高三英语原版小说写读后感(高中水平 英语小说读后感 100字)

发布时间: 2022-11-06 19:09:37 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 110


高三英语原版小说写读后感(高中水平 英语小说读后感 100字)

适合高中生看的 英文小说 读后感 急!

急需一篇适合高中生阅读的小说的英文读后感 要中英文对照 150到200字即可 注意 一定要是内容健康的!
Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothic elements.


要参加比赛,1000词左右,我选的是一个女人悲惨的爱情故事,有什么好的创意,比如分段,小标题之类的写作方式 谢啦
1. why to read original edition novel   
要想真正提高外语水平,阅读原版小说是必经之路,正如不是每个人都能成为外语高手一样, 不是每个人都能够有毅力读完N本原版小说的.(我特佩服门卫,能够把一本<飘>都上N遍,如果我有这种毅力的话,早就成为高手了…)   2. fundamental conditions   
语法:系统准确的掌握语法. 基本上,如果是E,高中毕业以后这一点都达到了
词汇: 熟练词汇>2.5k, 认知词汇>5k   
一本E-E,或者用文曲星代替,但我偏好字典----词汇认知学指出,词汇的记忆效果与词汇的检索时间正相关(我现在读法文,由3本D, F-C,F-E,F-F)   3. 选材,仁者见仁,就我个人而言, 我偏好当代中篇作品(我现在选了一本Marcel Pagnol 写于1957年的<父亲的荣耀>, 280pages)   4. 前期工作:
查找百科全书或相应的工具书,了解到作者的生平,作品,世人的评价.   5. 阅读中的词汇学习:
每天阅读6 pages(6X225=1350字),在阅读过程中碰到new words先做标记,读完后再查D, 把生词记载在本子上,并及时背诵(我现在最怕的就是这一点,会不会半途而废???)   6. how to read   
我准备默读, 这是我的习惯,朗读太费尽了,泛读也没有意义,介于精泛之间   7. read what   
  记得AS以前告诫我,要多学词法,少背词汇, 可惜一直没有好好的实行, 现在,我就以法语作为实验品吧…再次谢谢AS!!!
  我准备把注意力集中在届词,练词,动词上面,因为名词和形容词的用法太简单了,不知这样是否OK?   8. how to digest
每读完一章写一篇读后感,相当于开卷考试,经常并及时背诵本子上的new words 9. 结语


临近期末,师命作业,奈何杂务,繁重艰辛,无暇顾及,故斗胆求文,以解燃眉。望能解我困厄,千万叩谢,善哉!善哉! 以下说说些小要求:请别复制网上那些易于见到的文章或者范文,例如那些《飘》之类的,要是那样,我也会了,最好是自己写的,不要文采斐然,但求真实朴素,水平要大一左右就可以了,最好有300字左右,请发到我的邮箱775205186@qq.com 分数不多,万望笑纳.
Loyal to his duty
< > > -- captain 1349 feeling after reading (words),
I read a famous French writer Hugo write "captain" deeply touched. This article about Hal's captain in "Normandy" liner was "Mary" big ship collision nearly-sunk, calm command 60 passengers and crew orderly to escape, but he stood at the captain position with deep sink, together with the ship's story, praising Hal captain loyatly lofty spirit.
As the captain prodect so loyal to their duties of many.
The han dynasties loyatly soup is widespread, and the stories from early, huan huan is big, very valued his splendor was done by the door. One day, wu emperor SiFang tiny light path, because, until midnight to hurry back to his house. At that time, what soup is guarded the emperor, open the sun gate after the break, how he grinding his door open, set out, in violation of the house door. Everyone thinks what soup, thought to catastrophizing next morning, but give any soup an emperor breakfast.
Known as "the guard's Nemesis, the criminal, dedication, and the model of" being pivot RenChangXia faithfully perform the party and the people gave the sacred duty of people, serves the masses, law enforcement, be honest and upright, punishing evildoers. She was three years in dengfeng city bureau long, she led police work in dengfeng opened, created the social environment in peace and contentment. She explained to practical action to the party, to our motherland, loyal to the people, loyal to the law of the people's police, politics in the post responsibility, conscientious.
I once saw a story: American economists had hired goel housekeeper loyal. First, because the present continuous to some countries had felt tired and lecture sleep, commanded the housekeeper, no matter who call all don't disturb him. Things happened, just sleep, goel britney's just phoned in blyth, anxious for goel focused on economic issues. Despite the President stressed that something very important, but the housekeeper or loyatly, not wake master.
During the SARS period angels in white, regardless of personal safety, to save their patients, patients were successful rescue, but the angel in white lie in bed, and some even ceased, Fire warriors to protect people and the national property, fear no sacrifice and burst into flames bravely, The police to justice, courage, and struggle against criminals never... All these examples illustrate this four words: loyalty!
Loyalty is that everyone should have the virtue. Doctors to make, the teacher must imparts knowledge and educates people, the military will defend the country, workers, farmers high quality will be better, students will learn lessons lands... Because thousands of people to be loyal to their duties and economic development, ZuGuoCai will rocketing!
We shall cultivate teenagers from duty of virtue. Finish your learning from serious tasks, starts from the start, do not keep anything not carelessly, perfunctory, do a good young strong responsibility.我翻译了第一篇
本文标题: 高三英语原版小说写读后感(高中水平 英语小说读后感 100字)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/245493.html



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