
发布时间: 2022-11-04 12:45:32 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 95




  ed nearly the whole brood to death .One that escaped ran off to his mother with the dreadful news."and ,oh ,mother !"said he ,"it was a beast -such a big four footed beast!-that did it .""Big?" quoth the old frog ,"How big?Was it as big" -- and she puffed herself out to a great degree-"as big as this ""oh!"said the little one ,"a great deal bigger than that .""well,was it so big "and she swelled herself out yet mer

我想要一篇寓言故事的英语读后感 要简单易懂的

是读后感 中文也帮忙贴出来 差不多150个单词左右 谢谢
Making His Mark 刻舟求剑
A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river in a boat when his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat. "This is where my sword fell off," he said.
When the boat stopped moving, he jumped into the water to look for his sword atthe place where he had marked the boat.
The boat had moved but the sword had not. Is this not a very foolish way to look for the sword?


  Spring is past, it's summer. Busy little ants began to prepare for the winter food. Can the grasshopper but in branches on rest, play. He saw ants are preparing for the winter food and felt very stupid, he now preparing food, they laughed at him. Ants ignored him, continue to carry the winter food.
  Winter arrived, the grasshopper due to always naughty and lazy, not for the winter food, cold and hungry. He found the ants, begging ants give yourself a little food, ants agreed. See gobble the grasshopper, ants tell him: "do after all want to earlier." The grasshopper listened, feel very ashamed, so determined to later want to learn. Ants
  Ants do anything early, because he knew QianJinHouSong truth. And the grasshopper but and ants on the contrary, he know only a waste of time, to a critical moment, he begged for others. We want to study the ant cherish the time of quality and hardworking spirit.
本文标题: 英语作文寓言故事读后感(寓言故事读后感要英文的要尽量7年级水平的格式:)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/244310.html



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