's a
really charming film. I am especially
like fairy tales when I
was a child. Now, I have grown from a baby into a
man. The mystical film
made me remember my childhood.
In the film, Jean Reno
and his servant Christian Clavier went to a castle for marrying with the
beautiful princess. But a mean minister hired
a ugly witch who use a
evil spell on them. Sadly, Jean Reno killed his fiancee. For bring the princess
back to life, the kinft ask his serwant to
find a wizard. But the
confused wizard make a mistake. He let the Jean Reno and his serwant come to the
future. Then a number of funny business happened.
In the future, the
knight see a girl who is exactly the same as his beautiful princess. In fact,
the sweety girl is his great-great-great-grandson. She has a cunning boyfriend
who called she little rabbit. And she call him big bear. But her boyfriend has
another very sexy and fashionable girlfriend who he called tiny tiger. Christian
also find his girl who worked for a fat man. They love each other at the first
time meeting. Love is so magical.
Every one is unque in
this film. Brave knight, faithful serwant,beautiful princess,lively
maidservant,attractive sweetheart and so on. I hope I can get a so romantic
love. I hope I can get a desperate journey with my girl. I hope I can always be
the knight of my princess,miss Ma. She is not only my little rabbit and but aslo
my tiny tiger.Just like I write the article with the love from the bottom of my
heart. Because I love the film, but more for my girlfriend!


读后感是谈论性较强的读书笔记,要用切身体会,实践经验和生动的案例来说明从“读”中悟出的道理。因而,读后感中既要写“读”,又要写“感”,既要叙说,又有必要说理。叙说是谈论的根底,谈论又是叙说的深化,二者有必要联络。 读后感以“感”为主。要适当地引证原文,当然引证不能太多,应以自个的言语为主。在体现办法上,可用夹叙夹议的写法,谈论时应重于剖析说理,案例不宜多,引证原文要简练。在结构上,通常在最初归纳式提示“读”,从中引出“感”,在侧重表达感触后,结束又回扣“读”。


Jan makes a time capsule for her History project and buries it beside the apple tree in her garden.
Then one night during a terrible storm something strange happens.
Jan travels through time.
Is she in the future?
Or is she in the past?
And how can she get back to the present?(以上英文梗概来自原著故事简介)
本文标题: 黑布林时光隧道小说读后感(黑布林英语《时光隧道》读后感 英文)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/326558.html



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