
发布时间: 2023-01-25 00:30:41 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 91




美国宪政历程:影响美国的25个司法大案》可以读读,不过个人感觉文字不是很好,建议从林达的近距离看美国看起,然后读读何帆翻译的那几本书,九人啊,大法官说的算 还有布莱克门传等 小说类也可 很推荐 吉迪恩的号角 杀死知更鸟是一种错误  然后配到写美剧 如波士顿法律 辩护律师 good wife 等


推荐《Gidden's Trumpet》关于Due Process的改革。里面有特别详细的关于最高法院工作流程的描写,以及对于习惯法这个概念的完美诠释,故事非常感人,有种热泪盈眶忍不住要为大法官们起立鼓掌的冲动。作者文笔极好。他的另外一本书,《批评官员的尺度:纽约时报诉沙利文案》,关于宪法第一修正案的变更也值得一读。难得在于宪法以及美国司法系统讲得清晰易懂,而故事又格外精彩有趣,原本枯燥的法庭审判被写的一波三折,完全可以当小说来看。而且作者安东尼-刘易斯的一手资料大部分来自于当事人和大法官本人,细节翔实


Title of the book: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Author: Roald Dahl
Publisher: Puffin Books
A chocolate factory was a very simple factory with machines and workers there. Mr. Willy Wonka’s factory was different from the others because he used unusual ways to make chocolate and candies. He used unusual workers too, the Oompalompas. In addition, he made unusual candies such as an ice cream that would never melt, even in the hottest sun and chewing gums that never lost taste. It was really amazing!
My favourite character is Mr Willy Wonka because he was a genius of making candies. He used a chocolate waterfall to mix the ingredients into the best way to make chocolate bars. He made tomato soup, roast beef and blueberry pie into a gum! People did not have to cook any more, just had a gum! He got many other useful invents to make his impossible ideas become true! The businessmen around the world only wanted to earn money through selling food. They should learn from Mr. Willy Wonka. It was because he opened his factory for the children in which showed he was glad to share his work. That was why I loved him.
Although Mr. Willy Wonka wished to share his work with the others, some people might just want to get the secret prize. They didn’t care about what Mr. Willy Wonka did, except the prize. Violet always showed that she was the winner and always thought about winning the secret prize. Her parents taught her badly because they taught her to win the secret prize by all means. Some people might buy a lot of chocolate to get the golden ticket, like Veruca. Veruca’s parents spoiled her. They bought everything that she wanted, even if it cost a lot. She got two dogs, four cats, six bunny rabbits, to parakeets, three canaries, a green parrot, a turtle and a hamster, but she still wanted a trained squirrel from the factory. She was never contented. Her parents bought over thousands of chocolate to find the golden ticket. It was a waste of chocolate. I hated Violet Beauregarde and Veruca Salt most. They were the most terrible kid I’ve ever seen in books. Luckily, they learned a good lesson in the factory. In the fairy tales, bad guys usually won’t have good endings. However, this book is different. In the story, Violet became a blueberry and Veruca fell into an incinerator eventually.
Augustus Gloop was very greedy, especially in chocolate. His life was only eating and eating. Although he was in a dangerous situation, he was still eating. That was why he fell into the chocolate river in the factory. Cupidity caused bad results. Mike Teevee always believed he was right and he didn’t listen to the others’ opinions. He was stubborn. It was hard to bear with him. Most of the children were stubborn like him. They always thought what they did was correct. It might cause them lose, just like Mike Teevee. He became tiny at the end. Although he was brave, he didn’t think of the result. Therefore, he failed to win the prize.
Charlie Bucket was the best kid of all. Although Charlie’s family was very poor and they couldn’t afford too many bars of chocolate, he still got a golden ticket by luck. In the whole adventure, he just kept silent and listening to the others. He didn’t do badly like the other children. This was the reason why he was the only one that could stay until the end. At last, he won the factory because he was the best of all. He didn’t think of getting a prize, even a bar of chocolate. He just enjoyed the visit and nothing else. Children should be pure like him. They shouldn’t be as bad as the other four characters.
My favourite thing in the factory is the glass lift. It could travel to any room by going up to down or left to right, even out of the factory! It was amazing. If there was a real lift like it, it would be the greatest invention of the century! I’m sure that everyone would like to have one.
Greedy thought of people is unlimited. People want anything that is valuable and useful so they did anything to look for them. Like the four children’s parents, they did many things to take a golden ticket for their children because they all wanted to get the prize. However, Charlie was different from them because his family was poor. He didn’t get much toys so he didn’t get much cupidity when compared to the others. He went to the factory for a visit, not for the prize. We should learn from Charlie because he knew what was contect. Money could buy many things, but it couldn’t buy true happiness. Only the children like Charlie could have the true happiness. The four children were born in a rich family but they couldn’t learn what true happiness was. They didn’t win anything and left the factory sadly as a result. They just learnt a precious lesson there. I hope everyone who reads this book would know the meaning of the story.


本文标题: 关于英美司法案例的书读后感(法官手记读后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/279012.html



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