
发布时间: 2022-11-20 20:46:49 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 98






The New World is a flop!
Hi Everyone,
I must first tell you that I am in no way a movie critic. I just felt an obligation to inform everyone about the truth about this movie. I went to see this movie last night with my fiancé. The movie started out with promise. You were introduced to beautiful scenes of what is supposed to be 17th century Virginia. The only flaw I found here was that the music was irritating. It was a very loud group of strings which were pulsating for minutes on the same two tones.
I was very excited when the cast appeared and the story began. The first 20 minutes had plenty of conversations between the characters. But after that the movie went down hill. When we are introduced to Pocahontas the story was believable. The only problem is that she never really talks. You hear a narrator in her voice (as if you were hearing her thoughts) but her entire lines to the other cast, John Smith included, could have been placed on one page of the script. The story has no real fight scenes or action of any sort. My fiancé wanted to leave one hour in but I made her stay in hopes that this movie was just waiting for some climax.
First I must say I do not mind chick flicks. If there is humor, love, action or sports I am all for it, but this move lacked all of the above. All Pocahuntas kept asking herself is, "Who am I......Who am I." She falls in love, but never talks to him...he leaves...she falls in love again, never talks to him (maybe has a kid, I couldn't really tell), maybe wants to leave him.....and so on.
I am not lying when I tell you that the FEMALES IN THE THEATRE WERE SLEEPIN! All their dates were waking them up. When the movie was over you could hear one man say, "think God" from the back of the theater and a lady in front of me say, "That was the worst movie of history!" Just please save your money and go see Harry Potter again or something. Maybe rent this movie but I wouldn't even do that.
You can go and see this if you want but all I can figure by the rating is that people went and say this movie and were so bored that they decided to come home and vote that the movie was good. Now they are laughing at me because I wasted my money on it. It was the only way that they could find humor in wasting 2.5 hours of there life.
本文标题: 新世界读后感豆瓣(看完《新世界》这部剧你有怎样的感想呢)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/252459.html



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    扫地的读后感300字作文(扫地的感受30字之内)雷锋精神代代传读后感(《少年红色经典 雷锋》读后感)